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Everything posted by Ramlaen

  1. No, I am one of those people who spend more time lurking than posting (I would also need to set up a disqus or google account).
  2. Cleopatra 2017, note the Avenger's on the deck of the tailing ship.
  3. http://thehill.com/homenews/administration/341788-exclusive-doj-let-russian-lawyer-into-us-before-she-met-with-trump
  4. You are correct, I was looking at the general shape of the road wheel and not specifics like the number of nuts or the return track height.
  5. To copy a post I made on another forum. Who else works for Denis Katsyv to lobby against the Magnitsky Act? Just in case you forgot, Fusion GPS created the now infamous pissgate dossier that lead to CNN being labeled fake news. To make it more curious. Five days after her meeting with Trump Jr., Natalia was sitting in the front row behind Ambassador McFaul during hearings on U.S. Policy Toward Putin’s Russia.
  6. The RFI for the FFG(X) was put out, the general consensus seems to be that the beefed up versions of the LCS are not an option. http://breakingdefense.com/2017/07/navy-steers-well-away-from-an-lcs-frigate/
  7. The box with fans is an air conditioning unit, and a 120mm armed Rooikat.
  8. Found this on Militarium.net's facebook, they didn't say where the photographs were taken.
  9. It is the Griffin demonstrator that was on display at AUSA 2016, basically an Ajax hull with a turret derived from the Abrams.
  10. This guy hit the nail on the head, it doesn't matter how much 'better' one gun is if they both pass the minimum specs.
  11. I didn't watch the whole video but from what I did see this guy is mostly upset that the army didn't treat the Sig as multiple guns.
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