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Sturgeon's House


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Everything posted by LoooSeR

  1. Yes, now it is part of United Airconstruction Corporation.
  2. Yeah, i don't think we will have anything similar in service for many years.
  3. You can stack ERA on top of each other with pretty high efficiency. At least Armata new ERA (or MERA) was designed to be layered (to defeat tandem HEAT warhead, for example).
  4. Myasischev company projects: UAV and cargo plane
  5. SA attack on column of armed people (i guess those are Houthis).
  6. http://lostarmour.info/yemen/ Site that count all AFV losses based on photo or video evidence. It was started for Ukrainian Civil War, counting lost tanks and IFV/APCs, now they introduced Yemen conflict as well. To this moment site added Saudi Arabia's 4 M2 Bradley IFVs and 4 M1A2S Abrams tanks.
  7. Saidis managed to destroy one Tochka missile launcher of the Ansar Allakh militia, photos will be posted later.
  8. It is probably one rifle from same batch as rifle from that video of operation in Gyumri village that you posted in TFB, Sturgeon. Photo from my previous post shows rifle in hands of Russian SF unit, that is equipped about as well as those on the video, actually. It might have been even the same gun,
  9. And again, Czech magazine about new Russian armor, page scans posted on Gurkhan's blog. This time - Kurganets 25 IFV and APC.
  10. Don't know where to post, but this system in future may become launchable from underbarrel GLs, like one Israely grenade with videocamera in it. New Krechet-M sight for Ratnik. It looks not as shity as previous models, but still it is a brick. We also have magnifier for it and laser. Maybe it would have easier to pay to Zenit to finish their laser module?
  11. 53-65K torpedo and transportation container for it.
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