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Everything posted by Bronezhilet

  1. http://www.cbc.ca/player/play/2684036061 Dutch Chief of Defence on innovation in the anti-ISIS fight.
  2. Hopefully I'll have a picture of the Stoners at our MoD soon. When/If I post them, I suggest Stoner-lovers to look away. They're in a horrible condition.
  3. I actually doubt that's Shtora. In the other video you posted the ATGM flew up with a steep angle. This is most likely by design. If the launcher senses the rocket to be jammed (or out of sight) the only sensible thing to do would be to direct the rocket upwards. If, for some reason, you regain control you still have a rocket to do something with. But if that rocket slams into the ground, you lost the rocket permanently. Even if you regain 'control'. But hey, this is just my reasoning. If somebody has actual proper information on this, that would be great.
  4. It's called IL-2 Sturmovik, but there are a few hundred flyable planes and an absolute crapton of mods. And I do mean an absolute crapton of mods. It took years and years to crack the game to enable mods, but when they did it the community just exploded with mods. There's modpacks for WW1 stuff, early jets, late jets, maps, campaigns, basically everything.
  5. Put them next to a Leopard 2/PzH2000/Kodiak, rev the engine for a bit and ask them how quiet it was. ...not that they're going to hear the question because they're deaf.
  6. I'm starting to appreciate how quite the Abrams' turbine actually is.
  7. I really should finish this before I actually forget things.
  8. IKR, the Kurds have a pretty sizable airforce in storage. Who knows what they're going to do with it.
  9. A good start to fix arty would be to remove HE penetrations. It would be a pretty huge fix. I've had fucking French 'low damage' arties fucking pen roofs of my mediums to do ~1250 damage. How the fuck is that normal? The next step should be to change what I call "damage projection" (I have no idea if it's an actual term. But who cares, it is now). When I see a big TD I know what he can do to me. Sure he does 1100 damage, but I know he will do ~1100 damage. I can take that into account. If I have 1300 HP he can kill me with one shot. It's unlikely, but possible. He's been aiming at me for a good second or 10 now, so he's unlikely to miss. With his 300 pen he's unlikely to bounce. So when I go around the corner, I will take ~1100 damage, but I'll most likely survive. This is not possible with arty. He might hit, or he might miss, who knows. He might do a lot of damage when he hits, or he might not, who knows. He might do a lot of damage with a miss, or he might do nothing, who knows. He might kill half my crew, or he might not, who knows. I simply have no idea what's going to happen when I round the corner, it's a complete dice roll. And there's nothing him and I can do about it. It'll be amazing when I can actually take into account the damage arty is (most likely) going to do to me. This would tie in with actually scaling damage to tier, as opposed to having a former top tier arty as a normal tier 8 mm tank. What the actual shit. A thing that was implemented to damage tier 10s and had tier 10 matchmaking is now a normal tier 8 'designed' to damage tier 8s. Of course its damage wasn't lowered because that would make arty players mad. And we wouldn't like that, would we? On top tiers its fucking arbitrary what's going to happen. The difference between tier 8 and tier 10 arty is, for the receiving player, zilch. Both have a change to completely ruin his day. Almost no other tank has that capability! An E100 is going to laugh at an IS-3. Or a King Tiger. Or a T-44. Or a STA-2. Or whatever. He's going to maybe be scared a little by the big tier 8 TDs, but hey, that's what TDs do. And the only one that actually does damage outside of its tier is the ISU-152. But if that E100 sees an M40 on the enemy team, he'll be scared, because who knows how much damage the M40 will do to him?
  10. Way back when yes. 3-4 years ago nobody whined about arty. Shit, we even took arty to CW on maps that are regarded as absolutely terrible arty maps nowadays. But then they implemented fucking accuracy changes and whatever the fuck they did with the accuracy. It was great for normal tanks, but it fucked arty. I'm mad, yes. I don't give a flying fuck about arty being in the game. Heck, every few games you'll hear my whine about there *not* being arty to shoot camping and/or hull-down tanks. Imo the game needs a mechanic like that. But not like this, not like this at all. Is Armored Warfare better? Slightly. Arty actually has to watch out for other arties, and they won't wreck your tank with one shot. They're annoying, yes, but not hahfuckyou-annoying. And that incoming arty indicator was the worst fucking ever. Like, who the fuck thought it was a nice idea to come up with a heyyou'regettingfuckedsoon-indicator? Most tanks are too slow to properly avoid the shot anyway. It's nothing more than a sign you're going to lose a few hundred HP. He's on par with the WG dude that puts rocks inside bushes on every fucking map. There's only one worse person in the gaming industry, and that's the fucker that puts cliffs inside bushes. I'M LOOKING AT YOU, SOUTH COAST.
