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Everything posted by SergeantMatt

  1. I haven't driven it myself, but it has a higher average winrate on both NA and EU than any other tier 9. M1A2 comes in second, Challenger 2 third.
  2. T-90 seems pretty good from my experience driving it, hits like a train, armor is solid enough, mobility is decent. Server winrates seem to indicate that the Leopard 2 A5, Ariete, and M1A1 Abrams are all beating it handily though, which is odd. T-90MS, on the other hand, is the best performing tier 9.
  3. Or geopolitics, since without nukes there's no longer anything stopping the former nuclear powers from going to war with each other like they did all the time in the pre-nuclear age.
  4. I also like how in ANH, Obi-Wan says Anakin was a good friend, yet in the prequels we don't see any sort of real friendship onscreen. Mostly just Anakin whining about how much he hates Obi-Wan and how he's so unfair, and Obi-Wan being annoyed. And rewatching the scene right now, Obi-Wan says: "I have something here for you. Your father wanted you to have this when you were old enough. But your uncle wouldn't allow it. He feared you might follow old Obi-Wan on some damn fool idealistic crusade, like your father did." The prequels don't match that at all.
  5. Step 1 of improving ROTJ: Replace Ewoks with Wookiees.
  6. no need to waste expensive tibanna gas on filthy anti-civilization savages like tusken raiders and ewoks, bullets are cheaper
  7. Have an LG G4 as well, not the leather back though, excellent phone.
  8. Don't forget his excellent fighting skills, like charging in to fight a Jedi in close combat and being knocked into sarlacc pits by a blind guy with a stick.
  9. I kinda want a Tarantino Star Wars movie. No GALACTIC THREAT OF THE WEEK, just a couple of asshole criminals doing asshole criminal things. Only in Star Wars.
  10. I hope it's not the inevitable pandering Boba Fett movie. That bitch is being digested in the Sarlacc forever, EU be damned.
  11. The rebel raid mechanic was annoying as hell too, every five minutes you'd have to waste ten minutes defending a planet from a handful of rebels
  12. That game became really unfair once you had a level 5 space station along with gravity wells and defense satellites, you flat out couldn't lose on the defense.
  13. Shame the ground battles in Empire at War sucked so much, I liked the space battles.
  14. Alternatively, the Executor is 19 km long and Imperial-class Star Destroyers are 1.73 km long rather than 1.6. But based on direct visual evidence, we know that the Executor is 11 times longer than an ISD.
  15. Then the Eclipse is shorter than is stated there, the Executor as seen in the movies can be clearly measured to be 17.6 km, and direct visual evidence from the movies trumps all.
  16. Don't be ridiculous, that terrible CGI musical number was totally an improvement.
  17. I'm still just annoyed that that Harmy guy had to take it upon himself to piece together the original unedited OT releases from like 7 different sources, instead of Lucas/Disney just releasing the original versions in HD. #GreedoNeverShot
  18. Eh, having thought on it more, gotta dock it serious points for complete lack of worldbuilding, extreme minimalistic scale (did all that happen in one solar system?), and derivative plot. Still, acting and characters were mostly good, cinematography was good. No children or space teddy bears is a plus. 7/10, ROTJ was better.
  19. I give it an 8/10, pretty much on par with ROTJ. Nowhere near ANH or ESB.
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