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Sturgeon's House


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  1. Tank You
    RobotMinisterofTrueKorea reacted to Tied in Imperial Japanese Army and Navy Photos Thread (Tied's Upvote Farm)   
    This picture is basically interservicerivalry.jpg, that's a Japanese Army supply submarine. That's right. Army. Submarine. They also operated escort carriers, by the way.

  2. Tank You
    RobotMinisterofTrueKorea reacted to LoooSeR in Communist tracked boxes with pancake turrets: don't you dare to confuse GLORIOUS T-80 battle tank with Kharkovite T-64 tractor that doesn't work.   
    Hello, my friends and Kharkovites, take a sit and be ready for your brains to start to work - we are going to tell you a terrible secret of how to tell apart Soviet tanks that actually works like GLORIOUS T-80 and The Mighty T-72 from Kharkovites attempt to make a tank - the T-64. Many of capitalists Westerners have hard time understanding what tank is in front of them, even when they know smart words like "Kontakt-5" ERA. Ignoramus westerners!
       Because you are all were raised in several hundreds years old capitalism system all of you are blind consumer dummies, that need big noisy labels and shiny colorful things to be attached to product X to be sold to your ignorant heads and wallets, thats why we will need to start with basics. BASICS, DA? First - how to identify to which tank "family" particular MBT belongs to - to T-64 tree, or T-72 line, or Superior T-80 development project, vehicles that don't have big APPLE logo on them for you to understand what is in front of you. And how you can do it in your home without access to your local commie tank nerd? 
       Easy! Use this Putin approved guide "How to tell appart different families of Soviet and Russian tanks from each other using simple and easy to spot external features in 4 steps: a guide for ignorant western journalists and chairborn generals to not suck in their in-depth discussions on the Internet".
    Chapter 1: Where to look, what to see.
    T-64 - The Ugly Kharkovite tank that doesn't work 
       We will begin with T-64, a Kharkovite attempt to make a tank, which was so successful that Ural started to work on their replacement for T-64 known as T-72. Forget about different models of T-64, let's see what is similar between all of them.

    T-72 - the Mighty weapon of Workers and Peasants to smash westerners
       Unlike tank look-alike, made by Kharkovites mad mans, T-72 is true combat tank to fight with forces of evil like radical moderate barbarians and westerners. Thats why we need to learn how identify it from T-64 and you should remember it's frightening lines!

    The GLORIOUS T-80 - a Weapon to Destroy and Conquer bourgeois countries and shatter westerners army
       And now we are looking at the Pride of Party and Soviet army, a true tank to spearhead attacks on decadent westerners, a tank that will destroy countries by sucking their military budgets and dispersing their armies in vortex of air, left from high-speed charge by the GLORIOUS T-80!

    The T-80 shooting down jets by hitting them behind the horizont 
  3. Tank You
    RobotMinisterofTrueKorea got a reaction from Sturgeon in The Harrier Appreciation Thread   
    Hats off to the fine people at Hawker. Once again providing a wonderfully capable (if not rather odd looking) military aircraft for the RAF.
  4. Tank You
    RobotMinisterofTrueKorea reacted to Waffentrager in Aerospace Documents Collection Point   
    Ki-10 Manual 九五式戦闘機 (Not Translated yet)
    Ki-44 Manual  鍾馗 (Not Translated yet)
    Nakajima Type99 Ha25 Manual (Not Translated yet)
    Nakajima Aircraft Engine List  Line Type 1 (Translated) https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B_x0JWJk9RlLd2ZObFgzWUJOR1k/view     Nakajima Aircraft Engine List Air Cooled Single Row Radials 2 (Translated) https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B_x0JWJk9RlLc2JnVGlXaU0xdlE/view     Nakajima Aircraft Engine List  Air Cooled Double Row Radials and a jet Engine 3 (Translated) https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B_x0JWJk9RlLeVdwM2N6bmFmamM/view
  5. Tank You
    RobotMinisterofTrueKorea reacted to Mohamed A in Aerospace Documents Collection Point   
    Pilots Flight Operating Instructions for Army Model B-17 F and G, British Model Fortress II
    P-40N Erection and Maintance
    P-40N Flight Operating Instructions
    F-86A Flight Handbook AN 01-60JLA-1 30 July 1952
    F-86A Flight Handbook T.O. 1F-86-A-1 - 30 August 1957
    More later.
  6. Tank You
    RobotMinisterofTrueKorea got a reaction from LostCosmonaut in Aerospace Pictures and Art Thread   
    The nose section for the Boeing 2707 is on display at the Hiller Aviation Museum in San Carlos.

