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Everything posted by xthetenth

  1. This is a Good Decision. Everybody look at this man and acknowledge his skill and wisdom, for despite being half blinded by his desk he got a good keyboard, improving every keystroke he makes.
  2. Oh. Oh my. I've been lusting after that engine for a while now.
  3. The Romans didn't really have a concept of trying to exterminate a people, but vae victis was in full effect in general.
  4. I'd say that taking it back to the latin word gens and to some idea the roman concept of a gens is more useful than genotype in this context, since those were semi-distinct segments of the roman nature with some degree of internal autonomy and distinctive custom. Actions by a nation or group with the intent to destroy/remove (when serious destruction is used in that process) a cultural/racial subgroup in its entirety would qualify as genocide by my understanding.
  5. Website as default? My web browser loads my (currently 355) open tabs when started. Ten or so of those are Sturgeon's place.
  6. Yeah, the velcro was very nice for tying things out of the way. The SSD trays on the back were also great to have to let me pop out the second drive cage and get good airflow going. This thing's nice and quiet even when gaming and it barely ever gets to where the fans ramp at 40 C.
  7. Meanwhile I actually prefer my monitors to be brighter than my case and desk so I can see the screen past the glare. It took me a while to get the pictures together but I recently went from this: to this: Which looks like this with all the lighting ready and on. (Colors may vary, I alternated between green and red for december) Got an i7 4790k, 16 GB of RAM and a nice clean case to live in. The backside looks like this to get that nice clean window view, it's not that bad considering I can tie down the hydra: And the desk setup, plus view of all the boxes for things that might someday get returned (haha no): That's a pair of 1440p IPS screens.
  8. I'm vaguely worried that NASA needed to be told that practicing Russian Roulette is a bad idea but thankful they were told it in as many words.
  9. Kaiser Bill the be-baby armed was pretty awful, so that's a pretty understandable sentiment.
  10. Yep, that's how it should work for the windows install. I'll upload pictures of my build relatively soon too. Just haven't been able to make myself get the pictures to a place where I can share them easily.
  11. I find it a bit strange how often people make arguments like the one about men being more expendable. Men aren't any more expensive to make, and if anything, it's conflating the value of people as agents of biological reproduction in a case where everyone's trying their hardest to make more people and stay ahead of high lethality and people in an economy where they just don't find it worth their time and effort to breed above repopulation numbers, where the costs of having a child have overtaken the perceived benefit. The second is a very different problem from the first, and that one's a problem that's probably got a lot to do with really fully using women as workers, so we haven't had much time to think that through. I'm not sure the high levels of individualism for people and the nuclear family we promote are really fully compatible with both an entirely working society and a working society.
  12. Numbers of people don't matter nearly as much as how many things you have to put under a pie cutter to destroy the country's infrastructure, and I'm rather confident the nuclear club has had that made quite clear to them. I don't think China has had rhetoric about killing x million with nukes not being enough because the remaining y will be able to fight and win because it's not a matter of killing a given number of people, it's drawing circles on a map that just so happen to correspond with all the brightly colored bits on a population density map and be centered on the things it takes for a nation with urbanization to keep a supply of the machinery and foodstuffs it needs to keep eating. Plus it turns out that getting nuked breaks expensive things, and it'd be a huge hassle to make major economic reforms and get rich just to have to do it again.
  13. I'd say heavily invested in a terrible system and had been propagandizing for so long that they believed their own line that equality between whites and blacks would lead to the hypothetical calamity depicted in Birth of a Nation. It's one of the very few perspectives that actually gives a good rationale for why poor whites who didn't on the face of things stand to gain from the preservation of slavery on the face of things thought it was a matter of such compelling self-interest that they willingly fought and died for it, and then continued the fight until they destroyed freedmen's rights. It also explains why support for the cause was so seriously tied to the presence of slavery, and areas without much slavery like the Appalachian bits of North Carolina were so unenthusiastic about seceding.
  14. Independence and a continuation of chattel slavery weren't in the cards, because those were changes the North wouldn't tolerate (not because they were all SJWs entirely opposed to slavery for moral reasons but for a bit of that and a lot of non-anti-racist reasons such as fears of the Slave Power). That doesn't mean that what they won wasn't very significant, and they won it by making it too painful in blood and more importantly money to continue to impose the desired order on the area. They won the preservation of the southern social order predicated on the total subjugation of blacks. Compare the early postbellum governments with regard to things like representation for blacks to what the South managed to win for themselves in slowly decreasing amounts to this very day. Considering that equality for blacks and whites was very strongly presented as something that would end Southern "civilization", I'd contend that subjugation of blacks (and preventing whites from getting as ill-used by the aristocracy) was the main goal of the resistance to reconstruction, and that was achieved. In that sense, there is a part of the country that remembers a time when armed citizens were able to resist the Federal Government trying to impose itself on its way of life, and being able to preserve the key aspects of that way of life.
  15. Neat. I haven't gotten around to taking the last pictures of my build but it's together and working. I think I'll unplug the extra LEDs in the case though, the ones on the side are enough for non-holiday lighting needs.
  16. What about Reconstruction? The terrorists won and won big. The problem isn't winning field battles, it's winning the small stuff that damages the stability of the state until the conventional military is too expensive to run and makes it a very unhealthy act to be a civilian standing up against the insurgency. That's pretty hard to stop, and the worst thing is that armies have gotten more expensive but haven't gotten that much better at what deals with that sort of action.
  17. Yeah, that's for all weekends and the closed beta or it's for the alpha period after this weekend, and you'll know from the email.
  18. There was a lovely spate of cartoons recently using MLK by using him as a mouthpiece for disapproval of what's been happening of late. It got me wondering, when did MLK become this generation's WEB DuBois, who the establishment points to and wonders why you aren't well-behaved like he was? This brings to mind an interesting chapter in history, when the Black Panthers fought against the NRA and Reagan to preserve their right to bear arms to give them power to resist law enforcement overreach. It's like a palette swapped version of the militia movement, but only one was able to keep access to firearms. As far as the firearms themselves goes, there's already plenty out there, why build new? I bet you could do just as well with surplus, used and other cheap weapons as a new build unless you got serious economies of scale going.
  19. But the dinosaur is a noble beast of burden: I've got to say the biology talk was really cool. The results of the simple mechanism are really neat. I wish I knew enough to come up with a really awkward question about the way the concept of species doesn't really map neatly onto the way morphology actually works in practice.
  20. Look, it's only fair that armored decks including west Germans are better mechanized infantry decks than most mechanized decks. :eugen: For something that is a semi-solution and will likely become considerably more of a solution after the Scandinavian DLC and we can really sit down and work things out: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/Uralgraznomod
  21. The Mandalorian Armor trilogy was pretty fantastic because KW Jeter is a legit author and came up with more cool weird stuff than basically everyone else ever, and the books Allston wrote for the X-Wing series are worth saving even if not as canon because they read like a highlights reel of a really fun PnP RPG game. Other than that, KotOR 2 is fantastic and well worth saving.
  22. I'm somewhat amazed that the Star Wars EU actually got worse than when I read it. There were like one and a half actually worthwhile series ever. But that people got teary about that becoming not canon is horrible.
  23. The worst thing is that as far as the public consciousness goes, it doesn't matter which way the debate goes or what the science is as long as they create the impression of a debate. Once they've ginned up the illusion of a debate they've won because every step in the debate is given a bit of air time, and every one but the last gives the illusion that there's a debate, so the more debates happen the more people think are still going and the more problems they think there are.
  24. Don't forget incredible wealth. Although they also get exposed to parasitic hangars-on before they can get any knowledge on managing that sort of money.
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