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Posts posted by roguetechie

  1. 5 hours ago, Bronezhilet said:

    You're an Israeli with an opinion. Of course that's haram.


    That is far from the case and fuck you very much too... 


    If you can get that from what I said, that says EVERYTHING about YOU.


    I have a problem with the person not the ethnicity religion or etc, which I have made quite clear.


    I hate assholes not JEWS ... 


    I guess I have to be that fucking specific so I will be.


    I'd think it would be clear by how I can be very strident about certain political stuff with other posters, but if they post something about the Gerlach periscope I will happily discuss that with them and upvote posts of theirs that I like on other parts of the forum.


    It's my opinion which I reserve the right to have, and to change at any time should circumstances change. But I sure fucking won't let someone weasel out of having me say what I think because of some notional whatever that makes them somehow above reproach.


    And I also won't sit still and let people back handedly imply that I'm calling someone out because of some concealed racism rather than because I think they're being a smarmy asshole.

  2. On 5/19/2018 at 10:28 AM, Sgt.Squarehead said:

    Well I wouldn't say we are diametrically opposed in views, but my support for Israel is pretty limited these days.....I have very good reasons for this.


    I can appreciate that, everyone has their own reasons for coming to the conclusions they do.


    The whole Israeli Palestinian thing is a complex issue with a metric shit ton of propaganda disinformation and et cetera constantly being spread by several dozen different interested parties


    Because of this it's inevitable that people's opinions will wildly vary. And a good portion of us are bound to have very good reasons to support what we believe even though we may all believe different things!


    I absolutely believe that you have very good reasons for feeling as you do, just like I have very good reasons for believing as I do.


    It's very possible for both of those things to be objectively true even if our views are in opposition.

  3. 37 minutes ago, Mighty_Zuk said:


    1)Where have I said that criticism of myself is treated as criticism of Israel, or vice versa? 

    Any quick analysis of my comments would tell you that I am quite the opposite of 'cheerful' for my government. Or do you really think I voted for any of the top coalition parties? 


    2)Let's assume that I have actually said something that offended you somehow (as if that gives you the excuse to insult other people)



    I'm just going to leave it at thank you very much for so clearly and thoroughly demonstrating how spot on my issues with you are...


    This is precisely the arrogance and etc I was referring to which is an all too common ingredient in your posts.


    And for the record, I'm an American BITCH I can say whatever the fuck I please to you without needing an excuse or approval!


    Feel free to fuck yourself with a chainsaw if you have a problem with this.


    You don't get to dictate shit to me, and the sooner you realize that the sooner we'll get along.i give zero fucks about you or your voting habits etc.... 


    Don't want me to call you out?


    Simple, don't be a smarmy smug arrogant little fuck and I won't.

  4. 2 hours ago, Jeeps_Guns_Tanks said:



    Yeah I got that part, and maybe I'm dense, but I just didn't see what he said was that bad.  I don't see the arguments against his side as being very clever either.  


    No the arguments against aren't clever at all, on that I definitely agree.


    any time they get a chance to catch a significant number of the active terrorist group members in the open where they can kill them is a good thing all around.


    I have no issues separating my dislike for individuals from my support for or against a cause. 


    Israel's choosing to handle this right now is also perfectly understandable and a great choice. The Saudis have kinda given them a green light, they have a president in the US who has their backs, Syria is kinda busy at the moment, and Iran is too...


    They've done a great job at doing this at a time when it's most likely to be accepted as a fait accompli by people outside of their borders.


    And morally, they did the most reasonable people can expect them to by reaching out one last time with stern warnings about the consequences of rejecting their overtures.


    I don't honestly see how it's even a question of who is in the right on this one, and I think it sucks for Israel that they get called the devil no matter what.

  5. On 5/17/2018 at 10:00 AM, Lord_James said:

    3. I didn’t know (nor would have ever though) that anyone would use dolphins for military purposes (dare I say, porpoises :D). I knew the providers were garbage, but when I read the title, my brain said “WUT?” so hard I couldn’t stop myself from clicking. 



