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Everything posted by SergeantMatt

  1. Yeah, I'd say it's the best Battlefield in a long time, and I was expecting mediocrity at best.
  2. Only one solution. Bathe the whole town in nuclear fire.
  3. Holy shit. http://www.politico.com/story/2016/11/hillary-clinton-aides-loss-blame-231215 Not only is it clear they've learned nothing: Bill fucking Clinton warned them and they didn't listen.
  4. Great chart: Trump did a tiny bit worse than McCain or Romney. Clinton did catastrophically worse than Obama.
  5. No Stein = Trump wins 280-258. No Stein or Johnson, Trump wins 290-248. No Johnson, Trump does even better.
  6. Jill Stein lost Clinton Michigan, Wisconsin, and New Hampshire, but that's not enough to win out with the Gary Johnson flips.
  7. Latest numbers, Clinton would have lost another seven states if not for Gary Johnson voters sapping Trump votes. Liberal dems are still trying to blame it on third parties when third parties helped them.
  8. If it doesn't happen, Democrats are royally fucked until it does. Can't beat a right wing populist with an elite status quo establishment candidate, you need a left wing populist to fight that. The salt from the Dems who backed Clinton in the primary when we tell them "we told you so" is delicious.
  9. Looking at my acquaintances and people I follow, the liberal Clinton wing is freaking the fuck out and crying, the leftist Sanders/Jacobin wing is preparing to push to take over the Democratic Party. Interesting few years ahead of us.
  10. Major takeaways from analyses of the election results: biggest swings towards Trump relative to 2012 election results were people making less than $30k, non college educated whites, and asian americans. Less than 44 years old = Clinton, more equals Trump. Hillary did worse among white women than Kerry in 2004 or Obama in 2008. 9% of registered democrats voted Trump, 7% of registered Republicans voted Clinton. Lowest turnout since 2000. https://twitter.com/JamesKanag/status/796303144351399936 Polling error correlates strongly with non college educated white population. https://twitter.com/CarlBeijer/status/796281023101366272 Support for Democrats has fallen 9% among whites and 11% among blacks since 2008.
  11. Hillary = a hybrid of Cersei and Olenna Tyrell, Trump = Euron Greyjoy what with the "Make America/The Iron Islands Great Again, Once We Were Conquerors/We Don't Win Anymore, etc. Bernie is Stannis, long career but hated by the political establishment for not playing the game, has a smallish but fanatically loyal following, wants to let the wildlings through the Wall, worships the Red God. Jeb is Moon Boy.
  12. And already the democratic establishment is trying to blame everybody but themselves. It's not the third parties fault, it's not Bernie's fault, this is squarely on the shoulders of Hillary Clinton and the DNC. They picked a status quo establishment politican to fight a populist in a time of economic turmoil, when has that ever worked? But they didn't learn from 2000 or 2004, so I don't expect them to learn now.
  13. So DNC, sure was a good idea to back Clinton over Sanders, eh? Clinton is just so much more electable.
  14. Trump's up to 35.5% chance of victory on 538's poll plus, Nevada is leaning his way. If he holds the states leaning towards him, he just has to flip New Hampshire or Colorado and he wins.
  15. Fun stuff from noted hippie idiot Jill Stein's reddit AMA today, Link: "Nuclear power is dirty, dangerous, expensive, and obsolete. ... And the depleted uranium ammunition used by our military is now sickening people in the Middle East." (Currently at 1,924 downvotes) "A number of scientific studies have raised red flags about possible health effects of WiFi radiation on young children. ... There is not enough information to know." (Currently at 733 downvotes)
  16. Cabals of oligarchs and shamans running South Korea from behind the scenes? I want to get off 2016's wild ride.
  17. Highest chance scenario for civil unrest: If Hillary loses the popular vote but wins the electoral college.
  18. Major new update and expansion for Stellaris. Adds a shitload of stuff to do in the mid and late game, makes the galaxy a more dangerous place, and has loads of much needed UI improvements.
  19. Been working fine for me, full 64 player matches every time. I like the maps on the UK vs Germany front best, but they're all good. Still annoyed that they left out RUSSIA AND FRANCE IN A WWI GAME for DLC though.
  20. Play Operations, I've literally played nothing but Operations since I first tried it. Best game mode by far.
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