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Posts posted by roguetechie

  1. On 4/12/2018 at 5:15 PM, Sturgeon said:


    14.5s are baller as fuck tho. If you're willing to buy a 13" rail, I'd definitely go that route.


    Do you really feel that much difference between a 14.5 and a 16?


    For me at least there just doesn't feel like much of a difference at all.


    Then again with where I habitually run my stock adjustment I'm probably still shooting the shorter gun comparatively.

  2. 4 hours ago, Collimatrix said:



    Quick show anything but that guy!


    Any truth to what I'm reading in comments elsewhere about some Russians being very unhappy and calling for a coup over the soft Russian response so far to the attack in Syria?


    It'd be nice to think that this incident is over and we'll all be back to the status quo by Monday, but I just don't really believe that.

  3. 4 hours ago, Walter_Sobchak said:


    This is just stereotyping and nonsense.



    Oh is it now?


    Or do I actually have personal experience with a shocking percentage of my Democrat friends and family members coming to me and saying these things and very quietly switching sides while still keeping the same outward public allegiance?


    I've helped more recovering Democrats into the shooting sports, self defense, preparedness, and self reliance worlds in the last 6 years than I ever in my wildest dreams thought I would.


    And they all tell this story to one degree or another Walt....


    Just because you don't like it doesn't mean it didn't happen. 


    Ask anyone without radical Democratic leanings how safe it is to publicly state you disagree with the Democrats stance on gun control or any number of other things in public in Portland Oregon.


    Hint: It can literally get you hurt doing so on trimet.


    No Walt, you don't get to wave off what I'm saying because you don't like it and it makes your team look like the vindictive, coercive, freedom hating fucking pieces of shit so many of them are and the rest of you tacitly approve of and support by not slapping them down for being that way!!!


    The Republicans on the other hand DO internally police themselves and do not tolerate the kind of insane over the top bullshit from within (aka we dropped the militia movement and the clinic bombers like a bad habit and even helped take them down while y'all make mealy mouthed excuses for fucking ANTIFAggots as well as the incessant but this is different because it's my team doing it rationalization parties!)


    If you don't like the mirror I'm holding up to the cause you believe in and are a part of maybe you should, oh I don't know, start fighting to change it so that you can be proud of what you see staring back at you when someone holds up a mirror...


    Rather than going full on flat earther and claiming that somehow what I'm showing you doesn't exist or is a trick because you don't like what you see









  4. 2 hours ago, Jeeps_Guns_Tanks said:


    Yeah, if Nancy does what she says she's going to do and push tax cut repeal as part of the 2018 agenda, and they keep using kids to attack human rights, yeah, people will turn out in droves.  


    Right... People are not happy.


    Really really unhappy, and honestly the key cornerstone to everything Democratic party right now is a demented and malicious peer pressure that the fucking Stasi would weep tears of pride seeing...


    Only problem is in November when people go to vote they can drive their Prius with all the right bumper stickers to the polls, wait their turn to vote, shut the curtain as it's their turn up to bat, sigh and vote against the Democratic party which has went completely off the rails to the point where they have to FEAR losing jobs income opportunities friendships and even personal safety for stepping even a little out of line...


    And then pretend to be Really shocked at the water cooler the next morning and completely perplexed at what could have possibly went wrong!


    All the while mentally adding goo gone to their shopping lists and debating just how many weeks they should wait to put their Prius up for sale and just how soon exactly they can use the goo gone to scrape off the stupid fucking bumper stickers without looking like a defector... "No Bill, i did my part in November and I'm pissed too but Nancy wants us to spend more time outdoors so I gotta get rid of the Prius for something more capable and you've read consumer reports man! I can't afford to lose 20% on resale by leaving the stickers on!!!"

  5. 4 hours ago, Walter_Sobchak said:


    November will not go well for the Republicans.  Elections are won by who has the most motivated base.  The problem with Trump's strategy of constant tweets is that while it works in helping him keep control of the media cycle, it also keeps him in the media cycle constantly.  And the 50% of the country that hate this guy are reminded of why they hate him every...single....day.  And they are itching to do something about it.  The mid-term election is going to be a referendum on Trump, and it is not going to be pretty for Republicans.  The Republicans are lucky in that they don't have many Senate seats up for re-election this cycle and many house seats are gerrymandered to their advantage.  Still, they are going to lose seats.  Enough for the Democrats to take Congress?  Hard to say, but while this was considered impossible a few months ago, now pollsters are starting to talk about it as a possibility.  


    Walter, I have a question for you... Seriously honestly here...


    Do you really think you guys are the only people who are pissed?


    Do you really think the gun control bullshit on the backs of people who aren't even old enough to vote and very blatantly being coached prodded and etc by people who ought to know fucking better hasn't set some white hot fires burning?


    Your side has so grievously and egregiously over played the piss weak fucking pathetic hand you had so badly that a large portion of the country has JUST STOPPED TALKING!


    It's not that we don't have anything to say, fucking believe that!


