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Everything posted by Meplat

  1. At least one, usually near the driver. I used to (used to) have a few "loadout" books describing what was authorized/required on U.S. armor dating from the early 80's, and I remember just about every armored vehicle seemed to have one M3A1 stowed. (Lesson for the day-"Don't loan out manuals, regardless of how mundane. People will run off with the weirdest shit"). I still have some docs for the M88 ARV, and it shows stowage for the M3A1. As to the piece,( other than the mags,) they are one of the simplest SMG's you could hand to a poorly/hastily/utterly uninterested in learning how to use it individual, and have it still be reasonably effective. The mags are a dual column,single feed, which makes loading them a pain. Luckily, the loading tool is a part of the gun. As is the cleaning rod, barrel wrench, oil bottle, etc..
  2. It's not like they really wear out. (or saw enough use to wear out).
  3. They're "meh". If I wanted an unusual gas "operated" handgun, I'd get (another) Steyr GB. Otherwise? A 4" tubed Model 29 is plenty of fun in a smaller package.
  4. I'd wonder "how long til a million shitty phone videos of this person shooting up youtube, end up on youtube?".
  5. These still turn up, NIB, if one ever wanted some interesting light fittings. There is a more modern variant that is squared off, that also is occasionally found. Both are very well made.
  6. Torsion bar, likely because of the increased weight of the M18 (T70) over the T49 & T67, and front drive because of weight (re) distribution, and it allowed the engine and transmission to be easily serviced/replaced as independent units. (the engine and trans will "slide out" on tracks.).
  7. The other issue with opening the NFA MG registry (killing the Hughes) is that there are a sizeable number of current NFA owners who DO NOT want to see more MG's out there. Some for financial reasons ("de-valuing my collection! Oh Noes!") and some for political/prestige reasons I know of at least a half dozen NFA/MG collectors who think EVERY gun owner should have to go through the equivalent of a NFA background check to own ANY firearm. A few more are of the attitude of "Do you want just anyone to own any gun!?!".. There is a disgusting caste/class system within the NFA community, that frankly, needs to die. And it will go down kicking and screaming.
  8. Great piece, but it will likely be lost in the noise.
  9. "Video Unavailable".. Fucking Farcebook.
  10. That's going to be a self-solving issue in the near future.
  11. Why not short swords? Maybe make the tops of the desks removable, and train them in some Roman era tactics. Have some "dangerously sharp" broomsticks at ready access..
  12. Sadly, his efforts will go wasted. Assaulting feelings with logic and rational discussion is rarely worthwhile. Making a school the equivalent of a prison is definitely not the answer. When the outside of a school looks like a set piece from "the great escape" because of the fences and armed guards, it's time to consider other options. Kind of wishing they still had all those chemicals, I managed to trade a junky (red tagged) gyro-horizon for a pound of mercury from my physics teacher, and I'm sure it is now more lead than mercury. Oh and yeah, guns were everywhere then. Only time there was an issue was when I traded some auto work for a Japanese replica of a 1911, so I could make grip slabs for my grandad's 1911. My woodworking teacher was so impressed, he was showing my work off to my father (also a teacher). My parents were worried that I'd somehow gotten ahold of a real 1911, and not a "to scale but inert" model to use as as tooling.
  13. Oh.. OH this post! Yes, a common 3 ton engine crane would do. Pallets to take the mill and engine. "Cribbing is always your friend" when dealing with tanks. Also, HUGE wrenches. And you will break them. Harbor Freight, cause Snap-On will tell you to fuck off after the second swap. I have personally experienced this. You do end up making a lot of tooling. You'd best be a semi-competent machinist, cause you will be making tools, and parts, and fixtures, etc... Learn to work on and repair forklifts, because YOU WILL NEED ONE. It will be your most used tool, other than a 12 Oz ball peen, and a 12" crescent wrench. Buy the BIGGEST you can afford. ALL engines can be timed with either a light, or a pointer. If it lights at first crank, who the fuck cares how you timed it?
  14. For the most part, "yes". Both still deteriorate at a frightening rate when not used, but armor is much easier to deal with, as it does not fall from a great height when it fails. You need a lot of specialized equipment to deal with either, unless your collection consists solely of a Daimler scout car and a L4 Grasshopper.
  15. Probably two W6's , and "because we can".
  16. I was "meh" about them, til I got to really play with one. It's currently my "If I could only have one" as far as SMG's go.
  17. In this vein.. Most of the handguns I fixed early on in my "professional" firearms career (well, got working as nothing was really broken) were owned by police officers. The vast majority were simply gummed up with lint and dried out WD-40. One had a wad of dessicated chewing gum stuck to the hammer spur, preventing the piece from firing DA or SA. One old K frame Smith had the most battered crane I'd ever seen, caused by it's owner "slapping" the cylinder open and closed. Maintenance as far as the majority of these folks were concerned, was douching the piece with WD-40 or 3 in 1 oil, followed by wiping it with an old t-shirt.
  18. Pretty much. But, if you're going to take the hard left into 'tardsville, at least make sure your last good effort was a good one The Sterling was a very, very good SMG.
  19. It also saved me from furiously trying to find the pictures I took of the shot up police ranges I've been to. Police ONLY ranges. With holes in the roof, the benches, etc. The Maricopa County range was one of the better ones, as it saw use by FBI and ATF. (Who were notorious for having repeated ND's with their select fire weapons.).
  20. Thirty shot clipazines. https://imgur.com/p5veODd
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