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Everything posted by SergeantMatt

  1. I'm enjoying Gears of War 4, compared to some recent PC ports it's great. Runs like a dream, no major bugs. Balance already seems better than previous games, nothing like the sawed-off shotgun that killed everyone in a 90 degree cone in front of you like early Gears 3, or a Retro Lancer that was so much better than the other choices that there was no point not using it.
  2. I dunno man, Vermin Supreme needs your support!
  3. Liberal here, I literally can't bring myself to vote for any of the candidates. Probably going to have to write in a joke candidate for President and just fill in the rest of the ballot normally.
  4. Models have all shifted, seems up here in New England we're safe now. Hope they don't shift again.
  5. Yep, most hated candidates in recent American history. Gotta love it.
  6. Wonder if it'll go out to sea or hit the US after passing the Bahamas.
  7. https://twitter.com/cafedotcom/status/781310298657464320 Gary, Gary, Gary...
  8. Well, that was... something. I expect Trump's poll numbers to crater tomorrow.
  9. Pretty much, IIRC three times as many Florida Democrats voted for Bush as voted for Nader.
  10. 538 has Trump up to 48.5% chance of victory polls only, 48.1% polls plus, 54.9% if the election were today. Highest chances he's had so far. A good performance in tonight's debate will likely give him the lead. Nate Silver: "The latest polling is consistent with a Clinton lead of only ~1% nationally. State firewall breaking up. Trend lines awful." "Last 6 polls in Colorado, supposed "safe" state for Clinton: Trump +1 Trump +4 Clinton +1 Clinton +2 Clinton +7 Trump +4"
  11. That Sherman must have so much appliqué armor.
  12. Trump has risen to 40% chance of victory on 538's polls plus forecast. Iowa, Ohio, North Carolina, and Florida are all leaning his way. If he can flip Nevada and Colorado, he wins.
  13. As far as I know he has no desire to run again.
  14. If the Martians didn't want to get genocided and colonized, they shouldn't have lived on our backup planet.
  15. I'm enjoying it, though it of course doesn't feel like WWI since everyone but the sniper class is running around with SMGs and semi-auto rifles. Very much enjoying blasting stuff with those field guns littered all over the place. Seems they upped the tickrate to 60 hz from BF4's 30 hz, which makes hitting stuff at long range much more consistent. Graphics are beautiful too. They also finally added opening doors instead of smashing them down and animations for getting in and out of vehicles, which is nice.
  16. Got any articles about this, that sounds interesting.
  17. Especially epic historical war movies like Waterloo, that was great. And none of that CGI crap, actually get tens of thousands of extras for the war scenes.
  18. Hopefully they don't disappoint us this time. Honestly if they can at least hit like Sandy Bridge IPC or so, that would be enough to be viable. And if nothing else it should at least shave a few bucks off the Intel prices.
  19. As far as CPUs go, with AMDs new Zen chips on the horizon there is absolutely no reason to get an AMD chip right now. I'd honestly wait until they come out later this year to upgrade, should drive CPU prices down since they'll actually be competitive with Intel chips.
  20. Peace conferences seem to produce some strange things though. Note that Konrad Adenauer is the President of both West Germany and the German Republic here.
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