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Everything posted by Bronezhilet

  1. I'd love to play with (semi)modern tanks but man I don't really have the time for a long grind. I'm still a little salty about Armored Warfare not working out, I actually reached tier 10 there.
  2. It's the Zenki T-90, not the HTS one.
  3. Ah, going to sell your own? Around €100 I guess, depending on the premiums it has.
  4. Or should I buy the Object 120 and just grind to rank 6 like a monkey?
  5. I'd like to play the T-64 too, but no way am I going to grind one.
  6. Ah yes, the annual Hama offensive. But we've already had one this year, so I guess this is the Annual Hama Offensive 2017 Edition Second Jihadic Boogaloo
  7. So purples will be way more expensive? Neat. I still have 10 TOWs in storage, waiting for a buff.
  8. Don't worry about NK, everyone, Japan got this.
  9. I didn't actually know that a few of the ballistic symposiums were public, nice.
  10. Its also a bitch to pronounce, but thank fuck its not СВЩ. I hate that fucking letter.
  11. It's possible that a section of the sabot hit the wooden beam. Edit: No way that that's 100 meters, look at the elevation.
  12. One of the trucks is being towed and so is one of the BTRs
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