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Everything posted by LoooSeR

  1. Well, T-62Ms are already in Eastern Homs.
  2. Deir EzZor, Grandpa Zahredin.
  3. New scenes of battles between the Syrian army and its allies and Daesh in Eastern Homs governorate Another photo of T-62Ms
  4. Apparently we will or already sended specialists to work on Syrian Navy.
  5. More on Turkish Sabras - apperently they used German DM-63 APFSDS and Israeli HEAT ammunition.
  6. Turkish Sabra, captured by ISIS, turret side armor is somewhat visible:
  7. I heard same about T-72s many times. The problem is not only with Turish tank crews training and tactics, but lack of any kind of serious side protection on those Turkish Leos. And big number of hits to turret sides suggest that having giant turrets is not very good for a tank that is under fire.
  8. MilitaryMediaSy videos: Progress of the Syrian army and its allies in the two villages east Homs and violent battles with Daesh militants Syrian army control the town of Shemer in the countryside of eastern Aleppo province
  9. Apperently Kuwat Al-Rida reached T4-Qaratyan-Homs crossroad Paramilitary unit itself:
  10. Reports about SAA counter-assault in Deir EzZor
  11. ----- ISIS destroyed more than Tetrapylon
  12. Reports that ISIS destroyed Tetrapylon in Palmyra
  13. T-16 from UKBTM corporate calendar. Soft kill APS (grenade launcher and sensors) is visible on the roof behind crew hatches. RCWS same as on Kurganets B-10 APC.
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