  11. If somebody starts to whine about you using gold, just reply with "But did it help me win?". Usually shuts them up nicely. Also, fuck arty and fuck everybody who defends it. I wouldn't classify it as OP, because it's not. It's fucking broken. It's fun neither for the arty player, nor for his target. Whenever I play arty (which is almost never nowadays) I'm tearing my hair out because a crapton of my shots miss. And when I play normal tanks, well, I get blapped because I should stop camping in the middle of Proho, right? Of course arty missed the first five shots on me, but since I only felt the fun-ruining sixth shot, I'm mad. But no, according to people it's totally okay to have a dice-roll mechanic to arbitrarily ruin other people's battles. "But Bronezhilet!", I hear you cry, "tanks can ammorack you as well, it's the same as arty!". No it is not. 1. It requires LOS. 2. It requires actual aiming. 3. Ammoracks with one ammorack hit are incredibly rare. 4. It can happen to anyone, by anyone. Arty is also why people complain about XVM stats. Do I get focussed by normal tanks? Probably. Do I notice? Rarely. But whenever arty's after your ass, you fucking notice. Sure, whatever, 80% of his shots miss. But the 20% that's going to hit is going to ruin my day. And there is nothing I can do about it, except hide behind a big-ass rock or a house for the rest of the match. And guess what, that ruins my fun too. Seriously, I have had battles where I had to hide behind a house for the whole match because arty outright refused to switch targets. I notice arty shells falling next to me, so I hide behind a house. I wait 30 seconds to let arty switch targets. I take a quick peek and sure enough, arty. So I wait a full minute. Peek again, and sure enough, arty. (Yes, they did have a nicely concealed spotter). But in the meantime my team is winning because their arty doesn't give a shit about winning. "OH I MUST KILL THE HIGHEST RATED PLAYER ON THEIR TEAM, SURELY WE WILL WIN", he thinks, while my team stomps his team because the arty on my team actually knows what they're doing. GEE, I SURELY HAD FUN THIS MATCH, SITTING STILL WHILE MY TEAM WINS. And my WN8 isn't even that great. No, I don't use XVM stats. Fuck that. I judge prio-targets on the fly and on basis of actual information, instead of bullshit non-relevant numbers accumulated over years. It's simply the direct opposite of that one famous quite by Sun Tzu. You think you know the enemy (because you know his stats), but you actually don't know the enemy because that XVM number isn't his actual skill level. The fuck do I care about how somebody played the past few years, I care about how he plays right now, in this very battle. I don't care about the previous one. I don't care about the next one. I care about the one here and now. Who gives a shit about the unicum in the Tiger 2 while there's a 400 WN8 E100 next to him. If that E100 is going to pen me, I'm fucked. I don't give a shit about that puny Tiger 2. What's he gonna do? Sit on me? Who gives a shit about that 400 WN8? He still has a gun, and that gun can do a fuckton of damage. A common argument is this: "But what if there are two identical tanks next to each other, shooting you?!". That never happens, get the fuck out. If you want to know getting focussed feels, go play in an ultra-rare tank. No, not the CW reward tanks, those aren't rare. I'm talking shit like the Pz V/IV, ISU-130 and T95E2 and the likes. If you see two tier 8 tanks yoloing down the hill towards your shitty tier 6 ultra-rare tank, you know they don't give a flying fuck about winning or dying. They just want to fucking kill you. Yes, I have actually had people trying to yolo through my team to get to my Pz V/IV, just to kill me. And I'd laugh my ass off while pulling back to behind my teammates and watching them get blown apart. On the EU server we've actually had people banned because they were in good clans. Pubbies reported them because "He's in FAME, he must be hacking". WG EU's reply? "Switch clans". I WISH I WAS JOKING, BUT THIS ACTUALLY HAPPENED. MULTIPLE TIMES. Fucking useless.
  12. Can we all now please stop predending Turkey is our (NATO's) ally?
  13. I think the proper name for them is "Don't you fucking dare, Turkey".
  14. Send a request to C-BOO, please accept, whomever is capable of accepting.
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