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Sturgeon's House


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Everything posted by Bronezhilet

  1. Am I allowed to eeeh, comment, on your design right now?
  2. AW is really getting desperate now, I heard that the NA server is mostly dead apart from PvE.
  3. They should do like us, we spend way way less than Germany! As a matter of fact, we spend less on defence than we did in nineteen-fucking-thirty-eight. We fought the Germans using this shit: An orchard in front of our main defence line wasn't allowed to be cut down because that would cause the owner much financial damage, and we can't have that, can we? So when the Germans attacked they went "Hey, nice cover, thanks!".
  4. I wouldn't advise Solidworks for noobs, since it can be a very very annoying program to work with. Try Spaceclaim. Made by the same dude that made the first version of Solidworks, before he allowed the French to fuck it up.
  5. "Ready to strongly defend South Africa against any attacker. Various South African Airforce fighter jets are ready.".
  6. If they consider themselves vessels, I suggest they should be decommissioned and sold for scrap. You can do that with US vessels, can't you?
  7. https://twitter.com/IvanSidorenko1/status/717794987472191489 Third time Ivan requested an airstrike, second time the location was targeted. I'd like to think they listened to Ivan.
  8. Aaah thanks, I thought I heard "pidar" and wanted to know in what context/conjugation it was being used.
  9. Like I've told people, I have nothing against the Ukrainian people. But fuck their government. As soon as they get a decent government, I'm all for a deal. But seriously, their president is storing his money in freaking Panama instead of in his 'own' fucking country. I mean, fucking claiming that the Brussels attack were done by the Russians. Are you serious!?
  10. 32% of the Netherlands voted, 61% voted against the deal with Ukraine, 38% voted in favour of the deal. http://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-35976086
  11. Loooser, if you would be so kind to translate what the pilot/gunner says in this video, that would be great. https://twitter.com/bm27_uragan/status/717825262889603072
  12. Well, Jormungand doesn't do the whole "But I don't wanna shoot" angle of Black Lagoon, if that's what you mean. Just watch the first episode, I'd say it's pretty representative of both seasons.
  13. Eeeehhhh it's been a while since I've seen Black Lagoon. But in general, Jormungand differs quite a bit from Black Lagoon. About that "infinitely", Jormungand is 24 episodes and covers the whole manga.
  14. Spot the Syrian who's been around Russians too much. Slav squat best squat.
  15. So in light of our new, beloved, members, a small explanation on how to rehost pictures on Imgur and post them here. While different forums have different methods of hosting and showing pictures, I'm going to use Sturgeon's House as an example. And because I'm lazy, I'm going to use the Syrian Conflict topic. There are two ways of saving pictures on SH. One is to right-click on the picture and selecting "Save image as..." (actual text may vary depending on the browser used): The other option is to left-click the picture and click on "Save" at the bottom right of the picture. This will open the picture in a new tab: Here you can right-click the image and click on "Save Image As...". After doing so you can choose where to save the picture to. I use a seperate folder for the things I want to rehost. But you can save them wherever you want. ("Geupload" means "Uploaded", which is where I move the pictures after I've rehosted them) After saving the picture(s) on your computer, you should go to www.imgur.com. You can choose to make an Imgur account, but you don't have to. Pictures you upload while logged in will be saved on your account so you basically have a library of the pictures you uploaded. At the top of the page you will see this: Click on "upload images". The following pop-up appears. As you can see you can enter image URLs directly, but I don't know how well that works with URLs from forum attachments. Some forums only show attachments when logged in, or have some other bullshit thing where you can't link directly to the attachment. Click "browse your computer". It opens the file browser at the last location you've uploaded something from. Which in my case is the location where I saved the picture. Select one or more pictures and click "Open". You can select as many pictures as you want. The pop-up from earlier changes to this: You can choose to share the pictures with the community, but that means that everybody who browses Imgur can see the pictures you upload. They are allowed to vote and comment on your pictures. Sharing basically equals people being mean about whatever you upload. I advise against sharing. If you don't share, only people with the direct link can see the picture. If you want to upload more than one picture, you can choose to put them in an album. I generally don't and just smash "Start Upload". The pop-up disappears and a new one appears: If you upload a bunch of pictures together or in quick succession, you will get a Captcha question you have to answer before the uploads will continue. This can happen in the middle of an upload, so keep an eye on that. When it's done uploading the page will change to this: If you have uploaded more than one picture, they will appear as a list of pictures. Right-click the image and select "Copy Image". Go back to your post on SH (or go back to it if you already started one). You can either right-click and select "Paste" or click inside the text box and press Ctrl+V to paste the picture. The picture will then appear in the text box. Add some text, or just click "Add Reply" or in case you're making a new topic, click "Post New Topic". This is the way I rehost pictures on Imgur, and since I'm me, there are probably easier ways to do it.
  16. So he's guilty because his friends do borderline illegal, but legal, things? I don't think so.
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