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Everything posted by Bronezhilet

  1. Boxer Ambulance Boxer Command Dutch Hussars training with 'their' German Leo 2s
  2. Macoma, one of two Dutch Merchant Aircraft Carriers. Two Fairey Swordfish crewmembers aboard the Macoma. Gadila, sister ship of the Macoma. Entering Valetta (ship unknown to me). Gunboat Hr.Ms. Flores escorting a convoy on the British east coast. Prince Bernhard visiting MTBs and MGBs in Dover. Cruiser Jacob van Heemskerck together with HMS Illusterious and HMS Warspite near Madagascar in 1942. Destroyer Hr.Ms. Tjerk Hiddes. Gunboat Hr.Ms. Soemba. Manoeuvring MTBs. Hr.Ms. Friso, a Dutch corvette of the Flower class. Light cruiser Hr.Ms. Sumatra, which ended as part of one of the mulberry harbours at Normandy. Submarine Hr.Ms. K XIV mostly served in the Far East. Dutch MTB at speed. (caption says MTB, but it looks like an MGB to me) Swordfish Mk.2 of 860 Squadron on board of... I dunno. Torpedo boat Z5 fought at the Maas bridges during the German invasion of the Netherlands. Flotilla MTBs at speed. D-class MTBs and MGBs assembling in Portsmouth.
  3. I blame y'all for getting me to Google Blacktaildefense: http://blacktailfa.deviantart.com/art/The-Half-Crewed-Tank-Scam-210497447 +1 to whomever manages to read all that without getting brain damage.
  4. Yes, The Bear and the Dragon is amazing. Too bad the next book takes place like a few years later, which saddens me a bit because I think the ending could be expanded a bit. The current ending is quite open, but there's no follow up on it (at least not yet).
  5. Since not all AA is mechanised, I put it in the Aerospace section. If it belongs somewhere else, please move. Patriot system: National Advanced Surface-to-Air Missile System 2 (NASAMS 2): Fennek Stinger:
  6. So much this. I'm kinda sad I had quit playing Bad Company 2 when the Vietnam expansion came out.
  7. Yeah the killstreaks and shit get annoying quickly, but I rather like the whole "upgrade your weapon" thing. But then again, that's not really possible with WW2 weapons. I generally favour bolt/semi actions over full auto weapons in games that don't have a shitty hit registration or retarded lag compensation.
  8. I'm liking the fact they want to go back to CoD1/2 times. With most current games the maps are too small and everything is generally happening way to quickly. It's more or less "who fires first wins". Which should lead to campy gameplay, but it doesn't because the movement speed is so high they're behind you before you can say "How the fuck did you get here?". Everybody is just yoloing forward until they see an enemy. AND THE FLY-Y ZOOM-Y THINGEYS AREN'T HELPING, CALL OF DUTY.
  9. I have a friend from Kuwait, he has literally nothing good to say about them. One of the complaints is: "They're always pulling us into their shit". So we're not the only ones who think SA is a shithole.
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