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Everything posted by ApplesauceBandit

  1. Object 252s aside, the ISU-130 is a whole lot nicer to play now that you're not in battles full of tier 10 superheavies
  2. Think again :^) http://herb.co/2016/12/18/north-korea-weed/ Wikipedia makes it sound less clear though
  3. Must have been from the alternate Wehriverse where Germany had Tiger IIs by '43 and won the war as a result.
  4. Hopefully going to get the plate milled out later this week, all that's left is finishing toolpaths. And of course I find out at the last minute, but I came to realize that I could get something very close to that knurling through plunge roughing with a ball end mill. I've not got enough time left in the course to do anything more fancy than knurling over the whole surface, so I'll leave it at that and pretty up the edges by hand. Before I actually run the program on my aluminum, it's going on a piece of foam first. A little workflow thing to give an idea of how I plan to approach this: Drill holes/counterbore → Mill out the profile that will rest against your shoulder → Add knurling over that entire surface → Machine the rest of the plate's countor, leaving a tab on either end → Have fun adding a fillet and perfecting the shape with dremel, files, and sandpaper.
  5. I'm no scientist, but I can only imagine that this is an awful climate (no pun intended) for getting science done in. Researching towards the wrong ideas would probably be hard to fund and easy to get you demonized for.
  6. That was art. I feel like I was one of the few who was a bit skeptical. Beyond him violating a fictional NDA, I don't feel like WG organizes the client in a way to where we'd have the SEAM 220t files without realizing it. Would also be odd for them to put it into the live server client before supertest. A few years back, Pasholok had much butthurt when the balance department threw out a French TOG line. I imagine they knew how (little) fun a tier 8 FCM F1 would be, and I also believe they made mention elsewhere of having knowledge of more suitable tanks than what the fake tree had. I will admit I still fell for it, but not so much as to have any emotion or real thoughts over them. Wouldn't be the first fake leak, though this one was one of the more believable ones.
  7. Just realized WG didn't touch the premium arty, so now my leFH 18 B2 is even more broken than before by proxy. All other low tier arty got its pen halved and the AP and HEAT rounds removed. heehueheuehu Daily reminder that the leFH 18 B2 has the best view range of all tier 5 vehicles. All other tier 5 arty has about 260m, compared to the 390m of the leFH. Arty best scout.
  8. lol. Still need to watch the whole thing, but I find it rather amusing that CNN and Sad Border Jumper are trying to play a DUI off as something as trivial as a parking ticket. Sad!
  9. Speaking of violent protestors, weaponized autism did it again and the cunt who was whacking people with a bike lock has most likely been ID'ed. The guy had his face covered while whacking people, but he made the mistake of not having it covered the entire day, despite everyone everywhere recording everything. He helped teach philosophy at SFSU and generally had a lot of himself online to doublecheck stuff with. A lot of the things he wore there are also things he often has on him for normal stuff. Same facial features, pen, eye color, clothes, boots, backpack, glasses, bike lock, was at the rally, and nuked his online presence once he was found. Isn't 100% proof, but it's rather convincing. This is apparently from his okcupid or something. Elsewhere on the page says he's interested in "helping to precipate the end of civil society" and spends a lot of time thinking about revolution. Sapiosexual is a new one for me (google tells me it's sexual attraction to intelligence, so in other terms he's fedorasexual).
  10. I think I'll be dropping that golfball knurling idea. Not experienced enough in Mastercam or Inventor to find out how to do that on a curved surface. Unless I happen to find some tutorial by luck, I'll either keep it smooth or just do some horizontal lines. Going to be busy for the weekend and need to machine this by the end of next week. I also realized how much of a PITA it would be to get the outline of the plate machined out perfectly to size, especially when the sides are slightly tapered in, made of rubber, and the plate itself is curved. Going to make it a little oversize and file it down by hand afterwards. Seems to be how it gets done for most other DIY buttplates.
  11. from what I recall, it tries for 3 top tier, 5 mid tier, and 7 bottom tier tanks per team. If MM is flood with a certain tier, it can also go 5/10 or just straight up 15 tanks of the same tier. I feel like other things may have happened too, but I would need to look at the patchnotes.
  12. The tier 10 german LT vs the Leopard 1 is just sad. The leopard 1 was already considered one of the worst tier 10 meds apparently, but the light is still worse in all ways but acceleration and 10m view range. At least it has more view range than mediums, unlike most other tier 10 lights. Most high tier lights look bad, but the mid tier ones seem better balanced. They're not as good of scouts as I feel they should be (tier 7 soviet LT has 360m view range), but they have better gun handling than comparable meds. The difference is really apparent at tier 5 and 6, even before you mount vert stabs. Obviously, still have shit for armor and HP, as well as worse hard stats on the gun. At tier 8 is where the gun handling difference seems to be less extreme and they instead get better acceleration. Still not sure how to feel about all of this.
  13. I wonder if the artist realizes that Trump is a big guy, or if he meant for Jesus to be on par with Shaq. I find it amusing either way.
  14. Correct me if I'm wrong here, but I'm not really sure if WT's online count includes all servers. WoT I know has at least been stagnating for a while at least.
  15. I watched the whole thing just to spite you. It's pretty much sargon talking about The Battle of Berkley for 20min, accompanied with the relevant footage.
  16. That's tomorrow apparently. If I'm understanding this right, NA is actually getting the patch first, not RU.
  17. Will need to give it a better look, but looks like this is more reasonable than the test server. M41 autoloader may as well have been removed, clip size is from 10 to 6 with the clip reload increasing from 38s to 40s. https://worldoftanks.com/en/content/docs/918-updatenotes/
  18. Got a chance to go to the range today, 1897 worked great and I put a box of 25 through it. Glad to have a gun now with cheap ammo that I don't need to obsess over keeping its finish in shape. There is a plug thing in the magazine, so I can only fit two shells in there and one in the chamber until that gets taken care of. For the buttplate, the rubber is so old and crusty that it has more or less glued the screws in. Going to have to knock a lot of that off to do what I need to do. EDIT: Plug removed, holds 5 or 6 in the magazine now instead of 2. Buttplate removed, crusty rubber sits at the bottom of my trashcan in 10,000 different pieces. Screws were partly rusted and too wide to be removed without destroying the rubber. Probably will buy replacements for those, as well as a magazine cap screw since I've realized my gun is missing one.
  19. Test server has updated again it looks like. The only "buffs" to light tanks are the ammo capacity nerfs aren't as bad now. Light tanks apparently don't need more view range than mediums or heavies.
  20. http://www.unz.com/article/the-nerve-agent-attack-in-khan-shaykhun-syria/ Article saying they believe the alleged sarin attack was done with just a modified rocket launched from the ground, not an air strike. Has better photos of the canister that you were asking for looser. Have to head somewhere, so only was able to quickly skim the article.
  21. Not sure how to feel about one of the kitbashes on there being almost a copy of what I had in mind...
  22. This sounds like it could be fun. For the design being believable, are we talking actual realistic and feasible designs, or something like the Krokodil that just makes for good Wehrabait? Assuming the latter, but I figure it would be good to clarify.
  23. I forget if conflict news is a good source or not, but posting regardless https://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/nation/2017/04/103_227404.html
  24. Trying to figure out how exactly I'd go about making the toolpaths for that pattern, still pretty new to CAM stuff in any form (3d modeling less so). The surface is a lot like that of a golfball, so I suppose that'd be an easy way to find tutorials. I'm working in MasterCAM, but I know solidworks is easier to find tutorials on and is something you here are more familiar with. May try to grab a copy when I swing by our CAD department.
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