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Everything posted by Jeeps_Guns_Tanks

  1. The left is going to have a Weekend at RDBs moment if she dies! She will be seen about town, maybe waterskiing, all with an odd pair of Staffers always right next to her! It will be the breakout hit of 2019!
  2. You have to be actually, mentally handy capped to buy into that bullshit! It a jobs program for idiot lefty professors.
  3. Oh man, that's funny as hell, and fuck that Soursore bitch, I can't believe she is so big in the feminist movement.
  4. Yep, so fuckin dumb, I think they were afraid to back down, their own supports would have been protesting in their offices.
  5. Awesome, back from the hike, and home to news of the Republicans great victory!
  6. Well, I'm sure that's just going to piss him off, even more, he might tell Chuck and Nancy to kiss hit grits or something!
  7. I always kinda wondered if you can take a P-38K and hunt those 109 fuckers down, if modeled at all correct it should climb fast and have more power at alt than any 109...
  8. Do 1X16 for sure, and a bigger SSD but other than that, it looks sweet! Splurge on the monitor, it will stick with you through several computers, and a huge monitor is nice, nicer than two mediums. Make sure your video card can hack the res if you get a stupid big monitor, I got lucky my video card choice could handle the 3840X2160res monitor. The GTX980 was like pretty high end when I built the system.
  9. Yeah, and there have been reports of lawyers leaving the Mueller probe and going back to regular stuff, a sign they are closing down. I expect the Dems to go even more stupid/insane now, their narrative if falling apart, their lies are coming our, their true character has been exposed. They arrested a Dem staffer for doxxing and a bunch of other crap. I expect actual violence against Republicans and Republican politicians next. Maybe the decent Democrats out there will wake up and vote out the crazy idiots they are currently electing if there are enough left.
  10. Yeah, the few times I tried it, that's what I ran into... What's funny, is you can still win Air AB when those ass bags are playing alt ambush bs. Just dive for the deck with a load of ord, bomb the shit of out stuff, win the battle through the ground game, why they rack up their silly K/D and lose the game. This works well for American planes, cause most of them haul bombs and rockets, and six .50s works well on soft ground stuff, and they have tons of ammo and fast reload, so left alone, you can do a lot of damage. I do have fun playing planes in tank RB, there are fewer alt monkeys in that mode, but you still get them, but a guy wasting time in a fighter at high alt loses their team the game in that mode too.
  11. There are rumors James Baker testified behind closed doors testimony to that was really damaging to Mueller probe, and now Mueller has a press conference set up for tomorrow? Is this another orchestrated October surprise co-ordinated by the Dems with Saint Mueller, or another crushing blow to the Dems, when he says there was no collusion?
  12. Hah, that was pretty funny. Bonus points for not having to edit Obama's voice clips to add the stuttering and stumbling and make him sound bad.
  13. Is there anything better to show off the childish and silly nature of rabid anti Trump left?
  14. There is far more credible evidence she is a Democrat operative than there is for her being raped.
  15. I don't consider Trump a regular politician, cause he gives no fucks what the Media thinks of him, and I actually agree with his agenda, and he certainly is not stupid, a little odd sure. I was talking your standard dipshits, Obama, Warren, Bush, McCain, Flake, etc.
  16. Oh yeah, anyone who admires, or even likes, a politician, is a person who does not understand, they, by going into the profession, are and probably always was an asshole, and most are pretty stupid. Much like most people in the media, both are places that have no real standards, and being smooth and good looking pays well. They should not be trusted and should be verbally beaten and abused until they only do their voters biding, and the ones that put the others sides voters above the people who elected them, like Flake, must be purged because they are the lowest of the low.
  17. She will be a folk hero to the left, she will now get speaking events and get to go to all the fundraisers, and I heard she had four Gofundme and she was near a million bucks last week. Her story has changed, she lied about her background, and the prosecutor says she has a weaker than normal 'he said she said' case with holes in it, yet they still call her credible. The same people who call her a hero, tougher than a Marine, call the Judge a rapist drunk with zero evidence. In fact, they are smearing a man, whose only crime seems to be liking beer, while a teen. As we have seen though, the left doesn't care about the truth, fairness, the US Voters, rules, or decency, they hate Trump, and they are going to stop him and his agenda. The people who say both sides are the problem are stupid, the Right is still willing to talk and work with the other side, and is not calling them rapist and racists when they don't get there way. Things are so bad, there is talk that we are going to shoot each other coming from all sides now. Only one side is interested in fairness and the truth and they other has adopted the by any means necessary strategy. The greatest irony of the whole thing is, Trump has done none of the shit they said he would, he has done a pretty good job if you look at it with an objective eye, and the proof is the Economy is ticking along better than it has in decades, by just about any measure, that is if your not a mindless anti Trump drone with no ability to reason and no desire to anyway. These assholes, who cry about how oppressed they are while living in the US, might actually destroy it all with their bullshit.
  18. I agree about most Presidents and politicians, pretty much all of them actually, being scum, and I don't think you can castigate their supporters as all being a low character no matter what side they are on, until they prove it.
  19. Yes, Walt seems to think the political power the Republicans used, the kind given to them by voters fed up with Obama's shits, to stop him, is evil and wrong, when it was just politics, and is exactly the same as smearing someone as a rapist when you have had that power taken away by the same voters. He gets his talking points right from the DNC and has said he is fine with their tactics.
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