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Everything posted by Meplat

  1. My firearms will never become "Illegal". They'll simply be "Undocumented"..
  2. BRB checking what universe I live in..
  3. Y'know, just decriminalizing the shit would make it a self-solving problem..
  4. They'll just kill it and slap up another, til they get the numbers they want. They (and a few other groups) have done this already. Put up a poll, then vanish it when it does not produce the numbers they want.
  5. Responsibility is something germinated and fostered in the self. Not mandated by a government or it's policies.
  6. It's Feinstein. The woman is a fucking moron.
  7. Again, take a wild guess at how many firearms licenses I have. Whatever number you guess, multiply it by zero.. You do not license a (supposedly) constitutionally guaranteed right. That a few locales have managed to get away with it is less of an endorsement of the legality of the process, than a symptom of a disease.
  8. "Full Semiautomatic" is me deciding to slap the BREN mag in my No4 Enfield, and ejaculating 30 rounds at something resembling a fucking boxhead. FFS. These dipshits have no idea what someone with a modicum of trig could do with a machine gun that is over a century in age.
  9. Dear lord, the fucktarderdy. It's like a singularity of stupid....
  10. An aside, I'm fucking about on boats again.. so Mind your wash.
  11. Not very, why? *Booting half right rudder and pulling up hard, then half rolling on the fucking Boche and giving him a bit of .303"* Would you like me to whittle you a stock for a BREN? *Pitching down and kicking that fucking Griffon for all it has, before dropping flaps, hauling in and hosing that shitlord in the Bf 109* Really, your concern is noted, but when I'm really reeling, you;'ll hear the pipes.
  12. FWIW some of my ancestors were freed slaves. They still fought for the confederacy. If I ever get the chance I will take pics. Not that they will be accepted, just that they will be "there". In the ether. Likely forgotten, but still there. If i measure to a third of their greatness, I'll be happy. They were truly "Americans",
  13. Bleh. Best fun is recreating BoB intercepts, but under absurd conditions. I-E 'Germans massively ubderestimate British tech, or American tech, and get ass-fucked by Mexicans in Curtiss aircraft.
  14. Crowder is one of the people I'd meet at the range, but never let them see my home. (Though in his defense, I am not the most friendly of persons when approached unnanounced. Expect me ti be CLOSELY studying the sod if someone I do not know approaches.)
  15. I made a fully functional STEN in a bit under one hour. Excluding magazine and rifled barrel. The PKM challenge was really fun, and made me love the design. I kind of miss doing that kind of work, but I realize that all I did will never mean anything in a normal shop environment, and all I did will mean nothing in the grand scheme of things. So now I'm semi-retired.
  16. You'd need to make more than 100RPH if shit went pear shaped. You have no idea how fast I can make a STEN. ETA- What "they" need to worry about is if I decide to dabble in artillery. or Rocketry.
  17. I've made my own primers and propellant. Fuck them.
  18. License Process... LICENSE PROCESS... Take a wild guess how many licenses/permits/etc. I have for my small collection of arms..
  19. If you have nothing against the U.S. government, and how it behaves, then why comment on U.S. gun control policy? Because the very proposal of it, "gun control", is patently unconstitutional. Cause I sure the hell have a bunch of issues with the sons of bitches.
  20. So...You don't trust my government to protect you, but you want me to trust it ? No.. No , Thank you, I'll pass.
  21. Which I don't.. And my ancestors bailed out of France, then Canada, because they did not..So call it hereditary. Having faith in government is like having faith in a tissue paper umbrella on a rainy day. It's going to fail, and you're going to get pissed on, but it'll still be your fault.
  22. I find it difficult to trust any government, that does not trust me to own a firearm of my choice, unfettered.
  23. Semi-related.. Good guy with AR-15.. https://i.imgur.com/IS0Doer.png
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