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Everything posted by Bronezhilet

  1. (I didnt know the door of a Fennek looked like that tbh) Fuchs EW
  2. Looks like the tanks in the first two photos have something covering that area. There's a blank steel rectangle there.
  3. Well, I'm friends with most of the people in the best JoJo fansub group (but only one is really fanatic about it), would be pretty cool to 'know' a Russian who watches their subs.
  4. Does she watch it with English fansubs by chance?
  5. Yeah I checked earlier photos in this topic but I was too slow with the edit . It's just a different paintjob.
  6. Is that add-on/new armour on the glacis? Or did somebody just give it a pretty texture? Edit: Just a different texture/paint job.
  7. My friend actually fansubs JoJo. He tries to get everybody he meets to watch JoJo. It's horrible.
  8. So Navi just became world champions because one player on the enemy team got himself stuck on a rock and threw away a 2v1 and HP advantage. 10/10 would laugh again.
  9. I assumed that, but is it with or without the overhang of the turret ring? But it still all depends on the contact length of the track, which depends on the position and orientation of the roadwheels. Ah I see. Leo 2 is 1.69 on asphalt.
  10. Check the contact length of the track and the centre-centre distance of the tracks. With centre-centre distance I mean the distance between the centres of both tracks. That's basically the width of the hull, the width of the area between the (actual) tracks and half the width of the tracks. Contact length is, well, the length of the track that contacts the ground under normal loads. Divide contact length by centre-centre distance and tell me the number. The higher it is, the worse. The optimum is 1, higher than 1 means difficulty with turning, lower than 1 means instability issues. But lower than 1 will never happen anyway, and higher than 1 will happen but isn't that big of a problem until you're into the higher numbers.
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