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Sturgeon's House


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Everything posted by LoooSeR

  1. MilitaryMediaSy maps on Tiger forces operation in North-Eastern part of Aleppo province. Later:
  2. Harakat Nujaba (Iraqi paramilitary) in Syria, probably near Khanasser. SAA T-90 near Khanasser
  3. Maps! Petya's map on Deir EzZor US airstrikes on SAA and NDF in Deir EzZor and ISIS attacks: MilitaryMediaSy map of progress in Eastern Homs province.
  4. I guess money savings are main reason. And lack of serious experience in Turkish army departments that are responsible for purchasing equipment.
  5. Russian soldiers in Palmyra, 2016.
  6. Shahed-129 is an Iranian UAV used in Syria and AFAIK Iraq. I also would not be surprised if it have some Chinese parts.
  7. Denis is slightly butthurted by our MoD http://twower.livejournal.com/2054636.html What is wrong on this picture?
  8. Prokhod-1 UGV/robot to clear roads from mines and IEDs. Either controlled by operator or moves according to programm. Was shown at Army-2016, vehicle use new TMT-C trawl, with build-in jammers, it creates 4.5 meters wide clear paths for vehicles. Vehicle created on the chassis of BMR-3MA. Vehicle completed all state tests, BTW. Vehicle used for remote control mode:
  9. Venezuela Hey, look between engines at that missiles!
  10. Zvezda about Strategic aviation Cooking with Tu-160 http://charly015.blogspot.ru/2017/01/el-tu-160-y-el-tu-95ms-al-detalle.html And cooking with Tu-95
  11. Ru MoD confirmed 6 Tu-22M3 were used to conduct strikes near Deir EzZor. Finally they are in the mix now.
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