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Everything posted by Ramlaen

  1. https://m.facebook.com/1st-Battalion-66th-Armor-Regiment-Iron-Knights-243233719060040/
  2. https://www.army.mil/article/182638/picatinny_engineers_double_range_with_modified_m777a2_extended_range_howitzer
  3. That is a different mounting bracket on the turret side than the old TUSK 2 pictures.
  4. Michigan, Pennsylvania and Ohio would receive much less attention without the EC. And they are low population compared to California, New York, Texas and Florida.
  5. That was the another thing, our presidential elections are an amalgamation of over 50 separate elections.
  6. Yeah I realized that was a derp as soon as I posted it. But Bush Jr., Clinton, Nixon, Kennedy, Truman and Wilson are all presidents in living memory who won an election without 50% of the popular vote.
  7. 1) How long has it been since a candidate actually got 50% of eligible voters. 2) The positive benefit is the few high population states do not get to decide everything, and that politicians actually have to pay attention to low population density regions. 3) Neither candidate campaigned for the popular vote. It's irrelevant that Hillary won the popular vote (in California) and lost the EC.
  8. I am wondering if that Task&Purpose article had some truth to it and the M1A2's that were deployed to eastern NATO members are SEPv2's with the RWS removed. I did like the original incarnation.
  9. And speaking of alternatives to the A-10 for close air support.
  10. Since the A-10 debate has come up it is time once again for my favorite interview.
  11. I don't follow this logic given the just the USAF alone uses ~150 F-15C's in their original air superiority role.
  12. The mental gymnastics required to say 'an aircraft can be good at a lot of different things but designing an aircraft to be good at a lot of different things is moronic' is simply stunning.
  13. https://www.forbes.com/sites/timworstall/2017/02/25/trumps-right-the-debt-has-fallen-12-billion-its-nothing-to-do-with-trump-though/#1e5228891fe3 This strikes me as more of a "this makes Trump look good, even if he has nothing to do with it" instead of a "it's trivial and unimportant".
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