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The Hughes Heligun (Hughes Appreciation Thread)


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The Hughes Heligun is the most awesome aircraft cannon development of our time. What's that, you've never heard of it? Well...



The Hughes Heligun looking characteristically fly.

Here's the Forgotten Weapons article, accompanied by a PDF telling you just about all you'd ever want to know about the Heligun.

Check this out:









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Ultimately, it was note adopted because the reliability (mean time between stoppages) couldn’t quite be brought up to par,


That graph, together with that quote from forgotten weapons, amuses me greatly. "don't worry guys, it's fine if it doesn't work!"

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D.E. Watters beat me to the info sources.


It's a very interesting design; one of the few post-war revolver cannons that was not based on the German designs.  It's the only multi-barrel revolver design family I know of, and definitely one of the weirder revolver cannons out there (The Soviet R-23 being the other contestant).


That bit about the chemical ramming in Chinn is hilarious.  

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