    The US Navy has a Marine mammal program too that seems to do pretty similar things to what they were doing there. (I say seems because the information is pretty tightly controlled and there isn't much to go on)


    My thinking is that they obviously must have some pretty substantial advantages to be worth the cost and etc.


    One of the things I've heard is that they may be used against enemy combat swimmers.

  6. 13 hours ago, Jeeps_Guns_Tanks said:

    Have you guys seen footage of the behavior of the Palestinians, and the bullshit Hamas is supposed to be doing to incite this?  You guys act like Isreal is the only side doing questionable things, and you are basing it on info coming out from a press with a blatant bias and basically terrorist scum openly calling for the destruction of Isreal?  




    To be clear, I fully support Israel on this one which is why if you go back and reread my post to Zuk you'll see that i focused on the messenger and the delivery.


    I know that these days there's really not a lot of subtlety to most online shit flinging, but in this case it really was just about me calling out a jackass for being a jackass. I don't particularly care whether a jackass is on my side or the other, I'm still going to call them out for being a jackass!


    Really, I'm much more likely to call out jackasses I happen to share a position with because them spouting their jackass bullshit inherently weakens a position I believe in.  It's for the same reason that I'll smile and say that's nice to some frothing at the mouth special ed field trip escapee engaging in a rousing harangue for the other side. They are doing more damage to their own position than I ever could, so it's in my best interest to let it continue.


    Just like gun owners by and large police themselves when they see unsafe behavior and et cetera. It's obviously better for us to handle it in house where it doesn't become one more anecdote aimed squarely at separating us from our rights.



  7. 6 hours ago, Sgt.Squarehead said:


    Pray enlighten me.  


    I'd like to be enlightened too since I'm actually 99% sure your view and mine are diametrically opposed on this issue LOL.


    He is so incredibly arrogant though that he apparently believes that any criticism of him is a criticism of Israel...


    The reality though is all I was ever saying was that he comes across as so immensely smarmy and unlikable that even people like me who fully support Israel want to knee jerk react and rescind that support because of the way people like him condescend, patronize, and otherwise just plain serve as absolutely horrible spokespeople for their cause.


    But I guess we're on the same side or something, don't worry it shocked me too.

  8. You're right I really don't have to be rude about it, but it's almost a guarantee that when I see something as asinine as what you just said I will be.


    The truly sad thing is you almost certainly don't see that your choosing to respond that way will sour people to actions that they'd otherwise see as legitimate. Me for example, I actually don't see anything wrong with the things going on now but because of the arrogance, dishonesty, and overall disgustingly patronizing way you "made your case".... It's a fight for me not to knee jerk WANT to find some reason I can condemn it!


    Bluntly, every time you speak up for your cause and your nation you do it damage by being so monumentally easy to hate.

  9. 11 hours ago, Oedipus Wreckx-n-Effect said:

    Don't misunderstand me. I think it should all be fair game. Let's see just how crazy we can go. And who knows, we may learn something of value. 




    I'd be kinda interested in just what could be done in the way of an unlimited class human at this point.


    Like with so many cool things out there the biggest key would be "informed enthusiastic consent" on the part of those really going down these roads, but the reality is it's going to happen one way or another...


    If we at least formalize it and keep it above board where it is visible we will have a better handle on curbing the worst of the excesses.


    People will get hurt, they will drastically decrease their lifespans, they will have totally unnecessary amputations and augmentations, and if it's in the open we will at least have a hope of remediation of the suffering of the human wreckage as well as actually learning from what will be done either way.

  10. 2 hours ago, Oedipus Wreckx-n-Effect said:


    That's saying nothing to the fact that literally everyone in the NFL is on a chemical enhancer of some sort.


    Honestly when it comes to high level athletics and etc, I really honestly don't see the big deal other than maybe just outright going NHRA / IPSC and having an unlimited and a super stock class to keep the playing field level.



  11. 10 hours ago, Toxn said:

    I dunno about brighter futures, although I agree that we seem to have gotten the cyberpunk future without any of the cool neural interfaces.


