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Everything posted by EnsignExpendable

  1. Well he's saying that it's because of the Ukrainian conflict. It has nothing to do with that.
  2. They don't say there are 6-12 thousand trigger pullers they say there are 6-12 thousand soldiers. Yes, there is lots of equipment. Rebels aren't stupid, they can operate equipment too. The great thing about the Ukrainian army inheriting from the Soviet army is that every conscript is still familiar with the gear. Keeping the population in line? Man, you're not giving the local militias any credit. What are they good for if they can't even patrol the roads? What are they good for if they can't drive trucks? Are you just assuming that literally every person fighting for the rebels is a Russian regular? If it's not, then give me sources for others. Your claim is "Ukrainian invasion->poor morale", and giving just one example as proof is pretty terrible. As for Siberian troops, the last (Russian) document you linked claims this. Are you dismissing your own sources now? My point is, assuming that your sources (very questionable sources at that) are correct, the jump to 36,000 men and Vietnam style morale issues is not supported by the evidence you presented. PS: that list of dead men? Some of them aren't as dead as you think. This is a blurry photo of something that's very likely a Grad, but the article insists that it's a very specific kind of Grad, which there is no way to establish from just looking at such a low quality image.
  3. The number 36,000 doesn't appear anywhere in those links. You took the largest estimate and multiplied it by three for a reason that is unknown to me. Also alcoholism and hooliganism have always been a problem in the Russian army. It's not, in fact, a professional military, it is a conscript military. There are professionals, but there are also a ton of people that don't want to be there and whose goal is to slack off for 1-3 years of their conscription term and then get back to their meaningful lives. Pointing out the Pskov VDV division (which by the way got its Order of Suvorov for actions in Crimea, which your article conveniently ignores) has discipline problems doesn't mean anything, especially when some of your links claim that all sorts of other units from Europe to Siberia are in the Ukraine too. How come no one brought their discipline problems to light?
  4. To summarize: there is nothing in Virdea's links that corroborates Vietnam style morale drain or 36,000 soldiers.
  5. Where are you getting this "draining of a lot of Russian manpower"? You're not seriously accepting Ukrainian claims of 50 500,000 Russian regulars in the East, are you? Also the Russian army has been the picture of disorganization for 24 years. Ooooh rise of hooliganism in Pskov, that's a national crisis right there! We had a system that took care of its soldiers, veterans, and citizens, look what happened to it.
  6. The Ukrainian Army is gaining fuck all. They announced their sixth wave of mobilization by this point, even before the (already over time) fifth wave is not over yet. Conscription standards are a thing of the past, they are already grabbing students and cripples off the street. The fancy equipment that is advertised on state-run channels is either obsolete garbage donated by Western countries that can't be bothered to recycle it or one-off improvisations cobbled together at half-abandoned Soviet era factories. The Americans are training a negligible percentage of the military, yes, but the vast majority are unskilled and uninterested in fighting. The claim that the only reason the separatists are still around is because of Russian regular forces is nonsense. Poroshenko isn't interested in winning. When you're the richest man in the country and you're pulling all the strings, war is insanely profitable. "Corruption is a bigger threat to #Ukraine than #Russian tanks" @GeoffPyatt at #WGF15 @WGForum @AtlanticCouncil #Russia #ACUkraine
  7. They're in a quantum state of being at war and not being at war at the same time.
  8. Led astray by Western imperialists, I have purchased a fascist box tank of type 1A, only to return to party issued apartment and discover that I already possess a fascist box tank of type 1A, and not 1B as originally thought. Looks like is time for Spanish Civil War diorama.
  9. I heard that programmers carry two keyboards, one for bugs and one for features. You heard wrong, both are for bugs.
  10. Eh, when I was starting out, those cheapo kits were great. $20 for a PzII and four guys? Sign me up!
  11. Missing sponson floors are the worst. Come on, it's two tiny strips of plastic, how much money are you saving here?
  12. This guy's diorama is simply amazing, it even looks like a painting. http://imgur.com/a/u33o3
  13. Former Malyshev factory director: from August 22nd 2014 to June 9th, 2015 only 69 tanks were built at the factory, only 6 of them Oplots and they all went to foreign customers Way to run glorious Soviet tank production into the ground.
  14. Kubinka staff are surprisingly bad at preservation sometimes a lot of the time. Yuri Pasholok posted a picture of their restoration compared to one of his. He was able to strip away a top layer of paint to reveal the original markings on a tank, the way they do things not only does the paint not survive, I'm pretty sure the metal itself suffers.
  15. It's by design, the moment the Americans potential enemy attacks, the swamps will erupt with endless streams of tanks driven by the undead.
  16. It's the only T-35, and Pasholok & co basically exploded in rage when the museum crew just started it up and drove it to the restoration garage, because fuck checking the hoses and seals or whatever and assessing what kind of damage this can do, just yolo this shit for a cool PR video. No it isn't. The last time they took it out for a spin it drove barely 100 meters and didn't do any pyrotechnics. It's far from restored. There is also a T-28 hull that disappeared mysteriously from a memorial and resurfaced as a mostly fake but parade-ready tank recently.
  17. Made sure to check for that. I think they're tinkering with some updates, it happened a few more times today, and never for more than a couple of minutes.
  18. It started working again after a couple of minutes.
  19. Are the WoT forums broken? The reply box doesn't show up for me in either the quick reply or the full reply sections.
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