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Sturgeon's House


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Everything posted by Tied

  1. To be fair. Arabs are known for their flights. You dont need a car to see downtown new york
  2. Welp this isnt Arf.com so i doubt you would get in to much trouble for using the R and I words around here. But thread carefully elsewhere
  3. I said the extact same thing about Kalashnikov and those mud test and i was was labelled a "idoit", "nationalist", and "drunk retard"
  4. the city is known for its pizza, 911, and punchable people
  5. for the radio show, any chance we could hear it?
  6. t. a black man hahahahahahahahahahhahaahahahahahhahahahahahhahahhahahahhahahahahahahaahhaahahahhaahhahaahhahahahahahahaaha
  7. I think hipowers are a good enough choice for a first time buy. Im always married to lady Makorov. All stereotypes aside i wouldnt mind being burried with mine. The thing is fucking indestructible and joy to shoot Sigs and 1911s in general are cancer. Espically for first time users Finding a good deal on a Sig first time around is the equivalent of beijg attacked by a shark, overpowering it, and fucking it. Its not gonna happen And there is no reason anyone should own a 1911 for first time buy. Espically for self defense purposes. You might as well buy a normal pistol and carry it around in its case for the experience of trying to conceal carry a 1911.
  8. Jesus fucking Christ Why do people get ao bent out of shape about Trump.
  9. IV8888 wearing a east german helmet trumps anything i have ever or will ever write on this website for purposes of comedy
  10. its a huge reason why i stick to RTS and flight simulators, or games in general that dont fuck up the occasional shooter too
  11. Not really. Outside of ICBMs the Tupolevs are the most effective weapons versus carrier groups
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