    My abiding impression was that the thesis if cyberpunk (beyond its fascination with cool setpieces) is that people are pretty much scum and the future is just the worst aspects of the past plus dangerously powerful technologies that its users barely control.


    From memory:


    Snow crash ended with a meme virus almost killing off humanity and a major american city almost getting nuked because a crazy pedo russian gangster somehow had access to one.


    The diamond age ended with a random white kid leading the second boxer rebellion because one guy fucked with the programming of a super-advanced educational computer. Also, nano-pollution is so bad that anyone not living under a dome dies at 30. Humanity also splits into hereditary ethnic enclaves.


    Wow, I don't think two people could get much different things out of the same books!


    FWIW Snow Crash and The Diamond Age are a story arc (which is why we see hiro and YT return, in the Diamond Age) and I got a very different message from the two than you did.


    And yeah, I saw the neo boxer rebellion connections, but you apparently missed the subtleties of how it went down. (the interesting part)


    Security is an illusion and the world may seem more dangerous and quick to go south on you in a very impersonal and soul crushingly completely random way, but that's just more of the length of the handle of the flyswatter which can smash your ass out of nowhere. (Yay technology)


    At it's core the message I got from the fiction i read was that technology will never build the bright shiny future people expect it to, only people can do that.


    It resonated with me, and I think others, but I also had it beat into my head that if we want that shiny future shit's gonna have to get bloody one way or another.

  12. That is exactly how I do think of it, and I even go as far as to happily admit that I'm glad it's being done.


    Because, frankly, it's better for me the people I care about and the developed world if it stays over there....


    Plus I grew up reading shadowrun, playing cyberpunk 2020, and worshipping burning chrome and all tomorrow's parties so the whole desert wars thing never caught me off guard.


    Thanks to YouTube liveleak GoPro and et cetera we very much live in the world the scifi I read as a teenager told me to expect.


    My girlfriend and I were just talking today about several of our friends who have in the last few years made career and lifestyle choices that put us well on the way to snow crash and it's sequel the diamond age... (Right down to China going balls out at 3d printing and open source) 


    I'm not surprised by any of it, and while I don't look forward to the time of suckage we appear to be on the precipice of, I feel deep down that enough of the right moves have already been made for us to muddle our way through to the brighter tomorrow I know is possible.


    I'm pretty sure that everything I've just said makes me an asshole, and a smug one at that, but this too I am ok with.



  13. 4 hours ago, Belesarius said:

    Accurate summation. Saudis are terribbad at ground war and only marginally competent at air war, but have American backing, and probably some not so clandestine Israeli backing.  Iranian forces are marginally competent at ground war, and have Russian weapons and probably, in the long term, Russian strategic backing. 


    Other than the whole both sides having the backing of a major power and owning ballistic missiles part, this rather endearingly reminds me of learning to fight on hockey skates.

  14. Pharaoh, let my people go?




    But seriously, I was commenting on the whole death spiral is coming any day now meme.


    I think so long as sustainment costs and logistical issues can be kept under control the f35 is going to be a great combat aircraft.


    Honestly, Lockheed needs to hire the guy colli quoted in his posts to handle their PR and Promotional work. To put it mildly, what he said and how he said it there is a bunch more convincing and confidence inspiring than the stuff Lockheed itself seems to put out.


    I fully admit that up until fairly recently I fully bought into the whole f35 is a gold plated school bus with wings 3 cylinder geo metro engine and stealth shaping that is going to bankrupt the country and make our military so weak the Swiss guard could fly into DC on a Thursday and have us officially surrendering before the Simpsons is on Sunday evening bullshit.


    And a huge part of it was the messaging being put out there by Lockheed and the people trying to tell us it was a good choice.


    If they'd have had this guy from Colli's post get up and say what he said there 8 years ago, there wouldn't be as much fatalistic the f35 is going to cause the fall of the western world histrionics as we see now.


    Unfortunately, just like we saw with the air show performance awhile ago, it's way too late to change the minds of quite a few people.


    I still think the x32 was better though, and everyone knows that the yf23 lost for being too good heh.

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