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Everything posted by Jeeps_Guns_Tanks

  1. That's cool, sucks they have to protect it from looters.
  2. I'm reading the US Navy book on on damage control, published in 1945, an it's very interesting. I wish they were in PDF though.
  3. Can't be, it has a large hatch hull, no large hatch M4A4s were produced, it also has a loaders hatch, so it has to be an M4A3 or M4A2 75W
  4. Little bastards had it coming. TO bad we didn't get to do the Germans too.
  5. What's the story on that? The turret looks weird, best guess would be late production large hatch M4A2 or M4A3 with 75mm gun.
  6. With the F-18 being newer, it was designed to help the ground crew diagnose it's problems and be easy to keep flying. The F-14 and A-6 were designed before that was even a thought. Upgrades can help somewhat, but nothing can fix how complicated mechanically the two aircraft were. I can't find it right now, but the man hours to keep a F-14 or A-6 flying is more than double an F-18. You also need better trained techs if the planes don't tell them what's wrong and they actually have to diagnose problems.
  7. I just had some dumbfuck in an Atlanta, launch torps when the enemy ships were more than 15 k away, IE, three times the range of his torpedoes, and so close to me in my Sims, I couldn't dodge.... WTF!! And he said it was my fault lol.
  8. And that makes it fun to drive around in and make outlandish claims. Like the Germans stole the design from the Japs. I think I've only played mine once though so don't take my word for it.
  9. Is the whole Bullshit series up on Prime?
  10. Sure if, it's all legal, even modern trophy hunters should be free to do their thing, I just think they are assholes. If you like killing shit and eating it, that's cool though.
  11. Modern ones for sure, I'm not sure I'm going to kick the 80 or 90 year old guy I know who has a house full of trophies though. Plus his daugher and mexican helper girl are hot. The old bastard has a will to live, he's shuffles around his front lawn every day with the help of the girl and a walker with wheels.
  12. I don't think you're seeing much outrage over the planned parenthood clowns doing something vile, they are and have been a vile organization so it's just no surprise. Also, you can't trust pro life propaganda, they are perfectly willing to lie and distort to further their cause. I like this one better, and I really think it's getting attention cause the dentist is such an asshole, aspects of it really push a lot of different peoples buttons.
  13. http://forum.worldofwarships.com/index.php?/topic/25508-mod040-aslains-wows-modpack-installer-wpicture-preview-v044-06072015/
  14. After looking the pictures over a bit, I think its a 1943, or early 1944 production tank built by Pullman. The radio bracket and drivers hoods look like their work. it has an early single casting front differential cover, that at fits late 43, plus that's when they eliminated the pistol port on the turret, and this tank does not have one. Another interesting thing, is it never got any of the upgrades to cover the drivers hoods and hull sponson ammo with extra armor, though the turret has the extra cheek armor cast in and a full mantlet with telescopic sight.
  15. Walt posted a better gallery of this tank, and its an M4A3, still later early productions, but the exhaust and rear engine deck are M4A3 for sure. http://www.vgbimages.com/AFV-Photos/Ohio-VFW-American-Legion/AMVETS-Post-89-Columbus-OH/i-rsNsTjX/A I cant beleive I missed it the first few times. The combo of exhaustion from 10 hour work days, and getting old is taking its toll on my already addled noggin.
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