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Everything posted by Toxn

  1. Toxn


    Scaly footed gastropod - aka that snail living in a hydrothermal vent and producing an iron shell and scales. The hairy frog - notable for a unique defence mechanism which involves forcing the bones of its fingers through the skin to produce makeshift claws.
  2. A legit case of crime prevention by one-upmanship. The only thing that could have made it more perfect is if the robbers had come back later with a pike or something.
  3. Per S.T.A.L.K.E.R. (the game) the existence of Chernobyl-related mental health issues is easily explained by the brain scorcher Per Stalker (the book), mental health issues have more to do with the fictional characters being essentially stuck in a lethal dead-end job centred around the ruins of their old town, as well as the authors being from the USSR and writing about the not-USSR during the cold war.
  4. Toxn


    This thread is dedicated to interesting zoological oddballs and, both past and present.
  5. Just widened the spread for planes I think. Now alt fire has exactly the same spread as normal. Edit - looks like it was a previous mini-patch. It's just more noticable with the Japanese TBs.
  6. Update: http://www.slate.com/blogs/the_slatest/2015/08/17/two_female_soldiers_complete_army_ranger_school.html I've heard that part of the dynamic driving this whole thing is that the US army basically caps your ability to get promoted (and hence get access to sweet, sweet private-sector cheddar upon retirement) unless you pass the Ranger course and have experience that could reasonably be argued to be combat or combat-adjacent. So letting/not letting teh womyn in is also about expanding/limiting the competition for top slots amongst senior personnel. People more knowledgeable than I can comment further.
  7. I also have to add that corp and uni event speakers are, like, sad clown central. One guy we had would try to improve his anodyne lessons in 4-sector personality tests (or whatever) by adding in details from his life. Which was sort of horribly funny, because the dude's life sucks. He sucks as a human being, his family is scum, his first wife left him and his second wife was quite obviously well on the way to doing the same. But nope, so blessed because of hard work and a positive attitude. The other memorable guy was trying to teach a course in basic business management. The kicker being that he'd started 5 and gone bankrupt each time. Three times it was because the accountant got the keys to the safe and ran off with the whole damn thing, the fourth time was because his partner did the same (and nabbed his then-wife on the way out). The fifth time was because he decided that investing in art was a good idea when you have no aesthetic sense to speak of. So now he was teaching a short course to post-graduate science students. Those that can't do indeed...
  8. This dude was incompetent, sure. But his luck also shat on him. That stupid Langley sat still the entire time, somehow ate 4 torpedoes without sinking and then sunk the DD when it closed in for salvo no. 2.
  9. Counterpoint: http://www.salon.com/2015/08/17/so_college_p_c_culture_stifles_comedy_ever_hear_a_comedian_sht_on_the_american_dream_at_a_wal_mart_shareholders_meeting/ I've got to say, corp culture is aggressively risk adverse as well. The result might be better described as the coddling of the executive mind, though.
  10. Lamb souvlaki is dominate. Well, that or lebonese lamb schwarma (in a pita not a wrap)
  11. Also got to watch a match where the luckiest Langley in existence sat on its ass the whole match and still managed to take out a DD with its secondaries. DD pilot must have uninstalled right afterwards.
  12. Got Hosho just in time for a nerf to torpedo spam. Now enjoying the benefits of a gunless cruiser which loses its air wing every match. My Bogue, of course, is the plane reaper.
  13. This is a story that just keeps repeating
  14. Another viewpoint: https://www.reddit.com/r/TrueReddit/comments/3gl4ci/the_coddling_of_the_american_mind_in_the_name_of/ctz4p9q
  15. Who the hell shoots this stuff? And why do so many companies seem bent on developing cartridges a person who (I'm forced to assume) could probably just club his dangerous prey to death with the gun instead?
  16. Poached eggs or Welsh rarebit. Additional egg question: how long do eggs generally last in your part of the world? Ours last ages so long as a fridge is involved, and I've heard that it's because they aren't washed (keeps the coating intact).
  17. Not a problem in my part if the world, at least at the moment. The Cape might be more of an issue, given the whole Rhodes statue incident and the statements surrounding it. My worry is that this isn't a liberal university thing, but an internet thing. The internet is, after all, amazing at allowing people to form their own little thin-skinned tribes. That this became a problem right around the time that the Internet-from-birth generation came of age is thus a worrying datapoint.
  18. Toxn


    T__A also responds favourably to 'the South will rise again'.
  19. Toxn


    On topic; I've been seeing a lot of patent applications come over my desk relating to mine drainage remediation. I think this is due to just how fucked Joburg (where I work) will be if any of the drainage from the hundreds of shafts under the city makes it to the water table.
  20. Toxn


    Oh jesus, all this time I thought our motto was IMPROVE ANIMEA. I had a script, storyboards and everything...
  21. This relies way too much on your average bar patron knowing that the chubby guy in a black cotton jumpsuit is supposed to be a ninja...
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