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Sturgeon's House

Vasily Krysov

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Vasily Krysov last won the day on November 8 2015

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  1. I knew that name seemed familiar! Well I don't think it has been linked here yet for this thread.
  2. https://thesovietarmourblog.blogspot.ru/2016/02/t-80-gambol.html Crap, this guy also has an amazing write up on the T-80 too!
  3. http://thesovietarmourblog.blogspot.ru/2015/05/t-72-soviet-progeny.html Only just found this and seems to be a very good write up so far. Edit: nah fuck dat this is a fantastic resource. Shit, it would probably be a good introduction to newbies about cold war tanks as it goes into great detail about all kind of things like APDS vs APFSDS, NERA mechanics and etc. It's amazingly comprehensive, feels better than Zaloga's books honestly.
  4. So I went back to the museum today with Romiros, if you know him from wargame, playing guide.
  5. I'll go back there soon with my real camera and post the album here, okay?
  6. So the first thing I did in Piter was visit the Военно-исторический музей артиллерии, инженерных войск и войск связи. I was in heaven I tell you! I made friends with one of the old blokes working in the cloak room. Had a halting conversation about my interest in the museum's subject.
  7. https://www.dropbox.com/s/f1y5z33c5ezb61r/2016.01.08%2011.44.13%20Thunderstruck.wrpl?dl=0 My enemies were... thunderstruck At one point I totally ran out of AP shells and a bomber had to save me against an enemy T-34/85. I was finally brought down by an Ostwind after 11 kills. Unfortunately despite my best efforts our teams were even on tickets so we lost in a draw. I still won though! Edit: the AC IV Thunderbolt was the best tank that never was m8s. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sentinel_tank
  8. Yo sturgeon, could you please edit further pictures down to just show the battle victory windows?
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