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Posts posted by Khand-e

  1. I fire about 150 gold dots a month - I am using up the last of my supply since I switched to copper loads (I sill carry a glaser magazine and glaser in my backup though).  My ammo bill will sky rocket on the coppers though, but I am happy I got away from gold dot before they went the way of the do do.


    I don't have anything against gold dots, just that they seem to have some cult following and whenever designers switch to something else for whatever reason (in this case, something entirely out of BB's control), people flip out to the point of demanding refunds or boycotting which is kind of ridiculous. (This is actually where alot of Underwoods fanbase of former BB buyers come from.)


    Personally, if I had absolute choice over what bullet style to use, which I don't because I don't handload really, I'd load Black Talons (really rare now though) or Ranger SXTs.


    People can say what they want about the supposed downfall of Winchester, but they still make damn fine bullets.

  2. So yeah, after getting more boxes of Buffalo Bore they finally got back in, I got one of the rumored "No speer gold dot" loadings in the lead JHP boxes (Also got some Barned Solid Coppers, but a bit irrelevent). They're apparently using Hornady XTPs now which to my knowledge are still very good rounds, just thought it was worth noting.


    After sending an email out of curiosity to Tim Sundles, he responded saying the biggest reason for the change was that Speer Gold Dots are apparently in very short supply at the current time and he's "not sure if or when they'll return to loading them."


    Just a heads up, since while I think Hornady XTP and Barnes Solid Coppers are still a very good choice either way, I know some people fanboy the shit out of Speer's projectiles.

  3. So, mentioned it on TS3, but managed to pick up a G40 MOS series when I wasn't even intending to buy any new firearms. Considering it's the first time I've seen the MOS on retail sale ever, I snatched the only one they had with haste. (They also had 2 G41s, one was being held for a buyer though.)



    I have a friend who's been looking for one for quite some time whos out of town, I'm sure if I decide I don't want it (but after getting it, I kind of do), he'll be overjoyed upon hearing it.

  4. Excellent models, shame about the Google Translate quality of the T-34 inscriptions.



    Yeah, accurate translation when you need it for movie models is very expensive, and then even when you hire a trained translator they can hose you.  If you hire vince to make your model and buy the lowest quality you get google translate.  He only hire professionals for the more expensive models (it is an issue of cost).


    This calls for...


    COMRADE ENSIGN's model translation and emporium services!

  5. Wait, wait, wait.  It's a scansoriopterygid.  I checked a cladegram.  That means that the last common ancestor of living birds and this thing is more recent than the last common ancestor of microraptor gui and living birds.


    That potentially means that the ancestors of Yi Qi were flighted, became arboreal and flightless, and then re-evolved a completely different form of flight.


    Whiskey.  Tango.  Foxtrot.


    Maybe they should rename it from "Strange wings" to "Holy shit what the fuck is with this thing?"


    But... that might be a bit too long, and not as professional.

  6. That's a Wyvern, don't make me have to sperg out about mythological animals, you don't want me to sperg out about mythological animals.


    I think it's mostly the head that doesn't look like that of a Dragon, though maybe it's the fact I've only heard of very few myths of dragons that had fur, regardless, It's a really strange creature overall.

  7. Well, It can't possibly be worse then the INSAS at least.


    .....Well, maybe the variants prior to the A2 could give it a run for its money.




    Clash of the titans, Rifle that's terribly unreliable, of questionable build quality, rewards it's user with random shots of hot oil in the eyes, and is so self aware IT decides what fire mode it will be on....


    ....VS, Rifle that's terribly unreliable, of questionable build quality, and has the magic feature of ejecting it's magazine when nudged too hard in the wrong area!

  8. I would want to think worst weapons have been kept in service in militaries around the world than the G36. Though, I'm not quite the expert on guns.


    As much as my bias against H&K wants to say there isnt... there has been and still are.




    insas-assault-rifle.jpg (Arguably the worst standard issue rifle ever put into service)


    SA80.jpg(Though, Ironically H&K was involved in trying to fix the later variants of the SA-80/L85, reportedly it still sucks just not as badly.)

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