    It's that a level of burning animosity has been stoked which is just shy of people saying fuck the ballot box altogether.


    P.S. how'd them pollsters do last time Walt? 


    Fuckin terrible? You don't say!?


    You're correct in saying that your party has done nothing but sow the seeds of animosity, where you're incorrect is in thinking you're going to reap anything from it but the whirlwind.

  6. 3 minutes ago, Ramlaen said:


    Tricking “journalists” into thinking the okay hand sign meant WP is my favorite.


    LOL, and a good time was had by all!


    The one thing that pisses me off a little bit though is that I used to be the crazy guy among my social circle. The shit I'd say sometimes was all shocking or whatever. Now... I'm so boring middle of the road moderate on pretty much everything that I even make myself bored!.


    The things I say and think haven't changed a whole bunch between then and now, but I'm suddenly the sane and moderate guy?


    That's bad... And these asshats are taking my act damnit.

  7. 14 hours ago, Ulric said:

    Ok, so the phrase may have been in use with white supremacist organizations for a while, but I still don't get how the phrase "It's OK to be white." is inherently racist or discriminatory. Everyone reacts to that phrase as if it were on the same level as "gas the jews", though.


    I guess I must be a racist.


    It's just as horribly racist and offensive as saying ALL lives matter instead of black lives matter... Aka not at all.


    Hopefully the chans will continue coming up with stuff like this which people will start using and which the fuckwits will scream is racist etc.


    Because every single time they make a big deal out of one of these things several people who used to support their insanity suddenly realize that it's militantly stupid and come back to reality.

  8. On 4/4/2018 at 9:13 PM, Sturgeon said:


    That is more or less a myth, actually.


    It's not a myth so much as a misunderstanding of something that actually does happen and is misattributed to be caused by lacquer residue.


    If you go out and fire off a few mags of steel case and then switch to brass cased ammo without cleaning the chamber you will often start getting failures etc.


    The reason is that the steel case lets a little fouling back into the chamber wall area but the steel and lacquer combo is slippery enough to slide over it while the friction generated on the brass cased ammo from the fouling is sufficient to create failures in some cases..


    It's not caused by lacquer residue though, just plain old material science.

  9. 3 hours ago, Sgt.Squarehead said:

    Damn.....You sussed me.  :lol:


    Point is, what we are mostly looking at and reacting to is media sensationalism.....My own experiences differ from those described.  I'm aware of such events in the same way you are of mass shooters, but they are not the day to day experience.  Sure we have an outbreak of fisticuffs between midnight and three at the weekends, but rarely does it end in more than the same old faces spending a night in the cells.


    Ok so this right here is exactly the thing I'm talking about!


    Here in the US the violence too is pretty much limited to the "same old faces" but you're going to do one helluva lot more than one night or a couple months in the cells, and our jails comparatively... *shudder*


    Thank you though for at least acknowledging the posters though, they're real and to Americans the very idea of such posters needing to be a thing is literally mind bending.

  10. 14 hours ago, Oedipus Wreckx-n-Effect said:


    I have a legitimate question. In the UK, is this a common occurrence? Is it quite often that "last call" results in "Casual" violence against people? That brawls occur at last call for a majority of pubs?


    Asking for perspective, here. 


    Put it this way man...


    They literally put up educational posters in pubs explaining to people that if you beat the dog piss out of the paramedics when they show up, your injured friend they came for might bleed out on the fucking pavement.


    Something else to consider: Boy doesn't this sure put the lie to the entire practice of comparing crime statistics from one country to another?


    Quite literally a bar parking lot altercation that will land you in prison for 1-10 years here 75% of the time if you get prosecuted, will result in charges being filled better than 90% of the time if law enforcement is called, and is better than 95% probable to be called in to law enforcement in America... Is just fuckin Tuesday at a MIDDLE CLASS English neighborhood drinking establishment!


    No one will call the cops so you have no chance of even having charges filed.


    The reality is our country is far less violent, if you choose to be violent you're far more likely to incur criminal charges for doing so, our conviction percentages are probably a bit lower for those prosecuted but nowhere near low enough to make up for the vast disparities in the first two stages, and finally if convicted here you will do far more time and suffer far greater lifelong effects wrt income housing employment etc.


    We prosecute far more people, fuck them way harder if we convict them, and continue fucking them for the rest of their lives even once the official punitive fucking has been completed... Of course we're less violent!



  11. https://www.google.com/amp/s/boingboing.net/2018/03/22/craigslist-personals-shut-down.html/amp


    Oh... We're not just fucked... We're turbo fucked, and the people at the top are either in on it or they couldn't possibly have been smart or ruthless enough to crawl over enough bodies to be one of the fucking people on top.


    I'd like to thank my ex for being the incorrigible cock hound she is for once in that she spotted this shit pretty much in real time LOL.

  12. 9 hours ago, Donward said:



    As for AI, it would have to be one of the craziest, malfunctioning, cobbled together contraptions ever if AI was in control of things, what with how off the wall life is becoming since 2015.


