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Mike E

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    Moved to Florida from CA
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    Researching, debating, making coffee, drinking coffee, and loving coffee.

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  1. How did I miss that. Drapes didn't seem to be like that at all when I talked to him. I was an unofficial contributor to his site for a few months before I just got busy and lost interest. That information would be from him if I had to guess.
  2. Bunch of trash from both sides of the aisle today, the state of political debate is pathetic. Sit Spencer and your average commie down in a room, film it, and show the world for all to laugh. Neither will have a constructive argument. Unfortunately this entire event will silence debate even further, and RIP to those that died.
  3. Hard to tell how stable T-14 looks while firing thanks to that awful panning. An improvement over the original results, though.
  4. I can't confirm this but anything above x12 would come to be a surprise. Russia doesn't have the experience in thermal imagers as say Germany, France or the U.S.
  5. Since when has Zuk been on this forum, lol. The first diagram Met749 posted is probably the most accurate in regards to T-14. It would make no sense for the layout to be otherwise (ie heavily sloped like the T-64 and onward) because of the new use of ceramic composite armour. I suspect that the external ERA is mounted upon a thin outer layer of metal/armour, which is then followed by spacing and finally the composite. It makes the most sense.
  6. Trump is a closet liberal, always has been. The so called "protests" are hilariously pathetic though.
  7. I'm all stocked up on bleach, here goes nothing. At this point, all I care about is that A Leppo hits 5% nationally.
  8. Wait, what? It is literally just steel and ERA? I remember hearing that diagrams showed it to most probably be a variation on the steel-STEF layout, maybe not.
  9. Yes, I have been seeing this popping up as well. A guy named U.W.A. kind of claimed recent MS' were Proryv-3 of sorts and had the 2A82, which is false. We don't have confirmation it is even possible to fit the 2A82 other than a diagram showing there might be enough room to do so (per Gurkhan). There's a lot of misinformation surrounding the "T-90M" to begin with: the T-90AM never existed anywhere but paper IIRC and Sputnik recently claimed they were in service. We may never see it if Armata gets off to a good start.
  10. I like the idea of basically turning radioactive waste (specifically Plutonium products) into glass with the help of blast furnace slag as mentioned: here... http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0022311513010313 and here: http://www.sheffield.ac.uk/news/nr/nuclear-research-sheffield-university-fukushima-1.324913 Dramatically reduces the waste's volume and its radioactivity while being reasonably affordable. Outside of this, breeders (as some have brought out) are a massive help in disposal and could be much more so in the future. IMHO MSR burner designs are also supposed to burn through large amounts of waste.
  11. You do not have to support either in all honestly. Assad will come out on top (which is honestly the more desirable situation) if the "rebels" simply are not funded and supported by the US and allies. Putin has said the goal is reinforcing Assad and then holding snap elections once the situation is cleared...honestly not a bad plan, especially w/ foreign observers. I don't think it was Clinton (State Dept.) as much as the liberal opposition itself, which was later supported (and probably earlier as well) by the US. TBH there is no opposition party in Russia, it is United Russia, their allies (Lib. Dems and arguably the Commies who are not that anti-Putin to begin with), and the West backed parties.
  12. Assad is not in favor of a caliphate, that is one of the big differences. SA wants to expand outside of their borders, if not by taking territory -- by spreading ideology. This is why they publicly (basically) supported ISIL, Nusra and other such terrorist groups. Assad is not a nice guy, but he is not as sinister. I'd argue he'd be tame under Russian control regardless, too much to sacrifice if he is not. I think Russia has a good chance of uniting Syria, Iraq, and Iran. Maybe even Turkey if they are lucky. Saudi Arabia is a wildcard and always has been.
  13. Sargon is pretty based on these type of videos. He doesn't know jack about economics or even some political functions though.
  14. Most probably true. I know that the explosive charge 4S24 (used in Relic and can be equipped with Kontakt-5) is supposed to be dramatically more sensitive than 4S22 when it comes to HEAT charges and such.
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