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Everything posted by Toxn

  1. Read the comments on this one: would that someone could lure LMIDF somewhere where actual substantive arguments were happening regarding F-35.
  2. Or they could just, you know, reskin the fucking things to something more appropriate. I'd also support nerfs for alt-fired torps if they made the default torp launches a bit less shit.
  3. It also weirds me out that my bogue has only biplane fighters on it. I'm pretty sure a ship that comes with radar would not historically been keeping the hangers full of Boeing F4Bs...
  4. Had a similar incident - morons TKing with torps sucks. Whar are people's opinions on carriers btw? I've got all the way up to bogue and my impression so far is that they are fun but a but frustrating to play. Also, torp whoring is OP (because I can't get it right) and shooting down aircraft needs an xp boost (because I'm okay at that).
  5. To start: Often, just before she went to sleep, Selene's last thoughts would be of Contracts. Words and sentences spooled their endless loops and clauses in her mind. Articles and appendices, trapped in elegant and efficient prose, swam before her. Structure and form were there, lined in fire, visible behind closed eyes. In her half-awake state she made words to bind men, bind fate, bind the very universe. Until she slipped into formless sleep. Waking, she would admit that this was all an affectation; an exercise left over from her days as a student who literally studied till she dropped. Sometimes, the exercise would even pay off: morning would bring solutions to problems that seemed impossibly thorny the night before. This was a known thing, she was sure. A little quirk of an active mind. Working as hard as she did, she was occasionally blindsided by news outside of her fairly narrow interests. Only belatedly did she become aware of a new phenomenon sweeping the media: some prodigy or another causing a stir by performing particularly impressive parlor tricks. Spoon floating, Geller-type stuff. Selene had dutifully checked out the inevitable videos during her lunch break, by way of having some sort of reference point when clients inevitably brought it up. Later, she found herself putting together a court file for a particularly obstreperous client. Leaving the office after dark, the rattling list of Things To Do filling her mind, she was too preoccupied to notice the strangely empty roads; or the faint lights weaving patterns in the sky. Getting home, she didn’t bother to switch on the TV while she made herself a meal. As she worked the microwave oven her phone - on silent and in the bottom of her bag - began to accumulate an unusually large number of messages from colleagues, friends and family. Selene, still contemplating affidavits, didn’t notice. With a plate of reheated supper in one arm and a binder full of case documents in the other, she strode into her unlit study to get on with the case. Then stopped when her arm brushed a fern. Over the beating of her heart, suddenly fast and loud in the warm dark, Selene could faintly hear the trilling and buzzing of insects. As her eyes became accustomed to the gloom of the not-study, the faint outlines of great trees could be seen all around. Looking up, she saw strange stars wheeling in a cloudy sky. Over the earthy musk of decaying leaves and rotting wood, a faint breeze brought the smell of distant rain. Just over a week later, the quiet of her house was disturbed by the sudden materialization of a figure in a tattered, smouldering office dress just above the study room desk. Selene, still trailing thin wisps of smoke, walked hesitantly to the bathroom on bare and bruised feet, ran herself a cold bath, and lay in it for the rest of the afternoon. On the wall of her now-dusty study, the oil painting she had inadvertently walked into still retained the image of a smouldering primeval forest. And in the distance, a small figure wreathed in fire.
  6. This is the thread for posting short stories, vignettes, idea pieces or whatever. RULES: 1. Pay to play If you want to add criticism, comment, applause or whatever then you also need to add your own work into the pot. In the post, please. 2. Grow thicker skin This should be self-explanatory. People doing creative stuff are gigantic positive reinforcement whores (I know I am) and tend to get into a state when there is actual criticism of their material. Don't be the person that runs away if anything other than rapturous applause is provided. Put it out there, realise it isn't perfect, take what you can from the responses and make it better. 3. Don't be a shitter Also self-explanatory, and the reason for rule 1. If you want to troll, I'm sure we can make a satirical topic for you to hate in to your heart's content. 4. Don't be afraid Goes with rule 2. Realise that some people won't like your work no matter what you do, and that taste in entertainment is subjective (no matter what professional critics might think). So relax, you're among friends. Or at least as close to friends as the internet is capable of. 5. The rules may change We are lucky enough to have some actual published authors and writers here. The extent of my public exposure has been in esoteric law journals. Accordingly, you can expect the above to change somewhat based on input from the more experienced.
  7. VLS cells = the future of tank armament. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BzXfVgYCxWI
  8. Stoner metal: needs good acoustics to be properly appreciated. Your reward for bitching: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bm6NuJvRqJM https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JuywWSWIdFI https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vKhEoytKk6U
  9. Nah, what will make it particularly German is that everyone else will somehow accept their explanations.
  10. Eh, with a halfway competent molecular biology lab (of which there are thousands) you could make a bacterium express just about any protein you want. But disease is more than simple protein expression. To cut a long story short, developing a live bioweapon is a huge undertaking and not at all dependent on your access to gene sequence data or PCR machines. So best Korea is in no real danger of improving upon anthrax (which isn't that hard to culture anyway once you have a viable sample from your local cattle lot) using the facilities the OP mentioned.
  11. Mainly with making them expensive and prone to self-combustion. So... watch this space?
  12. https://xkcd.com/1520/ A years-late pseudo-apology for this: https://xkcd.com/435/
  13. Relevant: http://www.ers.usda.gov/data-products/chart-gallery/detail.aspx?chartId=53384&ref=collection&embed=True&widgetId=37373 Personally, my prediction is that things like 'obesity' are going to seem like a quaint obsession within the next 50-100 years. We're headed for a world where every farmable centimetre of the planet is being farmed, and one where more and more ersatz ingredients are going to go into foods. However, 'ersatz' doesn't mean 'bad'. If my chocolate is made from a combination of yeast-grown chocolate flavour, yeast-grown milk substitute, sugar and soya and it still tastes exactly like chocolate, then how is this a bad thing? We're entering a new era of biotechnology, one that promises to remove a lot of the distinctions between 'real' and 'fake' food. And we'll be forced to do so by the very obvious fact that 'real' food is just too inefficient to grow in a world with 10 billion people. The best part of this, however, is that by taking charge of the biotechnology of food in a big way, we get the option to remake food however we want. We could see a new era of heretofore unknown combinations of colour, flavour and texture; without many of the limits currently imposed by limited feedstock and processing capabilities.
  14. {Puts it in the OP, is ignored} Damn asians thanamatic porcelain birds, taking our gudpoasts....
  15. Also a candidate for best squamate:
  16. Eh, its not the most dangerous snake by any manner of means. Now this on the other hand...
  17. Given the choice between postulating yet another fucking land bridge and assuming that these folk sailed right the fuck across the pacific in balsawood canoes; I will choose the latter until such time as compelling evidence to the contrary appears.
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