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Everything posted by ApplesauceBandit

  1. I do not, which is another reason I've been looking more at these handguns. My state is also getting permitless conceal carry at the start of next year, so I suppose that's another reason I may want it. Unlike the Polish one, the Bulgarian one gets a star on the grip instead of a hole for a screw. I think it gets some commie points there. Beyond holding 8 rounds instead of 6, the grip is actually one of the bigger reasons why I'd prefer the Bulgarian version. You've got the burnt red colored grip with a star on it, plus you've got a loop for a lanyard sort of deal. I still might get a P64 instead of the situation calls for it, since being smaller would help conceal it. I do have long term plans for a "real" EDC, but I'd like to get milsurp now before it gets too expensive.
  2. After looking around some, I'm thinking I'll want to grab a second milsurp gun somewhere in the nearish future. I missed the days of good stuff being relatively cheap, but there's still a few guns coming in. In particular, I've got my eyes on Bulgarian Makarovs. Ammo I know won't be an issue, which is the main reason I'm not getting a Schmidt-Rubin. The gun itself I hear is kinda nice. It certainly is a nice looking gun in my eyes. I don't like the mag release style, but I've seen people who just put little metal rings in the release to make it easier to pull. The Polish P64 is a lot easier to find and is a few bucks cheaper, but it doesn't suit my fancy as much. Various Tokarevs are also all over the place online still and cheaper as well, but they not only don't suit my fancy as much either, but getting ammo will be a little more annoying with them too. Bolt action rifles are going to be something I can easily get my hands on around here, so I'm in no huge rush for something like a Mauser either. I'd love a PPS-43C, but I'm a year or two late on that train. This site has a nice little package where you can get one on discount, plus the site has free shipping on the 14th. However, I've seen a lot of complaints about these people being sketchy, but not really anything recent. Any of you guys have a opinion on the site? Within a month, I'm hopefully going to get to see what's in my grandfather's little collection of guns (which is where my Winchester 61 came from). One of my uncle's friends apparently has some neat guns of the milsurp variety too that he's offered to show me whenever I come up. Considering both the fact that the guns have just been sitting in a box for the past 10 or 20 years and that Christmas is just around the corner, it's possible I may inherit something from it. I'll make sure to post any pics if some nifty thing is in there.
  3. and from my understanding of the situation, it's not going to stop being that way anytime soon either
  4. Looks like they're trying to sign stuff about the alleged Russian meddling into law. Section 501 of this bill https://www.congress.gov/bill/114th-congress/house-bill/6393 IMO, if they want to remove covert influence over the American people by foreign countries, keeping China in check would perhaps be a better place to start
  5. http://www.reuters.com/article/us-germany-heckler-koch-idUSKBN13N1JQ Don't know if this would be of interest, but too bad
  6. It looks like he's a Somali dude instead
  7. Soros spelled backwards is Soros. This confirms my belief that Mr. Soros is actually George Soros. Lizardmen demon Jews from the dark side of the moon confirmed. I've only seen a portion of that interview in the past so far, but starting your life out by conspiring with Nazis during the Holocaust is never a good start. The thread so far sums up my impression of him. That, and he likes to throw money around too, often to suit his view of where the world should be headed.
  8. I've got no link on hand, but apparently her first public appearance since Trump won. I think it's from earlier today.
  9. Was actually talking to someone else on that exact same subject as I was watching it. Though I never made a habit of it, I did watch some of his stuff a while back. That smug liberal persona he took on started to get unbearable for me though, so I've more or less stopped watching him. The only time I audibly laughed during this episode was when he wasn't even intending to be funny. Maybe I'm picky or strange, but I don't think he's been pulling off the comedian part of his gig too well either.
  10. Trump wants to do space things apparently In John Oliver's show from earlier tonight, the guy actually goes on about how alternative news sources are unreliable about to the point you shouldn't read them, yet we should donate money to some mainstream sources like the NYT instead. Big scary Trump wants to destroy the lives of the poor, humble journalists. It felt to me he kinda brushed off how all the journalists were wrong about the election, so he tries playing the victim. He also makes it a point that he really doesn't like the current year
  11. Looks like the news articles for my campus protest are up. We even made the Wash Post, but the local articles were generally better. They described the first talk I was in as the anti-Trump people telling the Trump people why they didn't like the how Make America Great Again would imply having us go back to few civil rights and all that. That was maybe just a couple minutes of the talking that was easily over an hour, but it was probably the easiest part to write in quickly for an article. It was more talking about why they felt threatened and how to fix that, as well as debating on why someone would support Trump. All articles at least got the conclusion correct. Interestingly enough, I don't think of any of the trouble makers here that have been caught were actually students. The aforementioned lady that I almost had to pepper spray was someone's mom. What an embarrassment that must be. Most of the people weren't this bad, but this mindset that certainly helped fill the ranks: I recall someone suggesting giving Milo a seat somewhere, purely so him and Pence can battle eachother.
