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T-90 composite armor

eggs benedict

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hello everyone!

so i read that the T-90 shares the T-72B turret , thus BDD armor , however this documentary (?) : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lKGv5JQBTI8 says "aluminums and plastics".

is this any legit? did they like , keep the t72b cavity design and change the fill?


also , did the combination on new welded towers change?

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There was a diagram from the LS-Dyna simulation software on some T-90S advertising poster, which suggests that the general armor layout of the T-90S' welded turret is identical to the T-72B turret; however armor thickness and materials might be different. I'll try to find the picture. The T-84 also seems to utilize the same armor as the T-80U, but with improved materials (much higher quality steel) and increased overall thickness (1,200 mm instead of 700-800 mm).


The T-72B doesn't use BDD though.





The welded turret is supposedly made out of electro-slug refined steel, which provides 15% more protection than cast steel at the same weight/thickness. 

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16 hours ago, SH_MM said:


The welded turret is supposedly made out of electro-slug refined steel, which provides 15% more protection than cast steel at the same weight/thickness. 


15% more protection isn't that big of an advantage compared to what you can get from high hardness steel, let alone steel laminates.  And it's very expensive too, not really worth the 15% improvement.


But ESR steel does have one big advantage in armor; it spalls much less when hit.  So I would expect ESR steel to be used sparingly, and only on the inside of the crew compartment to minimize the danger of spall.

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