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Everything posted by Vanagandr

  1. Now that I have a computer that I'm confident can run it, I am probably going to get Rising Storm 2 when it goes on sale or I can otherwise justify the expense. Verdict on whether it's worth it from anyone else who has it?
  2. SPOILERS This is a much better movie from the 40 minutes or so I saw while I was on lunch break while working overnights The video recorder guy's death misses a crucial part of that scene though
  3. This may not bear relevance for many of you, but I recently ran into a bug in KF2 that gave you something like 80% damage reduction as a berker and 40% bonus attack speed. I say bug because resetting your perks every time you hit level 20 berker precludes it from being an exploit in my mind. The medic, who I was in comms with, started ignoring me because I was taking 10 damage from direct hits from fleshpounds on hell on earth difficulty. For more relateable terms, imagine playing WoT, and suddenly nothing hits you for more than 100 damage at tier 10. Some pretty solid lols were had
  4. "They then declared to Air Traffic Control (ATC) that they had a single engine flameout" NO ONE WILL EVER KNOW THAT WE DID STUPID SHIT IF WE PRETEND IT NEVER HAPPENED
  5. I managed to locate the magnetic North Pole (roughly) in MSFS:X. Tried to determine the Learjet's service ceiling after, and ended up having a fantastic stall all the way to the ground
  6. Y'all may have noticed I bought MSFS:X. There is something therapeutic about flying virtual cross countries for no real reason
  7. I expect it takes less than 24 hours for either the court to reverse its ruling completely and totally independent of public opinion or REVOLUCION
  8. Sure, but they stand to lose revenue if the government of whatever country they piss off decides to refuse to let them operate in that country. Canada expecting its court rulings to be upheld globally is pretty lol though
  9. Acquaintance is offering a Tula Mosin for sale, I'm considering buying it, haven't actually seen it yet, anything I should know to watch for?
  10. It sounds to me like he was requesting help and somehow forgot 911 exists? I hope?
  11. Recent political violence isn't isolated to the left https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gabrielle_Giffords http://www.cnn.com/2017/05/26/us/portland-train-stabbing/index.html Pretending that your own party is incapable of doing stupid things and refusing to address the stupid things your own party does is one of the reasons we have these particular problems
  12. I love my job E, now that I'm at a keyboard: One of our local traffic was taking off around the time the Apache was engaging rotors and requested not to be shot down on takeoff. Apache pilot radioed the unicom after leaving the pattern, said something like 'strongly recommend military traffic fuel here', and went on for like 30 seconds about how great our airport was. Basically everyone being super professional on the comms
  13. Pro tip do not search youtube for 'dekken'; it is not the same thing
  14. Wasted is a solid roguelike which I highly recommend It is available currently on the humble bundle
  15. I spent a good 50% of my time in Florida looking for one of those death roll bears
  16. That should be pretty obvious, needs to be someone entirely impartial, objective, well educated, judicious, and absurdly handsome; me.
  17. Exactly what someone who is trying to pretend they're joking would say I think I've mentioned it here before, but I'm in favor of the panther party method of politics. You have a group of elected representatives, as we have now, and a pit full of really hungry panthers. When politicians screw the pooch in a verifiably hard way, they go in the panther pit, discouraging others from abuse and fuckery
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