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Sturgeon's House


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Everything posted by Tied

  1. Dont you mean more innovative and tatical
  2. Thread is for postings of quality music Remove_Pino-shit East is beast Za Stalina In duce we trust
  3. 1908 Schwarzlose blow-forward pistol http://i.imgur.com/yf3iU2X.webm An 1895 Lee Navy rifle recovered from the USS Maine http://i.imgur.com/TgiPa3O.webm The Pedersen rifle, a toggle-lock rifle that almost beat the M1 Garand http://i.imgur.com/LyozIyJ.webm Reproduction StG45(M), one of the last Nazi Sturmgewehr designs http://i.imgur.com/TQMvolu.webm 1852 Slant-Breech Sharps rifle http://i.imgur.com/EYXqRZN.webm Reproduction VG.1-5, last-ditch Nazi autoloading rifle http://i.imgur.com/984MX3p.webm Remington Model 11, one of the first semi-auto shotguns http://i.imgur.com/LZnrR20.webm The 1912 Frommer Stop, a long-recoil action Hungarian handgun http://i.imgur.com/DQNBAXH.webm Mondragon 1894, one of the first straight-pull action rifles ever produced http://i.imgur.com/BvikaqN.webm
  4. welp, atleast it looks like a fun game i am still rollay pissed we are not getting 64 players .....or clone wars era content .....or space battles but, atleast the game looks kinda fun
  5. your gonna fit in here just fine, great stuff i was wondering i think this would make a good reserve-schuzten sig Also, these for would be cool for the Polish Navy "feel free to caption them Marynarka Wojenna, which is the name of the actual navy"
  6. Four Polish pilots walk past Polish Air Force Su-7BKLs on the ramp of Polish Air Force base. The Fitter-A in the center has a three digit tactical number, while the others have two digit tactical numbers. The Fitter in the foreground has the gun blast panel covered with powder streaks from a recent gun firing. Unit insignia, such as these markings carried on a Polish MiG-23MF, were rarely seen on Warsaw Pact aircraft. 28th Fighter Regiment, Redzikowo Air Base near Slupsk. ' Moar migs
  7. EE has some valid points, maybe if someone was saying these things about your home country sturgeon, you might talk as passionately
  8. blah blah blah "Them Russkie's got slanted eyes, cant be from no European aryan you-cran" i would like to remind every one of you that the Soviet union was a big country, and when it collasped many people did not feel like dropping what little they had to return to their native lands. Hell, there were plenty of oreintal Russians in East Germany as there were in the Stans really interesting video though
  9. Vice is not accurate they send a few neckbeards to a bar in Belarus and think they are walter fucking Cronkite Infact, by the logic that Russian news isnt accurate, neither should any Ukrainian or American news be as for politicacians, they will say anything, whether they be on one side of the border or the other wars are usualy pretty milked for public support. So a Russain politician saying "Putin is throwing our boys away in Ukraine" is not a logical and accurate statement on the Russian military, rather than a ploy to get votes and as far as Nato generals, i dont think even the biggest borderline Fascist warmonger has stated there are 36 thousand Russian soldiers in Ukraine
  10. becuase its a convient yet still inaccurate name kinda like how i call the m113 a gavin its just rolls off the tongue like gavins roll into the scrap yards
  11. Im siding with EE on this one (yes, big surpirse there) All and any major army has had problems with moral when any war arises, and frankly i think Russia is doing pretty good for itself for an army who has just had 60 years of training and doctrine implode on itself nothing of those links you give even remotely points to 36k, and, lay off the vice news documentary Virdea, the same youtube channel which publishes videos on consumable semen recipes shouldnt be the top notch source for Ukraine as everyone is making them out to be because they can send a handful of hipsters over-there with camera's
  12. something something next gen consoles something something 4gbs means 4gbs
  13. here's some ideas caption one of these (for the T-64) "Pride of Kharkov" or "Morozov's dream"
  14. no rush man wouldnt want to dry up the artistic signature teat too early
  15. ah dont worry about it, the same size actually looks nice for a sig also would you mind captioning this for a sig with "Sherman: Why send one when you can send 5?"
  16. my referring to their services abroad meant that the were able to keep the people who actually did make those decisions safe im sorry if i gave the impression that they were some type of communist global conspiracy i apologize to Peter Samsonov, the former members of the ministry of state security, and to anyone who might of gotten the wrong impression due to my piss-poor writing skills I will do better, this i promise.
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