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Sturgeon's House


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  1. Tank You
    Priory_of_Sion got a reaction from LoooSeR in Post Election Thread: Democracy Dies In Darkness And You Can Help   
    The authors of the that poli-sci journal study disagree. I'd suspect an "anti-voter fraud" website would like to promote the idea that voter fraud is large enough to change outcomes of national electoral results. I'd also be skeptical of the think tank that looks like it is basically one guy who was convinced by the Bible's factual accuracy to become a Christian. 
  2. Tank You
    Priory_of_Sion got a reaction from Sturgeon in Post Election Thread: Democracy Dies In Darkness And You Can Help   
    The authors of the that poli-sci journal study disagree. I'd suspect an "anti-voter fraud" website would like to promote the idea that voter fraud is large enough to change outcomes of national electoral results. I'd also be skeptical of the think tank that looks like it is basically one guy who was convinced by the Bible's factual accuracy to become a Christian. 
  3. Tank You
  4. Tank You
    Priory_of_Sion got a reaction from T___A in Post Election Thread: Democracy Dies In Darkness And You Can Help   
    never forget

  5. Tank You
    Priory_of_Sion got a reaction from Sturgeon in Post Election Thread: Democracy Dies In Darkness And You Can Help   
    never forget

  6. Tank You
    Priory_of_Sion reacted to LoooSeR in The Saudi Arabia is a Backwards, Laughable Shithole Thread   
    Google translation:
    In the name of Allah and the Sunnah of His Messenger, and on hearing and obedience, we ask God Almighty for security and safety for our beloved Kingdom.
    This is too good to not share!
    @Sturgeon, @Priory_of_Sion, @Scolopax, @Bronezhilet, @Donward, @Meplat
       So, when Burger King, Netflix, Apple and Amazon will pledge their loyalty to His Majesty Trump the 3rd?
  7. Tank You
  8. Tank You
  9. Tank You
  10. Tank You
  11. Tank You
  12. Tank You
    Priory_of_Sion reacted to Scolopax in Giant Squids and other Cephalopod Business   
  13. Tank You
    Priory_of_Sion reacted to LostCosmonaut in General news thread   
    Also, Kurds are tired of this shit.
  14. Tank You
    Priory_of_Sion reacted to T___A in Panem et Circenses Thread   
    So this happened the other day:

  15. Tank You
    Priory_of_Sion got a reaction from LoooSeR in General news thread   
    Saudi Arabia & Bahrain cut off diplomatic relations with fellow GCC state Qatar and have closed down their airspace and seaways to Qatar. 
    This follows some hacked emails showing UAE diplomats working with US think tanks about trying to get Qatar punished for not being fully on the Iran-hate train even though Qatar does fund its share of Salafists who routinely murder any Shia they come into contact with. 
    Edit: UAE follows 
    Edit: An alternative theory to this that doesn't center around Qatar being buddies with Iran, which they don't seem to be, is that Qatar is way more lenient towards the Muslim Brotherhood which is hated by the rest of the ruling parties in the region. 
  16. Tank You
    Priory_of_Sion reacted to Ramlaen in General news thread   
    Kind of displeased with how little attention this is getting in the states, I mean it's not like the Philippines was part of the US a half century ago or anything.
  17. Tank You
    Priory_of_Sion reacted to Ramlaen in General news thread   
  18. Tank You
    Priory_of_Sion got a reaction from Ramlaen in Post Election Thread: Democracy Dies In Darkness And You Can Help   
    It is almost as helpful as the Paris Agreement was. 
  19. Tank You
    Priory_of_Sion got a reaction from Belesarius in Post Election Thread: Democracy Dies In Darkness And You Can Help   
    They're going to try to take us all out with them 
  20. Tank You
    Priory_of_Sion reacted to Oedipus Wreckx-n-Effect in I like turtles   
    Listen, this is just how my pond is. You can't ever get a straight answer from it, and that's fine. It's still more emotionally stable than most of the members on this forum. 
  21. Tank You
    Priory_of_Sion reacted to Oedipus Wreckx-n-Effect in I like turtles   
    Always loved snapping turtles. I used to catch box tortoises as a kid, and I remember when soft-shell turtles were plentiful in the lakes where I grew up. But Alligator Snapping turtles take the cake in the "What the FUCK" category. 
    I once showed a picture of an alligator snapping turtle to my girlfriend at the time, who grew up in El Paso. She thought it was fake. 
    Ever wonder if someone would be stupid enough to allow a snapping turtle to bite them?

