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  1. Tank You
    xthetenth reacted to cm_kruger in The Enema Thread (Moderator: Tied)   
  2. Tank You
    xthetenth reacted to EnsignExpendable in Japan Claims No "Forceful Coercion" of Comfort Women   
    If you're going to drop a bomb these days, the least you can do is call it "the bass".
  3. Tank You
    xthetenth got a reaction from SergeantMatt in 2016 Presidential Election Thread Archive   
    That's minimizing huge differences in magnitude.
  4. Tank You
    xthetenth reacted to cm_kruger in Aerospace Pictures and Art Thread   
  5. Tank You
    xthetenth got a reaction from Sturgeon in The Star Wars General Discussion Thread   
    One thing I'm glad to see less of in the SW greatest hits album is that some of the more stupid flourishes in the duels where people would turn their backs on their opponent while still in saber range. The prequels were full of that, and it was stupid as hell to see.
  6. Tank You
    xthetenth got a reaction from LoooSeR in Aerospace Pictures and Art Thread   
  7. Tank You
    xthetenth got a reaction from Scolopax in Aerospace Pictures and Art Thread   
  8. Tank You
    xthetenth reacted to Scolopax in Aerospace Pictures and Art Thread   
  9. Tank You
    xthetenth reacted to CrashbotUS in Estrogen and danger   
    The only issues I see are mainly physiological and deal with bone mass and the likelihood of increased stress fractures in females under a combat load. These types of injuries make you combat ineffective and decreases the readiness of your unit.

