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Everything posted by Toxn

  1. I wonder if it and the Iranian 'stealth' fighter have long chats together about what they're going to do when they grow up?
  2. Since we've already presented the ring cycle theory of Star Wars, this is probably canon in at least George's head.
  3. Getting back to the weight omnibus, it is very interesting how well each class of weapon fits within a defined weight category. I'd be very interested to see (read: am working on) a comparison of recoil impulse versus weight.
  4. I must be used to dealing with really epic levels of crazy, because that barely pinged my meter. Still sounds very much like a certain person I know IRL though. Has he mentioned a pet theory regarding the holographic universe hypothesis?
  5. Using the force for autoerotic asphyxiation would certainly make it a lot safer. I figure Kylo is on more of a 'what would granddad be into?' trip. Which means sexy sandpeople or bust.
  6. It never rains but it pours; just one of those sad facts of life. Anyway, I hope it all gets better.
  7. Admittedly, this may also be a function of the fact that the vast majority of the people commenting on youtube channels are, at best, entitled little shits.
  8. True, but I think it may also be a case of being raised in an environment where you're far enough up the ol' hierarchy of needs so that fairly minor (but difficult-to-solve) stuff seems important. My wanting things to be perfect is function of them being good already, with the remaining issues then being seen as either eminently solvable or impossible. This leads to a mindset of 'if it can be done, it should be able to do to perfection.' Which is a terrible mindset for a world where solutions to complex problems tend to come with significant problems of their own.
  9. Heck, I'd go further and say that the attitude of "it's not perfect, therefore it's useless" is one of the sicknesses of the modern age.
  10. As always, the idea of tradeoffs seems to elude people.
  11. Today's theme: mining your adolescence for nostalgia value. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rDAjFstQrTk&list=PL4FCDF2E743A1062D&index=3
  12. TIL that the queen palms which infest my house have fruits which can be used to brew beer or extract sugar.
  13. Please. Lefaucheux M1858 is where it's at. I'd like to see scallywags argue with 12mm of pinfire pugilation.
  14. More like "Ai sies!", am I right? ... ... ... It's funnier if you're South African, I promise.
  15. Channel 4 u: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLE3Q5hF6oN64MBj4MnfOQH5UEtwZE6Zyg
  16. From the same mind that brought you this: I hate to say it, but there's a point where your well-practiced cynicism shades over into a sort of weird naivety. Corruption is something that has been with us since the pyramids at least. Certainly the exact form of corruption you describe was either present for all the major US infrastructure projects. All that matters is that the actual work gets done and that there is some sort of counterbalancing mechanism to try and mop up the worst of the graft. Anything more should be a pleasant surprise.
  17. I honestly don't think that corruption is as big of an issue as people like to go on about. So long as things actually get built. Population density and land ownership/entitlements/servitude are the big killers for trains. I have seen it said that automation of cars would be hella efficient, as the model would change to a taxi system (no idle vehicles in parking lots or garages) and the vehicles themselves would be able to slipstream very efficiently. This requires 100% automation though.
  18. Oh the Australian one. Eh, as I said: part of it seems to be how you view your fellow citizens. Did it trigger you because of that dude's views or because Australia has become some sort of weird selling point for the other side of the debate? As an aside, and because I've articulated the view of firearms as more of a hobby than anything else, I am extremely upset that the powers that be seem so intent on following the American model of drone control. Because of how it knocks on to remote control aircraft, my son probably won't be able to make and fly model planes like I did.
  19. All good points What Time magazine article was this? I stopped even looking at the covers around 2008.
  20. - When you throw in a 5-page effortpoast I do you the honour of taking it seriously. - My point was about how we shouldn't allow all the idiots I see on the road each day to have anything dangerous at all. I mentioned plastic spoons for fucks sake. How you got from that to 'hurr durr grab yer guns' I don't know. Further, have you ever considered that you're something of an exception here? I mean, you're the equivalent of a rally driver who can't see the point of seat belts. Meanwhile Joe and Jane average manage to reverse over their own kid driving out of the yard. - So you feel insecure and take specific precautions against a threat that is almost certainly a hoax? - I don't see how specifically mentioning the pistol = failing to notice. As to picking fights, yeah. When is the exact moment when fiddling with your cubbyhole is more likely to save your life than simply putting your foot down and concentrating on the road? Going further, I find the whole idea of shooting your way out of any sort of ambush pretty laughable. I'm not saying its the worst choice, but it certainly isn't the best. You're making rather a broad case on the back of a few anecdotes, what sounds like some incredibly shitty public services and reference to a few highly arguable situations. Because you seem to develop amnesia every time we di this, I'll say it again: I fully endorse the utility of being armed as a deterrent in certain situations. But I also see guns in pretty much the same way I see pools or light aircraft: as things which bring significant risk into your life without necessarily also providing an unambiguous service. I'd prefer to see the risks weighed up in totality rather than trying to hinge the argument on something emotive and rare. And so I hold that the undeniable risk of dying thanks to gun-related stupidity (your own or someone else's) should factor into the mix. Finally, note how none of this comes with a call to ban, confiscate or whatever.
  21. Disregarding the jokey nature of my post for a moment, a few points: - don't ever start an argument by stating that you're going to school someone. It just makes you look like an idiot when you don't. - don't come with this weak anecdotal bullshit when arguing policy. - that story about gangsters turning their lights off is exactly the same one that was circulating here a few years ago. This should tell you everything you need to know about its accuracy. - if you'd ever been hijacked or talked to someone who had, you'd know that the idea of having the time to fish around in your trunk is wishful thinking. A piece to hand is much smarter, but may distract you from your best option; which is to drive the hell away.
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