    The rogue AI part is the backup explanation LOL... 


    Life becoming further and further off the wall since 2015 is however the effect we were idly discussing, and specifically what could have possibly made the species go so bat shit crazy on cue en masse.


    We basically narrowed it down to 2 choices


    1. A group or multiple groups of people are working very hard to fan the fires of crazy deliberately in the pursuit of their goals and we're all fucked.


    2. The law of unintended consequences hit the metaphorical 777 with a triple payout modifier and we're all fucked.


    Either way things seem to be going in a pretty grim direction right now and a truly bizarre form of mass hysteria and delusions, as well as a power structure that is desperately trying to distract the rank and file from just how counterproductive to progress and prosperity they have become, are driving shit into the sun where we will all become fusion byproducts or some shit.


    It is textbook not good, in the end this was our only concrete conclusion.

  13. On 3/20/2018 at 3:02 PM, Donward said:

    So celebrities are mad at Facebook for some reason?







    While I agree with you in principle and in fact think Jim Carey the Canuck cocksucker needs to have a coke a smile and SHUT THE FUCK UP about American politics and our Constitution such as it is...


    Maybe he's not wrong about Facebook though.


    Just a thought, well really it's part of a bizarre hypothetical scenario that came up in a discord conversation about every geek hive's perennial favorite topic. (Besides porn)


    This topic being, trends we notice that piss us off or disturb us in lowest common denominator land.


    Long story short after a long round of making tenuous and hardly supportable connections between topics even a schizophrenic couldn't wire together, we came to the conclusion that either AI is already loose and preemptively sending Western society into a tailspin before we twig to it's existing and unfucking plug it... Or Facebook and alphabet ink are fucking evil and need to be destroyed with fire (and big god damn magnets)


    The whole thing we came up with is likely just as batshit insane as old canuckistani Carey, but this doesn't change that Facebook is evil and humans probably need to bust out the thermite and magnets for their own good.

  14. On 3/18/2018 at 9:24 PM, Walter_Sobchak said:

    Is it normal for a four star general to declare the President of the United State to be a security risk?




    No, it's not


    Now as to the question you're really asking judging by the next page and a half of thread, former four star Generals are people who you definitely shouldn't blindly respect either.


    I mean, is what is going on right now incredibly disturbing because we see as many "high level people" talking the way they're talking right now?


    Fuck yes!


    The rule of law, the status quo, and the social contract have all catastrophically failed and the fucking rats are trying to position themselves as best as they can for whatever comes next based on the information they have available to them and the former allies they believe that they can still trust at least marginally.


    Now, the rest of the world laughing at us though.... Who the fuck cares? They're more inept corrupt unable to function and hypocritical than we ever thought of being! (That's definitely a bad thing mind you, the world is circling the toilet bowl I'll give you that)


    But seriously here, the brush you're painting Trump with really has far more to do with the stereotypical American total lack of awareness about foreign politics, political figures, and scandals being used as a sadly effective weapon against a sitting president by persons with their own agendas!


    I mean for the love of fuck Walter... Really?


    British politics= sodomy with a side of snobbery


    French politics= blowjobs between bouts of nepotism


    Don't even make me bring up India or fucking Germany here! Holy fuck!


    When you have a combination of unreasonable expectations and a lack of general awareness about politics other places, yeah trump might look like an unmitigated disaster and profound embarrassment to the nation.


    But honestly, I'd hoped more people could figure out that if Trump was ACTUALLY that much of an anomaly in those circles he never would have gotten in! (Silly me I also hoped said people would then start asking pointed questions about just what the fuck is going on in the beltway and board rooms of our media companies, so I guess we've all been making stupid ass assumptions about the intellectual capacity and curiosity of the American public... C'est la guerre and all that shit)

  15. On 1/11/2016 at 5:14 AM, Toxn said:

    I know I'm behind the times on this one, but is what is up with crazy inventors and cold fusion?






    Rossi is a certifiable piece of human excrement scammer.


    A business he had before the e-cat thing was killed petrodragon and was supposed to be doing large scale hazardous waste remediation into benign and environmentally friendly stuff.  He got busted instead taking the hazmat out to deep water and dumping it instead. I can't remember whether he actually did any jail time over this or not, but if he didn't he only barely avoided it.

  16. On 11/25/2017 at 1:23 AM, Donward said:

    In my old hood...


    Naked couple crashes car while having sex; baby was in the back


    This happened near La Grande, WA and if it's where I think it occurred, it's along a stretch of very winding road along the Nisqually River Canyon. We used to race our cars through it at night, often with our lights off. "Shooting the Canyon". 


    I guess a different canyon was being shot that night.



    Amateurs... You're not supposed to get all the way undressed, if she's more than a C cup or less than 4 inches shorter than you wear combat boots for extra pedal reach, and it's really best if she can bump shift with her elbow while facing backwards if you're going to do it in a manual transmission car.

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