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Everything posted by ApplesauceBandit

  1. Am I alone in thinking that the new chase PvE mode is impossible on even just medium difficulty? Best I've done is had a single truck killed right before the end, but that's it. Those things actually drive just as fast as some of my builds, which is complete bullshit since they already start off way in front of you. When you do catch up to them, they've got so many defensive guns that don't want to get shot off and they have so many smaller bots around them that you won't last long. To top it all off, the things feel damn near invincible too. Actually, it has come to my attention that I was in a hard PvE match, not a medium one. Still, it's supposed to be hard, not impossible.
  2. You can spend gold to buy backups, which are a consumable item that lets you respawn in that vehicle for a second time that match instead of needing to pick a different one. I don't really ever play above BR 7.0 for a few reasons, so my knowledge on powergrinding towards high tiers is limited. Gaijin seems to call it convertable experience (isn't free because you have to spend gold on it :^) ). I'm pretty close to having 10m of it just rotting.
  3. Spading a vehicle in WT is the same as acing one in WoT. Talismans premiumify a tank, though only in regards to boosts RP earnings. Unlike WoT, gaijin actually gives you some numbers to go off of to know how much a vehicle will make or how much it'll cost to repair. Unlike normal vehicles, I do not believe that premiums suffer any from researching lower tier vehicles, so a tier 5 prem shouldn't have that issue. Both premium and normal vehicles are horrible at researching vehicles 2 or more tiers higher. I will say that I wouldn't limit myself to only a tier 5 premium, I'd consider tier 3 or 4 as well. It is nice to have some tanks beyond a single premium to flesh out your lineup with, and past tier 2, the difference between what premiums earn isn't as large as you'd expect. It wouldn't help with actually researching high tiers, but if you needed cash, you could run a lineup of multiple tier 3 premiums.
  4. I'm talking AB at least. When I'm running low tier US planes, I try to only go after people who are already vulnerable. Like you said, attackers or fighters who wasted all of their energy are prime targets. In most cases, I make sure that I've got enough energy that I can get away from those people and I tend to avoid the people who are in a good position to counter me.
  5. US around the BR can be pretty nasty. Like I had posted just a bit ago, I was playing similarly in my P-47D while shooting planes down left and right. The .50 is really nasty, half the time you only need to hit someone for a fraction of a second to kill them.
  6. I randomly woke up when I should have still been asleep, seems some higher power was telling me that the update dropped and that I should sell sell sell. Stuff like the common MG or small wheels are going for a shekel a piece right now. I also did not foresee them adding all the knights stuff for crafting, so rip that steel cavalry case I was hoarding to sell. Lost half its value overnight.
  7. I'm just waiting for us to declare war on the EU too since they rigged our election by saying they don't like Trump.
  8. WT has an ez pz event for getting a cartoon plane. You only need 50 kills in US Tier III-V planes in AB or 25 in RB. Clubbing with the P-47D in AB makes this pretty trivial. The best part of that screencap is I wasn't even trying to play good, I had cranked the yolo up to 11 and already reached 50 kills by the time I brought out the P-47D-25.
  9. The orange and black likely means that he's an anarchist of the mutualist variety.
  10. It's hard to tell from that angle, but the driver position does have some armor in front of it cut out. Turret by the gun is pretty weak. 100mm right by the mantlet, 250mm with no special armor if you're a little less centered.
  11. Also, just saw that one article they posted. The price of electronics and wires has skyrocketted, electronics now going for over 2 shekels for a group of 10. What isn't clear is how much more they're going to increase your raids per day, so I think I'll sell about half of what I make incase you can suddenly play a lot more. Probably a good time to sell copper too, assuming you make just as much per raid as you do now.
