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Posts posted by Meplat

  1. RPM nerfs? All US tanks were hit by them, not just TDs, it's about the only stat they're flexible on. For quite awhile the RPM on US tanks was forcing the BR to insane levels, so they decided knocking the RPM down was better than raising the BR on what few tanks the US has, and making it an unpleasant tree to play. Heck, the M8A1 Scott has been repeatedly hit by RPM nerfs because it's just so damn good, and they had to push the BR up even then to the point it's not really an era 1 tank, in most ways it's strictly better than most era 1 tanks.


    Speaking of cracking a book, they recently revisited their entire penetration mechanic which is now based off of WW2 Armor and Gunnery.


    I'm already a critic of Gaijin though, so don't take me defending WTGF for defending them. I like CARB way better than WoT, the experience is superior, I don't have to like Gaijin sticking the T-34-85s transmission and the GM 6046 inside the M103. Maybe I just burned completely out of WoT, I spent most of my time sans like 6 months fighting in clan wars as an "officer" of some sort. The gameplay just grew boring rote, and memorized, while WTGF is still fresh for me.

     Naah, there's lots more.. Crap like soft nerfs on terrain passability, and traverse.  The ROF nerfs were merely providing evidence that their BR system was ridiculous.

    But hey, I mentioned when they were considering the vehicle, that "they'll fuck it up, and nobody will be happy".


    Them changing their pen mechanics looks nice on the surface as far as "study", til you look at how they introduced half the M4's with radiators on aircooled engines (the M41 still suffers this), or just laughable module locations.  I've already mentioned the wacky yaw issues the Corsairs and other low tier U.S. birds had.


    If you want to like it because it's the "new thing" that's fine. I'm looking at it with a more critical eye, because they are claiming an adherence to historical figures and features they seem incapable of sticking to. (Tiger 1 headlamps, anyone?)

  2. Another huge initial hurdle for the AR-15/M-16 was the hesitance of ordinance to issue sufficient magazines. 

    It was not unusual to be issued one or two magazines, and  three or four boxes of ammunition. 

    Boxes, not clipped.


    Cleaning supplies and instructions were also scarce to non-existent.


    One of my relatives mentioned how when he was issued an early M-16, there was no cleaning material.

    He was told "You don't have to clean this rifle" by the issuing armorer.


    He had my grandfather send him a .22 rifle cleaning kit and some basic cleaning supplies.  When I was talking to him about it, he mentioned "The thing worked fine if you took care of it. Ammo was often scarce though, and magazines were issued very sparingly.".


    The whole story of how that rifle was issued, then maligned by the DOD is a case study in "how to fuck things up as thoroughly as possible".

  3. If they're hiring chimps, do you think they're buying tooling for said chimps?


    Either way, the ones they butchered usually had some kind of issue as a result of being improperly assembled.

    Gave the '49's a bad rep for a time, but luckily made them cheaper for the folks who knew how to work on one (or possessed a modicum of mechanical aptitude).

  4. They haven't and are unlikely to touch US TDs, all game forums are toxic especially on free to plays. Gaijin forums can be especially toxic since a lot of former WoT wehraboos go there because it's the only other tanks game.


    WoWP is pretty much dead and will stay that way since it'll basically never beat War Thunder air combat.



    I saw you complain about freak bounces up thread yet that's the kind of shit that would happen all the time in WoT and still happens. In this instance, Gaijin has hilariously screwed up their overmatch (which sits at x10 instead of x2), yet their ballistic model is still more correct by a longshot than the incredibly simple one WoT uses.


    I seriously must be playing a different game each time from everyone in both WoT and WTGF because the shit people complain about either doesn't phase me or just doesn't happen. I can't take complaints about invisirocks, or shots deflecting off a AAA truck, etc, seriously because that has never been my experience and I'd have to make an effort of it replicate it.

     They already have "touched" U.S. TD's.  Check stats on the M18 for example..


    Now.. WoT is unabashedly "a game".. WT is trying to stand on the column of "historical accuracy" while failing to even crack a book to try and get there. 


    So I cut WoT a bit of slack, since it's effectively the virtual equivalent of playing with model tanks on the livingroom carpet. 

    Gaijin on the other hand is trying to proffer itself as being somehow devoted to historical accuracy, while producing such laughable mistakes as ridiculous module location and innumerable stealth nerfs.


