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Posts posted by Lostwingman

  1. 5 hours ago, Jeeps_Guns_Tanks said:

    I Think it's kinda funny all the crying about it not being presidential.  Isn't,by default, presidential, if the President does it?


    The mainstream media is openly, and unfairly, against him, Twitter is one of the ways he bypasses them and gets to normal people with no media spin, stopping would be a mistake. The era of politely lying to the people you vote for through the mainstream media, and getting away with it is over.  

    The days of having to use the mainstream media outlets to reach constituents is dead and over. How much gets spent on ads in presidential elections now? Over a billion each cycle, just for the presidential races. This is life or death for these hacks. This is why they drive every point home with "a president tweeting is wrong" in some derivation. They just want to remain in control. Bunch of incestuous arrogant self-fellating cock suckers. I can't wait for all of these networks to die their deserved deaths of irrelevancy. I'm well beyond caring much about Trump's policies as they couldn't possibly be worse than what we usually get from the Democrats or Republicans. Hell, most of his "worst" policies seem to just be Republican policies. So who cares? Just sit back, enjoy the ride, and let everyone else get bent out of shape over tweets.



    2 hours ago, Sturgeon said:


    Every day that goes by has me incrementally more convinced that Trump is the Grand Master Persuader that Dilbertman believes he is. I am watching him throw meat to the sharks, and get everything he wants while they are distracted. In a few months, his opponents will wake up to a bright, sunny day where the birds are singing, grab their phones to start the days reading of tweets, and find that Trump has quietly delivered on every. single. one. of his campaign promises. The wall will be built, tax reform passed, healthcare reworked, the VA restructured, etc. Trump will declare victory, and for many folks the illusion of a chaotic, out-of-control manchild will be broken. They'll have been roundly defeated, because they were too worried what "covfefe" meant to notice that he was getting shit done.


    Whether any of this will be good for America, I have no idea. But the opposition is currently demonstrating the political acumen of a pack of alligators. Trump is a cajun with some chicken fillets he bought at a gas station and a 20 gauge shotgun. They don't stand a chance.


    They won't wake up. These people will deny reality as either a strategy or as a coping mechanism. The dems are desperate to keep the hysteria to a fever pitch up to 2018 to try and win seats back.



  3. On 5/30/2017 at 2:29 PM, Donward said:

    We were discussing this also in the General News thread but since the Three Percenters are mentioned, here it goes.


    Portland Republican says party should use militia groups to protect Free Speech demonstration from Antifa rioters.




    "“I am sort of evolving to the point where I think that it is appropriate for Republicans to continue to go out there,” he said. “And if they need to have a security force protecting them, that’s an appropriate thing too.”

    Asked if this meant Republicans making their own security arrangements rather than relying on city or state police, Buchal said: “Yeah. And there are these people arising, like the Oath Keepers and the Three Percenters.”

    Asked if he was considering such groups as security providers, Buchal said: “Yeah. We’re thinking about that. Because there are now belligerent, unstable people who are convinced that Republicans are like Nazis.”




    I guess the only question is who do we root for when the rumble breaks out?

    From a lot of what I've seen, the cops do everything they can to turn a blind eye to those Antifa LARPers. Someone is going to get really hurt from this shit because of it and groups like those might end up responsible.

  4. 6 hours ago, LoooSeR said:

    Is being retarded a main "quality" to get a job in MSM?



    Not necessarily but being a shill is.


    3 hours ago, Collimatrix said:


    As I understand it, Turkey and Qatar are on the same side.  Egypt, the UAE and Saudi Arabia decided to throw those two under the bus in the name of anti-terror operations.  The UAE and everyone's favorite backwater oil rich theocracy are obviously just as dirty as Qatar and Turkey, but Egypt's current secular government has a (completely justified) distrust of Qatar for supporting the Muslim Brotherhood during that stupid incident a few years back where the US nearly allowed the Muslim Brotherhood to take over Egypt.


    It's unclear what precipitated this.  Trump's visit is one possibility.


    Interesting that it's Erdogan's Turkey that's sitting opposite the Saudis. I wonder what it would take to knock Erdogan's regime down and if there are enough elements of secularists there to properly regain control of the country.



    Putin going on a tear recently.


  5. 6 hours ago, Donward said:


    Yeah. This is pretty standard fare for television news reporters.


    But apparently I'm a kook with an agenda if I'm skeptical of everything that passes off as news.


    6 hours ago, Priory_of_Sion said:

    Saudi Arabia & Bahrain cut off diplomatic relations with fellow GCC state Qatar and have closed down their airspace and seaways to Qatar. 


    This follows some hacked emails showing UAE diplomats working with US think tanks about trying to get Qatar punished for not being fully on the Iran-hate train even though Qatar does fund its share of Salafists who routinely murder any Shia they come into contact with. 


    Edit: UAE follows 

    Edit: An alternative theory to this that doesn't center around Qatar being buddies with Iran, which they don't seem to be, is that Qatar is way more lenient towards the Muslim Brotherhood which is hated by the rest of the ruling parties in the region. 


    So I've been hearing about US military build ups in Kuwait city for awhile now and previous speculation I read was that it was probably going to Afghanistan with a small chance it's for ISIS. I wonder what the chances are that it's related to this.

  6. 8 hours ago, Oedipus Wreckx-n-Effect said:



    Actually it can't but maybe those fucking hippies shitting up downtown and the East side can go fuck off elsewhere.


    8 hours ago, Sturgeon said:

    CNN is breathlessly reporting that the upcoming Comey testimony threatens to topple the Trump White House.


    Who wants to bet on what happens Thursday?

    I can't wait. Jack shit will happen but it will be interpreted as "absolutely conclusive" and "another nail in Drumpf's coffin".


    The media is absolutely worthless. They've lost their monopoly on the narrative and can't handle it.


    9 hours ago, Legiondude said:

    I take it you've seen that one Harvard professor Ted Cruz skewered on Twitter the other day?

    The future of public political discourse is here. A twitter thread with countless articles "explaining" what each tweet meant because 140 characters leaves a lot unsaid.

  7. 19 hours ago, Collimatrix said:


    Four words for you; South Korean riot police:



    For reasons I'm not entirely clear on, South Korean protests routinely turn into violent, medieval-looking line battles:

    Frankly, they make most of the US civil disturbances look pretty lame.

    Why this is such a regular occurrence in an industrialized country with a high standard of living and very low levels of crime otherwise is somewhat mystifying to me.


    Didn't South Korea have a dictatorship as late as the 80s? They've probably got a real sense of dread for their civil liberties over there being one of the international chess pieces used in the cold war and sitting on the door step of a authoritarian nightmare.


    Anyway, I unfortunately think that this is probably the closest we'll get to seeing a real life example of how at least early organized armies fought off barbarian hordes.


    15 hours ago, EnsignExpendable said:

    Their formation is so loose, they are vulnerable to cavalry. Where are their pikes? Where are the archers? Terrible, just terrible. 

    Unsophisticated barbarians only warrant so much complexity in the face of hard drilled discipline.

  8. On 4/17/2017 at 2:50 PM, Collimatrix said:

     I would further expect most countries to be aware that this is exactly what they are doing, and they won't take many immigrants as a result.



    Yeah you would think, but I don't quite have that level of faith after watching first hand the levels of delusion people can live under in respective narrative bubbles. Maybe there is hope though since there was at least backlash against the Turkish politicians holding Turkish political rallies in European countries...

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