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Posts posted by Meplat

  1. 29 minutes ago, Oedipus Wreckx-n-Effect said:

    My favorite part is when they launched the red race truck and just nose-dived. 


    That's like... 40k worth of work done on the truck itself. For racing. 


    And the guys that jump them have two giant tires weighing down the bed so that it sits flat in the air.

    Some day I need to see if I can find my Super 8 vid of a "tug of war" between a M37 and a U404 UNIMOG.

    Oddly, the M37 won.

    By a massive margin.

    Granted it had a bed full of water tank, but still.

    It stalled out the Benz, and drug it around like a rented whore, basically saying "Fuck yo portal axles!".

  2. On 8/20/2018 at 10:23 PM, Jeeps_Guns_Tanks said:

    I've started a newish project, a novel about a P-38 pilot with the 5th Air Force, during the fighting in New Guinea. 

    "Doorknob Five -Two".

    From there I can't help much. But I have loads of tech on the P-38. (And I can really bore you on the J47.)

    One of my grandfathers really knew that plane.  Went in the USAAC in 1938, and retired in 1968 as a CWO4.  He'd held an "A&E" since the early 30's.

    He won a bronze star as a mechanic, for keeping P38's in the air under terrible conditions in Italy.

    He also had some association with the RAF "Eagle Squadrons", but was still in the USAAC and working on the Mosquito and Spitfire. (Never got a solid answer).

    I remember some Brit guys visiting when I was VERY young in the early 70's.  I was just happy (at the time) that they talked to me about Spitfires (I'd seen the BoB movie ).

  3. 12 minutes ago, Oedipus Wreckx-n-Effect said:

    Amazon just dropped off my new radiator for my Tacoma. Found a crack in the old one. It lasted for 20 years so I can't complain too much.

    Shoddy QC!. I can count the number of radiators I swapped in my Toyota, and have four fingers left!

    Over one million miles, on the same radiator.  (And alternator). Those 80's toyota trucks were fucking stout!

    (Find the joke)

  4. On 10/10/2018 at 1:12 AM, Toxn said:

    That could be because I'm not the only one who gave up on air RB.


    Shit I gave up on RB and full sim long ago.

    I even had the gear to pull full sim (other than the VR shit)..


    The relatives/friends I played with have toasters for PC's so they could not have managed those modes even after I quit pub games (due to teleporting aircraft).


    On 10/10/2018 at 3:01 PM, LoooSeR said:

    Somebody on reddit is busy making those things.




    WoT premiums in 3...2...

    Coming soon to Warthunder, once the Boris and Natasha obtain sekrit documents from Moose and Squirrel.

  5. On 10/5/2018 at 11:50 AM, Xoon said:

    I was simply making sure that people understood that he had mental illnesses,  apart from being trans. 

    I don't really care about whether or not it is a mental illness, not really worth discussing with left wing fanatics (Note: Not calling you a left wing fanatic). They are only 0,1% of the population, I have better things to worry about. 


    Obviously, this means we need MOAR GUN CONTROL.

  6. 20 hours ago, Ramlaen said:

    "“Simply put, the ATF refuses to comply with federal open records law,” Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton said. “The ATF has withheld records for over three years concerning the Obama administration’s shady attempt to institute gun control by restricting ammunition instead of guns.”


    At this point, the FBI, Secret Service, Federal Marshals or similar not raiding the main offices of the BATF and arresting people is unacceptable. 

    Disband, arrest and deport, or admit to the nation that the BATF and all involved are now "repulsive and odious varmints of the highest order" and thus open game. 


    Every dealing I have ever had with the BATF has left me feeling the need to bathe in bleach and rubbing alcohol. 

  7. 21 hours ago, Donward said:

    Reuters article which actually recognizes that many gun owners and organizations aren't happy with the NRA and have formed their own state-wide groups to do the heavy lifting supporting the Second Amendment.




    These groups have become increasingly active in promoting a pro-gun agenda in many states, unafraid of alienating lawmakers who waver on gun rights. In many cases, they say they would rather lose a legislative fight on principle than compromise and support a watered-down bill.

    At times, this can put local groups at odds with the NRA, which some see as too willing to give ground on the most aggressive pro-gun laws in state legislatures, said Greg Pruett, president of the Idaho Second Amendment Alliance, which formed in 2012.

    “It’s always kind of interesting when you see a lot of people in the gun control community talk about how radical the NRA is,” said Pruett, whose group organized an email and telephone campaign to pass a 2016 Idaho law allowing people to carry concealed handguns without a permit, also known as “constitutional carry.”

