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Everything posted by Walter_Sobchak

  1. you don't find it disturbing that the seem to be wanting to influence the elections in favor of your candidate of choice?
  2. Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats: Russia is Attempting to Influence US Midterms, Divide Transatlantic Alliance
  3. In 20 years from now, this movie will be featured in episode #4938 of Best of the Worst.
  4. Is there another picture of the front of the turret? How do you know it's not a Firefly? What country are those uniforms?
  5. Or perhaps Jeff Sessions, at least on some level, actually understands that the AG is not the Presidents personal lawyer and is supposed to uphold and follow the law.
  6. I read several articles and none of them mentioned a particular party affiliation. All I found was that "Wolfe had worked under leadership of both parties since 1987, before abruptly departing the senate panel at the end of 2017." I'm not trying to be snarky, I just am wondering where you read it.
  7. That was not my point. The point was that Trump gets attention for criticizing current athletes who protest while talking about a pardon for Ali, who was one of the most famous protesting athletes of all time. It's hypocritial. Not that Trump cares, he only cares that Ali popular now, everyone having forgotten why he was such a controversial figure during his fighting career.
  8. After spending a year bashing NFL players for engaging in the rather mild form of protest of kneeling during the national anthem, our President now says he is considering a pardon for Mohammad Ali. Anyone notice the inconsistency here? Also, Ali's conviction was overturned by the Supreme Court in 1971 so there is nothing to pardon, but oh well.
  9. In my attempt to find other people named Johnson who are in need of a pardon for criminal behavior, the best I could come up with was this criminally bad piece of "comedy" by Arte Johnson. As far as I know, he went unpunished for his crimes.
  10. I hope he doesn't pardon Rian Johnson for the crime of ruining Star Wars.
  11. Presidents working out shady deals with Iran is a long standing US tradition! Remember when Eisenhower had the CIA hire organized crime in Iran to start protests in 1953 to help get the Shah back in power? Or when Reagan sold them weapons to support the Contras? Sounds like Obama didn't have good enough operators to get his shady ass deals done right.
  12. Very true. More likely he would just fire most of the Justice Department and shut down the investigations and then see if the Congress actually has the balls to impeach him. I would not be surprised if they didn't. It might even make sense for him to do it right before the midterms, forcing his Republican followers in the House to either protect him or risk pissing off their Trump supporting voters. Trump is far more popular with the base than your average congress critter right now.
  13. Anyhow, it all comes down to this. We have a president who is claiming he has the power to pardon himself. Basically, he is saying that he cannot be held accountable for any crime, that he is above the law. If you don't see this as fundamentally opposed to the most basic ideals on which the USA is supposed to be based on, I really don't know what to say to you. We elect presidents, not kings.
  14. Every single one of these is dated Nov 7, 2016. Apparently it was a hot topic for all of one day. No wonder I don't remember it. Looking at these sources, they are not particularly liberal. Lets go through them. 1. The ABA Journal. This is the official journal of the American Bar Association. I'm guessing it does not have a strong political bent other than being pro-lawyer 2. The Telegraph. Pretty much the paper of record in the UK, generally considered conservative. 3. The Wall Street Journal. Generally pro-business and conservative, very conservative editorial page. 4. Quora.com - this does not even count as a news source. 5. Canada Free Press - I was not familiar with this one, but according to their own description they are "Espousing Conservative viewpoints, cornerstone of which focuses on love of God, love of family, love of country." 6. Valuewalk.com - I don't know much about this site but it looks like its mostly business news. I would not call any of these sources "liberal". To me, it looks like this was a news story that ran for about a day in centrist and conservative media sources and was mostly speculative. These are not news articles, they are mostly op-ed pieces or legalistic theory-making.
  15. Meanwhile, the House just voted language clearly stating that no attack against Iran can go forward without explicit Congressional approval. U.S. House Makes Clear That There is No Authorization for Use of Military Force Against Iran
  16. So some guy's legal blog constitutes "The Left?" I don't remember anyone talking about Hillary having to pardon herself. Certainly, I don't remember anyone within her campaign or the Obama administration talking about it. This is just some lawyer speculating. Totally different situation than now, where the president is tweeting about it himself.
  17. I guess I forgot to post my review of Ken Estes book on German Heavy Tanks. This video features me in my full beard mode.
  18. I stopped reading Maureen Dowd a long time ago. She is terrible. The NYT has a number of columnists I refuse to read, including David Brooks and Tom Friedman.
  19. Please explain to me how disrupting relations and trade with Canada benefits the US.
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