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Everything posted by Meplat

  1. Looks like one of those fancy gizmo splitting wedges.
  2. Not sure why Russians are worried about what looks like some middle aged EM, who is more likely than not, looking at porn. "Bulletproof" glasses. Wearing a fucking beret. FFS Iran.
  3. Or enough, throughout the whole of their miserable existence.
  4. It's being restored, right? Cause I'd drive that daily if I had it.
  5. No kidding,especially since they omit that Abe basically did the same thing. Koi tend to be semi-underfed, and HUGE. The two of them basically dumped what amounted to my offering a half sleeve of saltines and a bottle of water to this whole forum. I have a small pond with 9 "comets"and in two months they have all doubled in size. I'll have to start culling in six months.
  6. Huh, whodathunk. Background checks work on GIGO, good guy with a gun on hand beats Cops ten minutes away, and "folks are getting fucking tired of the "gunz-r-eebil" spin". Shitlords will still try and spin this event as an example for more gun control. Note them, and vote against them. May the almighty fuck be upon them.
  7. Had an odd one today. Ignition coil on my 03 Dakota just up and died, while it was running. Was using the old guy to shuffle some barricades while a crane took down a huge antenna where I work. Anyhow- OE, 300+K miles on it, just never had a coil just up and die like that. Replacement was ~30.00 (and made in Poland).
  8. Ah, what usually fails is the heat-sink holding the coil to the "base", and rust forms between the two. Results in wacky coil behavior. Good luck, sometimes smaller shops do a better job.
  9. Somewhere I have the FSM article on this masterpiece. It is amazing.
  10. How about shipping arms and support based on freedom and independence? Granted,a radical thought, but...
  11. WT is fucking up models again.. No shock. That Browning needs to be on a skatemount, on a ring, similar to what one would find on U.S. transport vehicles of the era (and later).. What they portray is an "expanded" vehicle mount propped up in an improbable position.
  12. Anything past PzKfwIV/ T34/ M4 , I could give a fuck less about. If Gaijin stopped at late WW2 tanks and refined, I'd be happy. But NOOOOOO Now we have ATGM's... For Fuck's Sakes.
  13. I'd hope the M8 is "rare" cause if it were common it's be "Well done".. (Yes terrible joke) Okay stlill, WHAT THE FUCK. Again with a vehicle I know in and out, and it get's utterly assfucked... Yep it has a 37mm gun, but it's also fast. VERY fast and VERY quiet. shy of a few maps It should be a decent low tier killer, but noooo. GAIJIN.
  14. For ~2/3 years I was happily tooling around Phoenix in a '53 M38A1 with the fullr adio set in the back. Zero to 50 in never, but wow was it fun to curbstomp truckers running linear amps with it's huge fucking boat anchors. switch to "high " and listen to the engine strain to provide power for the big transmitter, and near three meter whip. Still amazed the FCC never got me, but I was very selective. Also, it had a siren. That was fun as well.
  15. I like Roadkill, but their junk is my "daily driver".
  16. Meh, I'm drunk and "listening" to Sabaton, so.. (Yes, it's more background noise than music.. If I get REALLY drunk, the pipes come out. And the Patton Sabre, and the No1MkIII, and it's huge fucking bayonet. ) But for now I know I "have"to work tomorrow, so it's Sabaton, maybe some Turisas.
  17. Looking back, not that the brits did much better, but in order of "Old ammo I'd shoot", it's "US", "USSR", England", and "Everyone else". Really, Kraut ammo was pretty fucking awful.
  18. probably should have just fucking AFK camped. Might claim this next time. No, no such thing as observation posts in WoT, just shrubs that TD/s heavy want to occupy in lieu of lights/mediums. Wish I could run a flame tank. I'd set most of my team aflame and spam "firestarter" before a well deserved ban.
  19. I've had a similar "thrum", one was caused by a worn slip-joint, the other was a U-joint that went tits up. If greasing the bits makes it go away it narrows the search. Given the slip-joint issue was on a M-37, I decided to just keep it fudged full of Lucas XHD grease, since it rarely saw 55 MPH.
  20. Check the driveline. You may have a slip joint getting sloppy, a worn U-joint, or the carriers for the T-case output flanges getting sloppy.
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