  7. Tank You
    RobotMinisterofTrueKorea got a reaction from Sturgeon in Aerospace Pictures and Art Thread   
    The nose section for the Boeing 2707 is on display at the Hiller Aviation Museum in San Carlos.

  8. Tank You
  9. Tank You
    RobotMinisterofTrueKorea reacted to Sturgeon in The Star Wars Spoiler Thread SPOILERS SPOILERS SPOILERS   
    See, I guess I'm weird, because I liked that.
  10. Tank You
  11. Tank You
    RobotMinisterofTrueKorea got a reaction from Collimatrix in Aerospace Pictures and Art Thread   
    Sir Sydney Camm was a god of aviation.



  12. Tank You
    RobotMinisterofTrueKorea reacted to Collimatrix in Weapons Promotional Videos   
    I had seen that before and almost managed to forget it.  And now I have to remember it.
    Where's the booze?
  13. Tank You
    RobotMinisterofTrueKorea got a reaction from Sturgeon in Weapons Promotional Videos   
    This being the ultimate weapons promotional video. 
  14. Tank You
    RobotMinisterofTrueKorea got a reaction from Collimatrix in Weapons Promotional Videos   
    This being the ultimate weapons promotional video. 
  15. Tank You
    RobotMinisterofTrueKorea reacted to Donward in Escapist art. Picture of things that don't exist, comrades.   
    "I don't know Sarge. That does look like the barrel of a blaster poking out above that totally random chunk of concrete which someone must have thought would look like a cool staircase or buttress but serves no architectural purpose whatsoever. And look! That is a boot sticking out from behind it. Want we should go over and investigate ourselves, placing us at a tactical disadvantage to whoever is hiding over, giving them the jump on us? Or should we just have the BLASTBOTPRIME1000 destroy that carpet stand from here?"
  16. Tank You
    RobotMinisterofTrueKorea reacted to LostCosmonaut in The interesting ship photos/art thread.   
    Appears to be pictures of a new Chinese carrier under construction;

  17. Tank You
  18. Tank You
    RobotMinisterofTrueKorea got a reaction from Belesarius in The interesting ship photos/art thread.   
    USS Wisconsin moored alongside the hulk of USS Oklahoma following the latter vessel's salvage.
  19. Tank You
    RobotMinisterofTrueKorea reacted to Belesarius in The interesting ship photos/art thread.   
    USS Zumwalt , out of dry dock, heading for Sea Trials.
  20. Tank You
    RobotMinisterofTrueKorea got a reaction from CrashbotUS in Historical Pictures Thread   
    301st Fighter Squadron Briefing in 1944. First from the right in the back row, wearing the garrison cap with Captain's insignia is my uncle Walter Downs.
  21. Tank You
    RobotMinisterofTrueKorea reacted to Donward in The Star Wars General Discussion Thread   
  22. Tank You
    RobotMinisterofTrueKorea reacted to Tied in The Star Wars General Discussion Thread   
    This list has a superising lack of EU content, Boba operates hard in the comics

  23. Tank You
    RobotMinisterofTrueKorea reacted to CrashbotUS in The terrible movies and reviews thread   
    So, even with all that technology recovered from alien spacecraft, that's the best we could come up with in 20 years?

    Also, Fast and Furious - Starships just makes me mad. 
  24. Tank You
    RobotMinisterofTrueKorea reacted to Collimatrix in The terrible movies and reviews thread   
    The plot twist will be that the aliens haven't done any serious military R&D in 20 years; outrageous spending on the Joint Littoral Mothership aside, and that their deadliest weapon is contagious, crippling bureaucracy.
  25. Tank You
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