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Everything posted by Jeeps_Guns_Tanks

  1. Better hurry, I hear one of your competitors is trying to cornering the market on the ThreeT Hookers, and Another all the FourTsheep!
  2. LOL nice eyeball placement. The Cobra works way better than the 24 as a chopper killer. I also only notice the view range thing on Soviet birds, cause my soviet pilos suck, my US pilots are almost maxed.
  3. Your ass is showing, Trump touch you in your front hole? Anyway, you really seem off your game, lose your job again? I mean is everything OK or is this the new normal?
  4. Attacking our character over your hate for Trump is classy dude, and uncalled for. We don't call your integrity out because of your politics, and in fact, have gone out of the way to be respectful of you your views. You act like as asshole in return. I thought you were better than that. It's really starting to look like I was wrong and you are a regular Democrat.
  5. Wow, so Walt is a true Democrat, lying, cheating the system, smearing a good man with no evidence, straight up making shit up, all to Oppose Trumps supreme Court pick, who by all reasonable accounts is a good man, is ok with him. No wonder he doesn't care about the FBI and DOJ going corrupt to get rid of Trump. But Trump supporters like us have bad character. Classy dude.
  6. We're still short a few of the Mutant Hooker and Synthetic blow "proposals", and there has not been one trip to a strip club!
  7. Could McCain have been the disease that was posing the Reblicans into being useless idiots for thirty years? Kinda seems like it.
  8. Oh man, Trumps getting another one! Look at this old women, she can't hold her head up or even really talk with vigor. The left must be in panic mode.
  9. Fienstien did it. It's a fact. Kavanaugh is the closest thing to a Boyscout, or Walley Cleaver you are ever going to find. He has far more good character references than Ford does.
  10. They called the man a teen gang rapists, and to a shit ton of leftist, him not getting on the court would be enough to persecute him. There was also talk of if he slipped, hitting him with lying under Oath. They talk of impeaching him off the current court too. If you think the shit they accused this man of will not have an effect on his life you're not paying enough attention. I guess your OK with blatant politically trickery and them sitting on this for over a month when it could have been looked into? That makes this seem like a blatant political trick, something the left is renowned for. When the Republicans stopped Obamas Court pick, they did it with the political power the US voters gave them after Obama shit the bed. They did not assassinate the man's character. Since the voters here stripped the left of power, all they have left is dirty tricks, so that's what they use, and now they have hit a new low. On top of that, as has been shown, they do not believe in a key American principal anymore, the right to be presumed innocent. I suppose this time not using pubic hairs is one improvement. It supposed to be less political here too Bele, they are supposed to do this stuff behind closed doors, so things can be kept confidential, the Dems broke the process on purpose to make it as ugly as they could.
  11. No, no, you can't sink us, we must be cleansed with nuclear fire! That's the only thing that will kill those fucking shitbag lizardbitches for sure.
  12. Yeah, her story is coming apart, them Dems are freaking out and they are making all kinds of threats on twitter, doxxing Republican Senators and Generally acting like entitled children so basically par for the course since November of 2016. It's like people of the leftest bent have forgotten you need evidence to ruin someone's life, and vague accusations by what is looking to be like a lightweight democrat operative, have backfired on them. Maybe the Karma Gods will strike down that evil commie RDB next.
  13. Short of another Dem dirty trick, and there has already been another false claim, debunked, they have the votes. https://townhall.com/tipsheet/mattvespa/2018/09/27/breaking-we-have-the-votes-n2523402
  14. Oh yeah, it was brutal! It was subtle though and the mainstream media is ignoring it. I wonder if the Dems will stick her with the Lawyer bills since she failed them.
  15. The saddest thing is she wants to keep her seat! Of course, our other Senator is also a slimy scumbag, just more into hating white men, and identity politics. California is a one-party state, Democrat control of everything, and everything is fucked up.
  16. Yeah, she's my Senator, I know all about her being a slimy scumbag. She used to be an effective slimy scumbag, now she is a senile old bat, who's staff tries to manage and keep her from embarrassing herself, between diaper changes.
  17. Yeah, the extreme left around here hates her ass. She's to moderate for them. Difi is the kind of asshole, who gets CCW permits for people on her staff but doesn't want the dirty masses to have anything but single shot .22 short pistols.
  18. The horrible effect McCain had on the Republicans was much worse than I thought, his death really seems to be a blow to the Dems, Graham is like a new man, and he's pissed!
  19. So, just what do the idiot democrats want to be investigated? All the witnesses refute her story! All she has is character references and a few people who can say, she mentioned it, a few years ago, never using Kavanaugh name. Based on that, and not knowing a date, time or location, they literally have nothing to investigate. It's also clear, that cunt Di Fi, hid Ford's letter from the committee so she had something to spring on them at the last minute and fuck Ford wanting to be anonymous. Diane Feinstein is an embarrassment to the human race, who is so old and senile, she probably forgot she leaked it. She just straight up lied right to the American people. I listened to almost the whole thing, and at first the Reps seemed weak, but the prosecutor did chip away enough at Fords credibility, to make it seem like her calling out she can 100% identify Kavanaugh, but basically nothing else of substance. What she said about memory doesn't fit with the current science. Basically, she came off as a confused, weird woman, who probably had his name planted in her memory at best and does not actually remember as well as she claims, or a political hack/operative at worst. But this all leave the Dems with no sound bites of big-name reps attacking a "victim". Kavanaugh came out of the corner strong, handled the questions well, and the Dems almost universally came off as assholes. I think this is a win. The one fact that came out of this that no one can dispute, is that Diane Feinstein played games with the committee and fucked both Ford and Kavanaugh, so she could delay the whole process. Normally this would have all been handled in secret, as Ford had requested.
  20. Well, we know the Dems are willing to pay for dirt and they don't care if its true, what's sad, is they even suck at being corrupt assholes.
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