    Same guy, I think? Though this time he does it with a cast? This one is staged, I think. 
    This video is near my home town, which is hilarious and amazing.
  22. Tank You
    Priory_of_Sion reacted to LostCosmonaut in Post Election Thread: Democracy Dies In Darkness And You Can Help   
    Because this is SH news, FAIR AND BALANCED, here's a dumb environmental thing; http://shanghaiist.com/2016/11/24/smog_free_tower_sucks.php
  23. Tank You
    Priory_of_Sion got a reaction from SergeantMatt in Post Election Thread: Democracy Dies In Darkness And You Can Help   
    A completely unfalsifiable position that doesn't really care what is true and false is really cute, but completely worthless. 
    If you come across something that actually debunks 150 odd years of science, let me know. 
  24. Tank You
    Priory_of_Sion got a reaction from SergeantMatt in Post Election Thread: Democracy Dies In Darkness And You Can Help   
    15 times
    Fuck that crowd then. 
    Well there's a couple established ways the climate changes, with these 3 being the major global drivers of climate. 
    solar irradiance orbital perturbations  atmospheric composition  Solar irradiance has, on the average, been fairly steady over the past couple decades 

    The earth's orbit has been relative constant over in this modern era too and thus there's no reason to suggest that warming is caused by shifts in the earth's orbit. 
    So that leaves atmospheric changes. Sulfate concentrations (which have a cooling effect and where behind the global cooling scare) are going down and GHGs are increasing in tune with temperature. 
    In the past, solar irradiance & orbital changes were the triggers for climatic change with CO2 levels increasing following the initial warming and thus exacerbate that initial warming. Today we have an initial warming that isn't related to those things, but warming does match up with CO2 
    When the poles were ice free, yeah
    That is why
    Well, if you include the positive feedback loops, it gets really complex, but its also alarmist to talk about a runaway greenhouse effect. 
    I used to be extremely skeptical of climate change a couple years ago. I changed my mind based on rebuttals I read. I had to agree with the I Fucking Love Science crowd, but they bumblefucked into being correct about something. 
    By hating these idiots so much on every other issue, it must be impossible to accept that they can be right about something huh? 
  25. Tank You
    Priory_of_Sion got a reaction from SergeantMatt in Post Election Thread: Democracy Dies In Darkness And You Can Help   
    I thought you wanted to know why it is believed that its human CO2 emissions that are behind elevated CO2 levels. 
    So you wanted something like this?
    My sarcasm is that the leap in logic needed to say an increase in a gas known to increase temperature will increase temperature isn't a leap at all. Saying its just a correlation is just dismissing. 
    I didn't watch Lindy's video. So I don't know what you mean at the time. I still don't know exactly what he means when he's going on about there's no linkage between CO2 and warming temperatures. 
    That would help, but having the world's entire plant biomass increase CO2 uptake by ~8% seems rather daunting in my opinion. 
    These are good opinions. 
    Having modern ecosystems and human civilization to adapt to Miocene conditions within a century or so seems problematic. 
    Its a tactic that's carried over from the evolution vs creationist debate that has become habitual. 
    As I noted, the 3 degrees is a conservative estimate based solely off CO2 emissions and doesn't touch on all those feedback loops that aren't that well understood, from my understanding, regarding how much warming they'll cause. Besides a moderate 3 degree increase would put us about where the Eemian interglacial was at its absolute peak where sea levels were 20 feet higher than today and when hippos thrived in the Thames. 
    I say it every 5 times a day 
    I think you can tell the difference when you get to know their opinions about nuclear energy and GMOs. How many actual geochemists, climatologists, etc do you see on TV talking about this? None. You get fucking Bill Nye and you get rather poorly written articles in pop science magazines/websites. It's honestly not that different from most other fields of science in that regard. 
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