     For the Army at least,  aside from a few specific jobs (11b, 18x, 19d, and 13f) repeatedly carrying around a bunch of heavy stuff (which is when the bone mass situation arises)  isn't really an issue, so females should be able to hit the ground running in those. 
  10. Tank You
    xthetenth got a reaction from Sturgeon in Contrivance, Thy Name Is Clarke   
    If you're going to make such a thinly veiled allegory the least you could do is actually make the problems anywhere near similar what your allegory represents.
    A squadron of silverplate superforts has about the combat power of the 8th AF and was in fact deployed in parallel with conventional formations.
    He's tilting at windmills with an imaginary weapon because they pose an imaginary threat.
  11. Tank You
    xthetenth reacted to Mohamed A in Aerospace Documents Collection Point   
    Here's a bunch of stuff:
    Guide on using E-24 in MiG-23ML Part 1
    Guide on using E-24 in MiG-23ML Part 2
    Supposed digital transcription of Mi-24V(P) Pilots notes
    MiG-21Bis Performance Analysis Tumanskiy R-25-300   Luftwaffenmaterialkommando GAF T.O. 1F-MIG29-1 Flight Manual MiG-29 (English)   SU-27SK Flight Manual Part 1   SU-27SK Flight Manual Part 2   ICAS2002 Congress - Generations of Su-27 Fighter - Mickhail A. Pogossyan, Mickhail P. Simonov, German I. Zagainov, Alexy Z. Tarasov - Sukhoi Aircraft Design Bureau, Russia   Aviation Week September 24 1990- Su-27 British Pilot Report (1 of 2)   Aviation Week September 24 1990- Su-27 British Pilot Report (2 of 2)   Russian performance charts for many planes   ---   Vulcan B MK. 2 Aircrew Manual   Hunter F.1 Pilots Notes   Sea Hawk F.2, F.B.3&5 and F.G.A.4&6 Pilots Notes   Sea Hornet F.20 Pilots Notes   Venom FB.4 Pilots Notes   ---   Mirage 2000C Manual   I'll do US stuff later. 
  12. Tank You
    xthetenth got a reaction from Belesarius in World of Warships THRED   
    The Myoko mission is utterly horrifying. Whoever thought a mission predicated on hunting down rare enemies that can pretty much disengage at will was a good idea should be defenestrated onto whoever thinks that kills in a game with HP pools should ever be the means of gating progress on anything whatsoever.
    I've been trying to get my last eight destroyers, and in the span of two nights I've only gotten three of the fuckers, and have gotten about fifteen kills stolen from me. Meanwhile I shot down 100 planes in three runs of the bogue.
    Oh well, at least I can use the time to think about more disparaging ways to refer to the OSHA safety magenta tramp stamp ships.
    Also for those who don't know, fighters have a manual attack like torp bombers and it murders planes. Fun!
  13. Tank You
    xthetenth got a reaction from Collimatrix in The Saudi Arabia is a Backwards, Laughable Shithole Thread   
    Please. Rightsizing.
  14. Tank You
    xthetenth got a reaction from Tied in Interesting article about the costs of expanding Special Forces.   
    It was. The history of the eastern front was written by the Western Allies as a weapon against the USSR and vice versa and we spent the next 45 years quibbling over alternate interpretations of history (and a few other things). The NATO bloc won, and now we've got a history of WWII that was written as a weapon against the USSR.
  15. Tank You
    xthetenth reacted to Brick Fight in Estrogen and danger   
    The original point was kind of lost on me. This is like when two Redditors detract from a topic and start yelling about who is more "logical" and likes "rational" things better.
    A good soldier's a good soldier, and if the Army can deal with it, and get its rape/harassment shit together, I don't see any particularly negative effects of this.
  16. Tank You
    xthetenth got a reaction from Sturgeon in Interesting article about the costs of expanding Special Forces.   
    It's a longstanding Kratman thing, and he seems to be largely immune to evidence.
  17. Tank You
    xthetenth reacted to Walter_Sobchak in Interesting article about the costs of expanding Special Forces.   
    Too bad the guy entirely misses the point of what the SS were really about.
    The SS were not "elite" in any military sense.  They were elite in the eyes of the Nazi hierarchy because they were considered politically reliable.  Sort of like Saddam's "elite" Republican Guard.  They were no good at fighting, but got better toys because the boss could trust them.  
  18. Tank You
    xthetenth got a reaction from SuperComrade in Egregious Aviation Safety Violations   
    For reference, Pinnacle 3701 is the one where a ferry flight's pilots decided to take their plane up to the maximum altitude by setting their autopilot to too aggressive a climb, overrode warnings until they stalled and their engines flamed out. With six airports they could have reached without engines and having recovered from their stall. They then went to restart their engines and didn't actually check they were going fast enough to get the turbines going fast enough. They then told ATC they had lost one engine rather than the two they had, and after spending the altitude they needed to reach their emergency airport trying to restart their engines, which were locked by that point. By that point they tell ATC they actually lost both engines, they didn't have enough altitude to reach an airport.
    They finished their airmanship display by attempting to land on a lit road and crashed the plane.
    This is also the place for:
    The DC-10's cargo door, American Airlines 96 and Turkish Airlines 981,
    Japan Airlines 123 and the world's shittiest repair job, which used two different plates with two and one row of rivets rather than one plate with three rows to fix a cracked rear pressure bulkhead,
    Air France deciding that they could wait to replace pitot tubes with a freezing problem until routine maintenance and Air France 447, which combined that with a crewman who just wouldn't stop pulling back on the stick and other crew who didn't manage their information properly all the way into the ocean,
    isn't it?
    Honestly the scary one is the last, because I'm pretty sure that airlines still aren't doing good long flight simulations and training workflow for a three person crew running shifts.
  19. Tank You
    xthetenth got a reaction from Toxn in Interesting article about the costs of expanding Special Forces.   
    I've got to say there is little in this world as reassuring as listening to people you disagree with on politics discussing what they think about the course of things.
    On the other hand, it's really disconcerting how easily watching people making the sort of disingenuous arguments like Kratman's one that Toxn cited reinforces the beliefs they argue against. Even though I know that's the mechanism by which people convince themselves that people like me hold demented strawwomyn views in lockstep (and is in fact the mechanism by which Kratman probably arrived at his social views), it's easy to fall into without care.
    However, his point on the special forces is right, you can't skim all the cream off the top without being left with too little cream and a bunch of white water.
  20. Tank You
    xthetenth got a reaction from LostCosmonaut in Egregious Aviation Safety Violations   
    For reference, Pinnacle 3701 is the one where a ferry flight's pilots decided to take their plane up to the maximum altitude by setting their autopilot to too aggressive a climb, overrode warnings until they stalled and their engines flamed out. With six airports they could have reached without engines and having recovered from their stall. They then went to restart their engines and didn't actually check they were going fast enough to get the turbines going fast enough. They then told ATC they had lost one engine rather than the two they had, and after spending the altitude they needed to reach their emergency airport trying to restart their engines, which were locked by that point. By that point they tell ATC they actually lost both engines, they didn't have enough altitude to reach an airport.
    They finished their airmanship display by attempting to land on a lit road and crashed the plane.
    This is also the place for:
    The DC-10's cargo door, American Airlines 96 and Turkish Airlines 981,
    Japan Airlines 123 and the world's shittiest repair job, which used two different plates with two and one row of rivets rather than one plate with three rows to fix a cracked rear pressure bulkhead,
    Air France deciding that they could wait to replace pitot tubes with a freezing problem until routine maintenance and Air France 447, which combined that with a crewman who just wouldn't stop pulling back on the stick and other crew who didn't manage their information properly all the way into the ocean,
    isn't it?
    Honestly the scary one is the last, because I'm pretty sure that airlines still aren't doing good long flight simulations and training workflow for a three person crew running shifts.
  21. Tank You
    xthetenth got a reaction from Belesarius in Estrogen and danger   
    I'm going to derail the current tangent cheerfully.
    This is a really good thing. There's the obvious SJW stuff about the weird social context the draft is in as a sort of price of citizenship, but there's something that most criticism misses even if you accept the postulate that women are biologically unfit for combat (because of some physical limitation that can't be expressed in terms of physical limitations, because women can't handle it, because men can't handle it or whatever).
    The modern military isn't just the infantry, there's a heck of a lot of tail to back up the teeth these days. Firstly, every person who can go into a tail job but not a tooth job that frees up someone who can go into both to take a tooth job is every bit as good for combat ability as someone who can do the combat job. Second, tail jobs these days require a bunch of specialist skills and education at an aggregate level. The more access you have to the full human brainpower pool in your country the better. That's also one of the places where the military may very well need to get a whole bunch of people who would be crazy to not go into private industry, and nobody's going to say that women are somehow totally incapable of doing intellectual labor even in a place like the US where there's a huge disparity in the proportion of American women in computer science compared to those from other nations. I wouldn't be surprised at all if experts in things like computer security got drafted way out of proportion to the overall population if we get in a war where conscription matters.
  22. Tank You
    xthetenth reacted to Sturgeon in Aerospace Pictures and Art Thread   
  23. Tank You
    xthetenth reacted to Collimatrix in Aerospace Pictures and Art Thread   
    A helpful video explaining aerospike nozzles:

  24. Tank You
    xthetenth reacted to Collimatrix in Aerospace Pictures and Art Thread   
    Does anyone know what this is?

  25. Tank You
    xthetenth reacted to Tied in Food and Putting it in Our Faces   
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