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Sturgeon's House

Curmudgeoning Megathread

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Are the colors wrong on the officer's uniform? Isn't the Army Red and the KGB blue, but not Air Force blue?


Also, Russian Federation tea-glass holders.




His medals are arranged by the fashion director, not according to regulation.


Also correct, but there are a lot of things wrong with the medals themselves.

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Let the league of curmudgeons assemble! I'll start. According to The Americans, this is a KGB colonel in 1962. Can you find what's wrong with this picture?


Edit: while the above screencap might be a bit hard, this one certainly shouldn't be:


What in the ever loving name of fuck

I'm not asking for the uniforms to be accurate but I have never seen any other medium be so wrong. Mainly becuase I have never seenb that pattern of medals in any order remotely like that

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What in the ever loving name of fuck

I'm not asking for the uniforms to be accurate but I have never seen any other medium be so wrong. Mainly becuase I have never seenb that pattern of medals in any order remotely like that


Aw, you didn't notice either? I was expecting more from you. Very well, looks like I'll have to give it away. 


All of you should have seen that pattern of medals, if only from reading my blog. They're right in the background on the left, commemorating years since victory in the Great Patriotic War. Since this scene is supposed to be 1962, he isn't supposed to have any of these aside from the original victory medal (the first commemorative medal was issued in 1965), but he somehow managed to trade it in for the 1965 one and... the 1995 and 2005 ones. Plus he's wearing the ribbons and medals at the same time, which is just... no. He does have two ribbons that I can't make out as well.


Presumably for his time travel work, comrade Zhukov earned the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. Impressive, but the title comes with an Order of Lenin, which is nowhere to be found. He must have traded it in for his Order of Suvorov, 2nd Grade, which is awarded to "commanders of corps, divisions, and brigades, their deputies. and chiefs of staff". Seeing as how it's 1962 and he's only a Colonel, he wasn't any of those during the war, so that one's right out. 


Now, onto the miscellaneous pins. He somehow managed to be both KGB and Guards, which isn't a thing, and he also wears his "Excellence in the Soviet Army" badge (awarded to enlisted men and NCOs after 1957). Beneath it is some commemorative pin I don't recognize, but what it's certainly not is an actual KGB badge that he probably should be wearing. 


So there you have it, literally everything pinned to his wrong uniform is also wrong. At least his shoulderboards are the right way around unlike in the second picture.

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