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Posts posted by Priory_of_Sion

  1. 5 minutes ago, Mighty_Zuk said:

    So with 44 targets hit, some of them hit twice or 3 times, the claims that 23 hits were recorded are now false.



    Overall, yeah it seems really strange. But I don't think the US would go as far as doing a false flag attack and with such credibility. There's too much to lose here for the US. And I don't think they've changed their mind about Assad either. There's still no replacement for him and the west has realized that quite some time ago.

    If it was a "false flag" it would have been done by Tahrir al-Sham or one of the other related jihadist rebel groups using the gas to kill off some expendable children in order to garner international support that has wavered off. 

  2. 14 minutes ago, LoooSeR said:

       I think that he will not get ass kicked, look at how our position shifted just after 1 jet got shot down - Turkey got a greenlight to get into Syria and create declared zone between Kurds in Afrin and rest of "Rojava". And amount of forces that Turkey can use in Syria is far greater than what we can.

    I don't they have an officer corp of any quality and thus aren't that capable, especially after the recent purges of the Turkish military. However, I see what you are saying. 

  3. 7 minutes ago, LoooSeR said:

    National embarrassment for fighting against declared enemies in the interest of his supporters?

    I think it would be an embarrassment for Turkey to get its ass kicked by Russia/Assad as the Turkish military barley seems to be able to handle the lightly armed militants in Operation Euphrates Shield. Imagining them going on the offensive against the SAA/Russia/IRGC/Hezbollah seems like a losing effort. Though it would be something to consolidate power around. 

  4. 4 minutes ago, Bronezhilet said:

    I don't think the Syrian air defence actually engaged them. At least, I haven't seen reports that they did.

    I'm skeptical that 36 Tomahawks just failed, but I guess that's plausible. No reports that they hit anywhere else. 

  5. 1 hour ago, Collimatrix said:



    IMO, the first thing that would happen if the Assad government were to fall is that the rebel groups would all turn on each other.  It would be far from the first time that they've collapsed into infighting, and without any common enemy whatsoever, the civil war would go into round 2.

    Knowing that Assad's government represents Syria's Alawite, Shia, Christian, Druze, and non-religious peoples you can also expect some good ole ethnic cleansing if these groups cant fend for themselves against rather well armed jihadis. 

  6. 4 minutes ago, Collimatrix said:

    Not that there's any evidence this was nerve gas, mind.  The insurgent forces have cooked up lesser chemical weapons on their own before.


    Fortunately for the world, the competence of jihadis does not rise to the level of competence displayed by insane Japanese cultists.

    Jihadis do have more friends in high places than Aum Shinrikyo though. Imagine what they could have done if they were state sponsored 


    Apparently one of the doctors associated with the rebels in the aftermath of the attack helped kidnap John Cantlie



  7. Quote

    The UAE, which masterfully captured Aden with an amphibious landing in August 2015, had vowed to make the city a model for the rest of the country. A year and a half on it still refuses to let in journalists, so it is hard to measure its success. Security has improved, say locals, but governing institutions remain sorely lacking. Destitute refugees from Aden arriving in Djibouti insist they have seen no evidence of the billion dollars the Emirates claims it is investing in reconstruction. In the territories it has captured, the coalition’s forces battle over the spoils. Mr Hadi’s own southern tribesmen are but one of four forces scrapping for control of the port and the airport. Al-Qaeda is another.

    A decent little article 

  8. 3 hours ago, Xlucine said:

    Ok, so going back to feathers on dinos with this new phylogeny. Would the sauropods + other basal dinos not having feathers make sense now as they aren't in the clade of the feathered theropods and ornithischians?



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