  12. I don't really follow all those sources much, but this is about the impression I've gotten. Trump would save a lot more face by ignoring Pence on this stuff than he would for supporting it. Even some rather conservative Christians I've met who think gay and LGBT stuff is morally wrong think that we shouldn't be bringing in big government to enforce those moral codes of theirs. They were very much the "Love the sinner, hate the sin" sort of conservative Christian. The impression I've gotten is the people who actually want to cut back on LGBT rights are a minority. The two sides that I do often see are those in support of these rights or those that don't really care too deeply on the matter. I don't think there's any doubt that there are people who think we need to be more strict on LGBT rights, but I've not met any personally who have told me that. It's certainly the case with me, but I think that the vast majority of people who chose Trump see the issues that need to be addressed as a lot more important than worrying about who can go in bathrooms or who can put rings on other peoples fingers. I was talking to a guy from Michigan a bit ago, and he says the reason that Trump won there was he rallied there, listened to what the rural folks had to say, and treated them like people. Hillary only dropped by near the very end of the race and didn't even address all those people who were hurting and being ignored by everyone else.
  13. I have as well, and while I certainly agree with what you've said, Sturgeon was right on a lot too. I'm on a college campus, so that probably impacted a lot of who I was seeing. This protest was more against Trump being elected than it was for being in support of some candidate or party. There were plenty of people here who hated the shit out of Hillary too, yet were still yelling fuck Trump. They were more concerned about the people around Trump than they were about Trump himself or his policies. Really the only specific policy I heard them bring up as a talking point was the stuff Mike "curing queers with amperes" Pence would like to do to gay folks. Pretty much every single person there was only concerned about how this will effect women, minorities, and LGBT people. The impression I got from them is the ~200 people out on Thursday here would have been much smaller in numbers if the media wasn't trying as hard as they could to push the "Trump and his supporters are bigots" narrative. With how often terms like White Privilege were thrown around, as well as how strong their fear was, I imagine a good few of them think we're actually headed into Jim Crow stuff again. A couple of them I talked to were saying they found the term Make America Great Again to be legitimately offensive, since they believed the Again part of it had racist connotations. They did give me the strong impression that a lot of their concerns weren't entirely from the right places, but their ultimate goal here seemed to be they just wanted people to get along. I ended up in this whole deal on Thursday by accident, but it seems to me like it was largely solved the same day. The night (and protests) ended with both sides agreeing to set aside their differences and tell people who are attacking others to stop being twats. If all the protests have this as their end goal, I can't say I'm too terribly concerned about their reasoning.
  14. My evening stroll today was interrupted by a Fuck Trump protest mob. Fun happenings include: -2 trucks tried driving through them as they crossed a crosswalk (both were caught by police) -People shot a couple fireworks into the crowd. One person was kinda hurt, but not enough to need any sort of medical attention. -Mid life crisis lady lost her mind and went after some guy with a MAGA hat just a bit to my right. His Trump pals, then the cops, pulled her away before she got pepper sprayed. -Cops were able to catch everyone except for one of the fireworks snipers, but a lot of the protestors still had a lot of butthurt towards the cops not doing their job like they wanted them to. -A lot of them had serious victim complexes, but some of the people with them that had some grey matter in their skulls shot down their demands for a new multi-cultural building and for cops needing to respond to calls quicker than 2 minutes. -Campus president sent an email to all students. Image version here. All things considered, he handled the situation well at the open forum thing earlier tonight. I find it saddening to see all of these tumblr sorts of SJW people crawl out of the woodwork here ever since November started. First they tried crashing a speaker talking about radical Islam on the 2nd, now they serve as the bulk of the protests happening here. They've always stayed isolated in their own little social bubbles until now.
  15. What I found especially hilarious was seeing some facebook post about someone in Commiefornia wanting to riot and fight against the system to the point I imagine they'd want a few guns. It wasn't just protests, since they were telling you how to avoid government tracking, to wear masks and gloves, and never to name other members in public. Sucks when you already took those guns away from yourselves, doesn't it? :^) I'm taking comfort in the fact that we won't see TPP happen, which in the long run likely would have been worse I think. I don't recall his specifics at all, but from what I recall hearing in a speech of his, he wants to cut money used to work on global environmentalism and spend more in the states instead. Depending on the size of the cuts and how much money is moved home, how much this matters could vary a good bit.
  16. Now you really have something to fix! I'll get back to the other half sometime tomorrow probably Looks like I originally screencapped the wrong area. The option isn't there for me regardless.
  17. No, I'm fully aware of how to find the User CP. I do have my own location set after all. Should probably just send me a screencap of where exactly it is in case it's not enabled for me for some reason.
  18. Is there some way for me to change my member title to something beyond advanced member? I'm hoping no blood sacrifices are needed
  19. My uni is in rural MO, so local salt levels were low. There certainly were people talking about being upset that Trump got it, but nothing amusing Meme war service ribbon for those who have earned it Talking to some Hillary supporters last night and earlier today, plenty of them still seem stuck in the mindset that the US is being taking over by women-hating, minority-lynching hicks. I'll admit I wasn't around much at the time to know how it went down, but I can't help trying to compare these sorts of leftists to how the religious right was. I imagine one thing Trump had going for him was people were getting tired of the PC culture shenanigans and decided enough is enough.
  20. Google is telling me Hillary isn't conceding tonight. I'm stingy with my upvotes and am tired from staying up to follow this and accidentally upvoted instead of quoting you. Enjoy The Peso had an obvious reaction during the 3rd debate as well. I am kinda sad that I won't have this election to follow for entertainment anymore, but I'll be able to ease myself off with the reactions people are having at least.
  21. I wonder what percentage of people will actually follow through with their threats to leave to Canada
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