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Everything posted by LoooSeR

  1. Battles near Israel-Syrian border.
  2. http://www.gazeta.ru/social/news/2015/10/03/n_7665593.shtml SANA: in the south of Syria (Deraa province), 700 insurgents voluntarily surrendered to the authorities, about 500 fled or deserted. (03.10.2015). This is not a first time (i watched at least several similar events) insurgents surrender to SAA, pretty frequently they start they fight along SAA against other insurgents and terrorists later. As bloody dictators, big part of them will be simply amnestied after giving fingerprints and checks by special services (to exclude radicals and suicide bombers getting to state-controlled territories). Russian (possibly) airstrike recorded by allakhakbars. Their allakhakbars sound a little sad.
  3. Head of the Main Operational Directorate of the General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces, Colonel-General Andrei Kartapolov confirmed earlier US media rumors that the Russian Air Force has recommended to US Airforces to stop flying in RuAir-Space forces are of Syrian airspace: "The Americans have informed us in the course of contacts that no one except the terrorists are located in this region... One morning of September 30 our representative in Baghdad, General Kuralenko, was informed by the American military attache in Iraq on security Colonel Hadi Petro... This information was communicated to our foreign colleagues not only by the Defense Ministry, but by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs... During these contacts, we recommend to withdraw from the region trainers and advisers, as well as the valuable specialists who were prepared on American taxpayers money. We also recommended to stop flying aircraft in the areas of operations of our aircraft ..." General of trollforces of Russian Federation, ready for internet combat!
  4. Funny thing - our MoD twitter made a small mistake, which it corrected, but Internet remembers... First tweet - "... about results of actions of Russian airforces on territory of Russian Arab Republic"
  5. Stats from Avakov [a known personallity in Russian part of internets of Ukrainian political sphere]: "Highly portable complex "Stugna-P" on the basis of CF MOTO TRACKER. Maximum firing range - 5 km. The tandem-warhead HEAT. 24.5 kg. 100mm caliber. Armor-piercing - at least 550mm. Maximum speed of vehicle - 105 km/h Hi, Russian tanks!"
  6. SAA Lebanon-produced 122mm caliber MLRS on off-road car chassis, used by some SAA units near Homs.
  7. If you looked at a map of our airstrikes, than you will see that moderate terrorists in close proximity are getting majority of attention from our bombers. Reason is simple - weaken those groups to simply secure the base and give more strategic space for further actions. And here is one possible way of events, that will happen in next 4-6 months - airtrikes currently are first step: cutting out fixed infrastructure of warfare. Then it will be the second phase: destruction of infrastructure of economic basis of war. Third stage: cutting and prevention of the delivery of weapons and other supplies for warfare of gangs [from other countries]. First [terrorits/insurgents groups] that should be hit - foreigners, then regional/locals. But in the end - strangulation and the elimination of gangs.
  8. Su-34 (number "25 Red", from the same unit as "22 Red" i posted earlier) with 2 KAB-500S satellite guided bombs. Su-25s weapon load OFAB-250 are used (HE "dumb" 250 kg bombs). Su-24s Su-30SMs use ECM/EW (electronic countermeasures) "Sorbtsiya" pods on wingtips
  9. Russian Air/Space forces base, Panstir-S1.
  10. For the past day [3rd of Oct] 20 missions were carried out by Su-34, Su-24M and Su-25 aircrafts. 10 objectives were destroyed. Su-25s attacked terrorist training camps in the area Kesladzhuk, Idlib province. As a result of the impact destroyed militant hideouts and a workshop for the manufacture of improvised explosive devices, including "suicide bomber's belts" Su-24M and Su-34 bombers striked 8 ISIS ["ISIS"] sites around Jisr al-Shughur, Idlib province. Pinpoint strikes in the area destroyed 3 warehouses with ammunition, weapons and inventory of terrorist gangs. As a result of direct hits by guided KAB-500 bombs warehouses caught fire, detonation of munitions was also observed. Concrete-piercing BETAB-500 bombs destroyed four CPs of terrorist forces. Structures, which the militants used, are completely destroyed. As a result, a warehouse with arms and materials stocks was destroyed, 5 armored vehicles are damaged. Su-24s and Su-25s done 3 consecutive strikes against command post and the ammunition depot near the town of Maaret En Nuuman. All targets destroyed. In the vicinity of Et-Tabka, Raqqa province, Su-34s used guided KAB-500 bombs to hit the center of special training of militants and weapons warehouse. As a result of numerous explosions of ammunition, the center for the training of terrorists is destroyed. Airstrike on command post near Jisr Esh-Shugur. Buildings, in which the militants were hiding, were completely destroyed. Bombs hitted the ammunition depot of terrorists located in the area of Jisr Esh-Shugur. As a result of a direct hit on target there is a detonation of ammunition and several fires. 3 successive air strikes on ammunition depots and control posts militants near Maaret En Nuuman. The footage shows target hit by all bombs. There is a detonation of ammunition and a large-scale fire. The object is destroyed. Airtrikes against camp in forest areas near Kesladzhuk, Idlib province. Big badaboom One more -
  11. Thanks, seems to be worth watch it.
  12. Situation near Hasakah
  13. Report (official) about Russian airstrikes in Syria during 2nd of October. http://bmpd.livejournal.com/1500865.html From airbase "Hmeymim" Russian Air Space forces carried out 14 missions (Su-34, Su-24M and Su-25), during which 6 attacks on targets ISIS terrorist group was conducted. " Su-25 shturmoviks, during strikes in Maaret En Nuuman region, Idlib province, completely destroyed a terrorists factory, disguised as a large gas cylinder production facility, which actually produced land mines and improvised explosive devices. Video: Also, Su-25s destroyed base and storage area for arms and military equipment of terrorists. As a result of strike, more than a dozen pieces of equipment burned, among them - infantry fighting vehicles. In the region of El Latamna in the province of Hama, Su-34 bombers with guided bombs hit underground command post of terrorists. According to the control, by a direct hit of the bombs a command post and other undeground infrastructure were completely destroyed. In the same area, the Su-25s, bombed two bunkers which were used as Command base and terrorists warehouses. As a result of a hit, ammunition detonated and completely destroyed the objective. In the district of Khan Shaykhun, Idlib province, precision strikes by Su-24M bombers and Su-25s destroyed a CCP of ISIS militants.
  14. Lockheed Twister on display at the Aberdeen Proving Ground, 1968.
  15. Lamborghini Genesis, 1988, desgined by Giorgetto Giugiaro.
  16. BMW 2800 Spicup concept car by Bertone, created in 1969 on the basis of the serial BMW coupe 2800 CS (E9). The public saw this car for the first time at the Geneva Motor Show in 1969.
  17. A small photoshoot of the Jaguar Ascot concept car, created in 1977 by Italian car design studio Bertone for the British company Jaguar.
  18. BMW Nazca M12 This concept car was developed in 1991 by the Italian automobile designer Giorgetto Giugiaro commissioned by the German car manufacturer BMW. Just 3 cars were made.
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