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Everything posted by Jeeps_Guns_Tanks

  1. New version of the Sherman doc at Walts site. http://tankandafvnews.com/the-epic-m4-sherman-tank-information-thread/ Also, just watched "A Bridge To Far" and man that's a great movie for Sherman spotting. They got a bunch of Shermans together for that movie, though many not correct versions, they got a lot right too.
  2. Cool so I just bought an Atlanta, how does the premium crew thing work, can it be from any of my American ships or does it have to be a cruiser crew?
  3. I really want an Atlanta, is it worth the monies?
  4. So I just got my first level six, the Cleveland. It's pretty! I want to fight a battle in really heavy weather! It would be cool if you could take damage by letting a wave roll you over!
  5. I used to live in that town! It was probably a bunch of punk kids fucking around.
  6. He's kind of a oddball cat. He likes to sit on the counter in the bathroom while I shower so he can rub on me and get all wet as I dry off. He also likes to watch water drain out of the tub. He is fascinated with the sink. He isn't very food oriented, but the other cat, and dog are, and he insists on sampling the dogs food, and always makes the other cat go to another bowl. He loves looking at the world, but is terrified of going outside and new people, strange noises, sirens, etc. And I think the bastard is a wehraboo, cause he only knocks American die cast tanks off shelves.
  7. LOL nope, the intakes are on the front, I think. I've been popping it all apart and cleaning it as needed. I think the cat likes the warm air blown on him. He grooms off all his belly hair. The cat is weird. I did all kinds of shit to keep him off, including putting thumbtacks through cardboard and taping that up there. Who knew how tough cats feet were?
  8. That’s horrifying, and almost makes me feel bad for posting this. This little bugger was underwater for who knows how long...
  9. Spiders used to really bother me, but not so much anymore, since I have to deal with them all the time now. You know, working outdoors and all. Anyway, today, I kept having something hanging in my face, there was something stuck to the bill of my hat. I took it off and it was a little spider, four years ago I would have screamed like a little girl and thrown the hat, this morning, I looked at the little guy then blew him off my hat into some bushes. I only kill them if they surprise/scare me and I do it without thinking. I've even seen the alive, on a pool wall, if you net them out they'll run off. They are big suckers too. Here's one, they get blown out of trees. This one was about four and a half inches across.
  10. Are they thinking of adding any officers other than the captain? You could have an XO, and engineering officer, CAG, gunnery officer etc. Are there any good mod packs? It would also kinda cool to give the planes for the carriers exp, and make it so they only gain it if they live.
  11. Yeah, I gota dig up a mic and headphones, I havn't had it hooked up since PBKAC kicked me.
  12. Just got my first T5, the New York. I have a Sims too, but premiums don't count heh.
  13. We don't get to keep any of this progress in open beta?
  14. I like reading about how to do something, I'm like old and shit. I've only gotten to T4 on he carrier line for the US, everything else is T3, today is the first day I've played more than like two games in a row heh.
  15. Jeeps_Guns_Tanks I need an FAQ on how to use a Carrier, like how to deploy the planes and shit.
  16. Ok, played enough today to decide I like the game a lot. Trying to figure out how to buy a ship now without a trained commander.
  17. You know how many adult males can't change a tire on their own, even with instructions? It's just sad.
  18. Google wants to have automated bubble cars on the roads and in use in five years. I think they are dreaming, or hope at least, can they outspend the automotive industry in political contributions?
  19. Yep, I drive truck for work all the time, several kinds. We haul big stuff, and I have a full truck load of stuff just to do my day to day job. I also drive on roads Google maps doesn’t know about because they are behind locked gates in private communities. Plus the need for tractor trailers to haul goods isn’t going away. I’m sure I don’t want to be in a rent a bubble on wheels when they don’t speed and have to share the road with truckers and other professionals who drive a lot.
  20. For some background see this article http://gizmodo.com/the-rise-of-automated-cars-will-thousands-of-jobs-and-n-1702689348/+travis Basically google wants to take the human out of cars, make them on demand, and not personally owned. So you, buy a Google car contract, and you can summon one any time you want using your phone, it takes you where you want to go, you get out and it goes on to the next contract holder, or it will pick up other people as you go depending on your destination. They plan on producing the cars, to keep the auto industry out of it, since their vision kills them all off anyway. I think this is a horrible idea, though I wouldn’t mind owning a car that had a driverless option, I would never want to a rent a bubble, that I would have to share. Sharing shit with random people sucks, random people suck, your google car is going to arrive with a Stanly steamer on the seat and note saying ‘hahhhaha fucker1!@@!!’ I hate public transit; I can barely stand a cab. I love the freedom of having my own space and choices in a car, even it means I sit in traffic. I also don’t think they understand how much American culture revolves around cars. Even if your car is just a means to get from point A to B, you must appreciate having your own air conditioned space, that’s as clean as you left it, and plays the music you want, and doesn’t try rob you, or worse, talk to you. Also, rich people like cars, they buy all kinds of outrageous cars, I see them all the time, are these people, the type of person who drives a Ferrari, or on rainy days the top of the line Range Rover, expected to trade in their status symbol/toy in for a mobile economy bubble, the peasants use? And Google wont be just taking on what’s left of Detroit, they will be taking on the whole auto industry who has a vested interested in keeping them much closer to how they are now with self-driving being an option on normal car.
  21. Yeah, the shit people say in Amazon reviews blows my mind, in particular, when they give something a bad rating for a delivery problem or Amazon problem.
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