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Everything posted by LoooSeR

  1. 11.13.15. A column of T-80BV tanks was spotted in Kherson, Ukraine.
  2. How probable was idea that Baathist could create arab version of Soviet Union/European union? Some people here voiced opinions about that, although i have problem believing that could happen. The problem is that nobody managed to point at map where are those democrats. And almost all others are connected to each other in sme or another way. http://web.stanford.edu/group/mappingmilitants/cgi-bin/maps/view/syria Or here: http://web.stanford.edu/group/mappingmilitants/cgi-bin/maps/view/syria Click on links to see descriptions, here are examples of Nusra-FSA links (FSA is usually are refered as "moderates"):
  3. That turret is so ugly. Looks like it had add-on armor, although not much. So, is there any noticeable need in this vehicle anyway?
  4. No idea, but again, this name is not very often used.
  5. Not a well known nickname, one article claims it was polish given name.
  6. My cat is cute little comrade, you heartless tank nerd!
  7. Scoundrel's artillery.
  8. Hmm... looks like those positions are prepared to be assaulted. Looks like Iran/Iraq/Lebanese/SAA forces will push from M5 highway to surrounded cities, 10 VBIEDs attack (all by moderate opposition, of course) on which i covered in first pages of this thread.
  9. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GN2nFU45oWo&feature=youtu.be Russian Airstrike conducted over Taftanaz Helicopter Airbase in Idlib CS
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