    Now you've never hit an invisi-rock, had some kind of wacky rubberbanding or seen a slew of absurd bounces?

    Lucky you. Many however have, and a brief Youtube search will turn them up in volume.


    When a game tries to differentiate itself from the others via claims of historical accuracy, then fails to even come close in many of it's efforts (often by sheer sloth), I'm going to give it a hell of a lot more flak than the one that is selling itself as a simple tank-type game.

  5. Shorting with the '49 can be caused by a lot of things.


    Remove the trigger housing, and try cycling the bolt. It should be very smooth.  If it's not, check the "nozzle" for signs of it dragging on the bolt carrier, and check the stock screw (visible with the bolt/bolt carrier removed) to see if it's dragging.


    Next check the FCG for drag. It should move smoothly. When reinstalling note if the hammer drags in it's cutout.


    If there are no obvious mechanical causes, take a can of carburetor cleaner or brake cleaner, and using the straw, discharge the stuff into the gas tube using short gentle bursts of the solvent. Keeping the piece inverted and over a mat of paper towel will minimize the mess, and help the decarb soak the crud out.. You're not trying to blast it out, just keep the inside of the gas tube and it's block soaked with the solvent.

    You definitely want the forend wood removed for this. 


    If you have shop air, you can try intermittently blasting through the gas tube between soaks to see if anything comes out.



    As to working on the 49's... They used a lot of specialized tooling and gauges for assembly, that are incredibly scarce. And that is likely why the Century's were so generally jacked up.

    I doubt they had the gauging to set the gas tube protrusion or alignment, for example.



    Conscripts can break anything. Even a bulldozer blade on T-15. 

    That's like the people I knew who'd mount a snowplow on their truck, then think it's also a 'dozer.


    No. It's not. A snowplow does not magically grant your truck with the power of a D9 Cat..


    That's why your frame is now bent..

  7. I am going to guess the person making the proposal does not know what the word "mechanically" means.

    My bad, I forgot that mechanical aptitude and some sense of how things work no longer matter in this brave new world.


    That nonsensical mass of laughable idiocy -obviously- is workable, because it's creator took a 1/4 semester of "Sketchup" and once managed to take a cap-gun apart without pinching his fingers.

  8. 5 billion, between four banks.. I'm sure they are looking contrite on the camera, while laughing as they sign the campaign checks. They'll just buy themselves some "more honest" politicians next time.



    All this is going to do is drive up the service fees to their customers.  Unless people are put in jail and sanctioned from ever being involved in the business ever again,  the banks never lose out in situations like this.

  9. Yeah, 7.65 Argentine, and I'm always surprised at how accurately I can shoot with it. Dad bought a few hundred rounds of some surplus and some kind of target ammo (the ammo's still back at his place, so I need to pick it up). The latter produces no recoil whatsoever, which is off-putting. I took a bruise on the cheek when I tried the surplus out one day because I was so used to the latter stuff. The only complaint I have about the rifle is that I have vision problems, and the length of the rifle results in the rear aperture blurring more than my other rifles when I'm tired (I'm a cook, so that's about 90% of the time).


    The sling would be nice, and I'd trust your word on a price. Funny enough, it had a surplus Garand sling on it for decades. My dad took it off when it started cracking and leaving stuff on the stock.


    Also, you weren't really around when I posted these, so I'd be curious if you had info on them:




    Between cleaning out grandpa's stuff, recent purchases, and the Mauser, I'm kind of swimming in old guns, half of which don't shoot (grandpa's stuff, dad took the working ones). I really have a desire to get something that doesn't shoot corrosive lately, though. Ballistol's been a godsend, but I wish it had



    The sling would be free.  Assuming it's not dust when I find it...


    The breaktops are your classic low end pocket revolvers. Not terrible, probably safe to shoot, but not especially valuable outside of niche collector circles.


    The Velo-Dog clone is probably a Spanish copy.  the "Browning" marking was a popular way of lending an air of "quality" to an otherwise cheap piece.  I'm going to bet it's in .25 ACP  or .32 ACP, instead of the original .22 VeloDog chambering.



    As to cleaning, I'm still a huge fan of "soak it in solvent, scrub and blow, repeat as needed". If you can drop those pocketguns into a cheap ultrasound cleaner for a few minutes, I'm betting all kinds of crap will float out of them.

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