  12. This was honestly a tl;dr for me, still need to get around to reading it all, but looks like it could be worth a read https://www.columbiamissourian.com/news/local/q-a-police-chief-ken-burton-talks-about-racial-profiling/article_9538af60-9990-11e7-98bf-5bdbb91f3a3d.html
  13. St. Louis is a blight upon my state and needs to be nuked.
  14. I need to get some more purple weapons so I can make myself some more interesting clubbers, but here's my seal slayer, sits at ~2600ps. Chained wheels are really good for lower tier builds since they're still only 60ps a piece, yet are 35% more durable than medium wheels. At such a low MM bracket, you're not really going to need to worry about the extra tonnage you get with medium wheels. Starter wheels also have surprisingly high tonnage. While this thing only has ~330 hp, the melee stuff at the front and the turret let you take a few more hits than you would be able to otherwise.
  15. I find it amusing that we've now got a vehicle from the 50s in tier 2 (the BTR-152A). I still need to make myself stop being lazy and do some WT or Crossout with you all sometime. I believe I've mentioned it before, but I do own a T-35. My precious A-26C that I earned through knowing how to use a German proxy also gets 2 additional MGs, something that is nice and that I think the patch notes missed. Gaijin's idea of updating a plane's skin seems to be by flying it through a couple sandstorms though.
  16. On a somewhat related note, here's Ted Cruz The tweet itself is obviously nsfw, but you should be able to find it if you want easily enough.
  17. .gifs and animated things I'm honestly not that good at, I typically just work with still images. Not tonight, but I could probably still do it since it sounds like just a matter of converting a video clip to a .gif. I've also got the issue of cancer being the only thing coming out of photoshop when I open it up.
  18. Getting stuck under that walky thing sucks, screws with your camera like no tomorrow. Also seems like I got freed up right as you all got off. Waiting for gaijin to add decals so I can do that.
  19. I've got that america aesthetic going on
  20. As a self-identified meme creator, I might make some content to add when I feel inspired to make something.
  21. This is great. I was wondering why it's taken so long for something like this to happen, but here it is! You've got to make an account to view his page, but I've found a screencap. It's even better that it doesn't look like he was just some low profile guy either on this place. ~2.3k submissions of I guess that comic looking thing and an impressive 17k comments. Not NSFW in case that's a concern
  22. I've never really kept track of what my best and worst battles have been, but this one certainly had about the outcome that I would expect. If my cannon had its ammo capacity just a round or two higher, I would have won. When I ran out of ammo, it was me with both of my tracks still versus a guy with no guns and missing most of his wheels. The battle was almost over and going for a draw is lame, so I self-destructed myself. Their last guy was lucky and managed to survive even though I was on top of him. The bots also seem to do a good job of running into their own team mates, so I wish that they would actually give them some higher PS vehicles so they could do more than just push me out of cover.
  23. Had a guy from Honeywell come to campus today just to talk about the place. Went because I figured it'd be good to go to, was expecting talk on fans and RF scanners, instead was given talk on nuclear weapons. Their branch of Honeywell (FM&T) is that one in Kansas City that builds pretty much all of the non-nuclear bits for our nukes. Of all the talks I've sat around for so far, this one was certainly the one I found most interesting. The guy talking was some graduate of where I'm going and works with their enviromental testing stuff. I knew nukes were built to not accidentally go boom, but hearing how they actually test it helps you appreciate how much they're built with that in mind. I should have taken notes on some of the figures dropped, but they were fairly impressive. Also fun is the guy apparently spent one of his interviews talking nothing but guns the whole time with the HR dude. I should probably read up on nuke stuff.
  24. And just imagine that despite the memes, Texas isn't even the most gun-happy state. They don't even have constitutional carry there, bunch of losers they are. I don't know how accurate this is since it was one of the first I pulled from google images, but I'm surprised that Hawaii is as high as it is with ownership.
  25. I finally got what I needed to make my first purple parts, have a set of tracks. I've found myself enjoying a radiator+little boy+rapier setup. I originally had this on 8 wheels, but now I've got it on tracks and it's a whole lot more tanky (and slow). I was originally working towards a fat man next, but I've come to realize that a triple rapier build would be pretty strong.
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