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Oedipus Wreckx-n-Effect

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Everything posted by Oedipus Wreckx-n-Effect

  1. Been testing out some bags. Looking to do an actual over-night trip one of these weekends.
  2. I think you could build it that light. Whether they did or not is a different story. If this is just a prototype maybe more weight is ok for now. One step towards exosuits!
  3. I don't trust those stats as much. College campuses will oftentimes find a drugged out female dead in the dorms and call it a suicide, when in reality it was a date-rape gone wrong.
  4. This is incorrect. Male suicide on average (in modern "western" culture) is about seven times more common than female suicide. Men will kill themselves however they want, and usually without much regards for the cleanup. Women care about who finds them, which is usually why they use overdosing instead of bullets to the head or purposeful car crashes. One possible idea is that women worry more about the people they care for when they would be gone, which would keep a suicidially depressed woman from killing themselves. I'm not sure if I'm completely on board with the hypothesis, but I can see its merit.
  5. Just saw a bumper sticker. It said, "my dog is a democrat." Damn, who won't the Dems register to vote? First illegals, then dead people, now pets?
  6. The Russians may have hacked our elections, but WE hacked the ROYAL WEDDING. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/worldviews/wp/2018/06/01/british-commentator-who-dominated-royal-wedding-coverage-exposed-as-tommy-from-new-york/?noredirect=on&utm_term=.200040868253 'British' commentator who dominated royal wedding coverage exposed as Tommy from New York Thomas J. Mace-Archer-Mills, ne Thomas Muscatello, grew up an hour north of Albany, N.Y. The Italian American then moved to Myrtle Beach, S.C., for college, where he studied politics and history. Soon, he started to work in real estate and gave himself a hyphenated last name, adding DeLaCroix to the end to give himself a boost in business with French Canadian clients. And somehow, in 2018, he and his latest, triple-barreled last name appeared in a number of media reports, on TV and radio, offering commentary on the royal wedding. The self-described expert on the British monarchy spoke in a posh British accent and all. The best part: It seems that until this week, no one quite realized that the 38-year-old is not actually a Brit. The Wall Street Journal revealed Thursday that Mace-Archer-Mills, who spoke about British people in the first person, is from Upstate New York. The royal family commentator and staunch defender of the British monarchy has appeared in some of Britain's most reputable outlets, including the BBC and the Economist. He also serves as chairman of the British Monarchist Society and Foundation, which he founded in 2012. But it seems most British viewers and producers didn't pick up on his fake, posh accent, which he allegedly honed during a high school production of “Oliver!” and through visits to Britain. “I found where I'm supposed to be and who I am supposed to be,” Mace-Archer-Mills told the newspaper, explaining that he feels more connected to Britain than the United States. He even found an elderly British man who agreed that Mace-Archer-Mills could call him his grandfather. He met him outside Buckingham Palace as a teenager. He often appeared in a bow tie, tweed jacket and cap. Speaking to a Norwegian TV channel just ahead of Meghan Markle and Prince Harry's wedding in May, the American emphasized “keeping integrity, keeping formality and making sure that the traditions and heritage that we have as British people remain at the forefront.” Mace-Archer-Mills, whose latest last name is a concoction of relatives' and friends' surnames, is also the author of two books of cocktail recipes. The first is called “To The Queen … A Royal Drinkology” and the second “Their Majesties’ Mixers — When They Reign, They Pour.” He also launched a new cryptocurrency called the Royal Coin. One of his high school teachers, Jim Miller, told the Wall Street Journal that during his production of “Oliver!,” Mace-Archer-Mills was “able to learn and duplicate a British accent and the appropriate mannerisms for his character, again all from his own research.” On the British Monarchist Society and Foundation's website, his biography says that he “has worked hard to incorporate like-minded people to be a part of this much-revered society within the United Kingdom, in which cumulatively, under Thomas’ direction, brings British traditions to the next level.” His father told the Wall Street Journal that as a child, “he told me, ‘Dad, someday I want to move over there and be part of what’s going on.' " Well, that he certainly did.
  7. Yup. There are more examples of machine guns than not machine guns.
  8. Probably anything capable of full auto fire. That's what counts here in the states.
  9. Twitter banned her for this message but has done nothing about the thousands of death threats she has received.
  10. Of course you do. Because any dissenting opinion would be reviewed by the Board of Goodthink and justly sorted.
  11. http://kdvr.com/2018/05/21/man-films-three-people-stringing-fishing-line-across-bike-path/ Synopsis: Guy films three teenagers stringing high-strength fishing line across a well used bike path. Calls cops to report it. Cops don't do shit. As someone who has crashed while doing 20 mph, it's no joke. that crap could seriously injure someone. And if you went down on your head, on concrete, at that speed? May not wake up. Not the first time I've seen this stuff though. I've personally pulled booby-traps out of trails in the past.
  12. Counterpoint, @Toxn: What if we hunted UK citizens who didn't have TV licenses from helicopters with poison-bullet loaded machineguns?
  13. There are enough random variables in cancer treatment and detection as it is. Adding another layer is silly.
  14. Normal drug sniffing dogs have been doing this for ages. I got pulled out of class because I had a jacket in the back of my truck with powder burns on it. Dog sniffed it out in the parking lot. I had to be present to open up my truck. Though technically, I could have just refused and there wouldn't have been much they could have done legally. But hey that's not a fight I felt like fighting as a 16 year old. However, when do kids store guns at school? Usually the shooter walks in and starts blasting. Meaning what? The dog is barking "He has a gun!" as he's shooting up a classroom?
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