    “There’s an entire movement on the other side of the NRA ... We’re done compromising,” he said.

    The NRA was not founded to do what the duly elected legislature swore to do.

    People seem to forget this. 


     It started to promote the exercise and promote the use of of the right, not the preservation. That was something that evolved, as this nation's government devolved. 


    Any member of the government who violates their oath of office, by infringing on any part of the bill of rights needs to do serious time, if not learning to tap dance on air with a length of rope around their neck. 

  8. 4 hours ago, Toxn said:

    Gotta love when the guy who plays War Thunder for a living is like "what the fuck are 109-F4s doing here?":

    He then proceeds to get his ass handed to him by two dudes who know the bare rudiments of BnZ and baiting.


    Edit: which, fair enough, is partly just him getting unlucky and getting a maximum uptier (rank 2.7 vs rank 3.7). But there is also realistically nothing he could do against two half-competent dudes in F1s (rank 2.3) either, so...

    He's usually pretty good on calling "bullshit", and this is a good example of generally fucktastic MM.

    I suspect some times/days the game is scraping the wood from the bottom of the barrel to make teams.

  9. On 10/4/2018 at 4:28 PM, EnsignExpendable said:

    There is vid of the  M18 I used to deal with, blowing people's hats off.  It was not a gag,  it really caught them unaware.


    "King Shit" though is still the PAK40 the Hamiltons restored , that set the noise muffs on my camera aflame, and corrupted the SD card . (Maybe it anschlussed it)

    Yes, I was a bit too close.

  10. On 10/1/2018 at 5:03 PM, Scolopax said:

    Some stuff I took this past weekend.








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    There was also an early Mercury Cougar there that looked pretty cool, but I didn't get a worthy photo of it.





    That is a very clean ElCamino.

    That it still rolls a six-jug is classy.

  11. 47 minutes ago, Walter_Sobchak said:

    Honestly, I'm not all that big on fairness these days.


    Face it, Republicans got played on this Kavanaugh issue.  It doesn't matter if you think these women are telling the truth or not.  The Republicans take damage either way.  If Kavanaugh gets voted down, they have to find a new nominee after the midterm elections.  If they push it through, they further alienate female voters, particularly young ones, a demographic where the Republicans are already quite weak.   I guess they should have vetted the candidate better...

    At this point, the Christ himself could have been presented, and I assure you, there would have been everything shy of a rabid squirrel turning up to claim some sort of unsavory encounter, for their fifteen minutes.

  12. 2 minutes ago, Sturgeon said:


    I also want to treat Walt fairly here, but he's making it really difficult. I really want to know where "the Conscience of HAV" went.


    Nobody here expects anyone to be happy that their candidate for President lost, but this?

    I'm seeing it.

    Had some who would not talk to me for a long time, when I said "No I did not vote for the Wicked Witch of the South. Why would I?".

    (Then things broke.).

  13. 1 minute ago, Ulric said:


    So at your next job interview can I make false accusations against you to make sure that you don't get the job? Also, are you familiar with the concepts of slander and liable? How about the concept of common law? Critical thinking?


    Presumption of innocence is a legal standard because it comes from a cultural standard. I love all these people mindlessly crowing about how presumption of innocence only applies in courts, without thinking about the ramifications of what they are saying. Presumption of innocence in the courts means nothing if it does not exist in society at large. We have gotten a taste of what it looks like over the years, and it's been a very bitter taste every time. The presumption of guilt is a direct product of prejudice, when the judgment is handed down before the case is even heard.



    A lot of that is going right out the window, in this age of social media.


  14. 17 minutes ago, Jeeps_Guns_Tanks said:

    Yes, Walt seems to think the political power the Republicans used, the kind given to them by voters fed up with Obama's shits, to stop him, is evil and wrong, when it was just politics, and is exactly the same as smearing someone as a rapist when you have had that power taken away by the same voters. He gets his talking points right from the DNC and has said he is fine with their tactics. 


    I'm not going to join in on the "lets rib Walt" session.  A lot of my family are die-hard (AKA "Blue Dog" Democrats).

    I'd just point out that within my lifetime, we had a Republican president who was a real piece of work, and another who was basically a seat warmer.


    (But then we had Carter. Poor Jimmy.).

  15. Just now, Sturgeon said:


    I more meant that I'm kind of terrified that people are going to start shooting at each other.

    You mean en-masse.  It'll take a lot more than what we've seen to set that firecracker off.


    Instead we'll just get a bunch of "onsies-fivesies", that are not far removed from being false flag ops, to plumb the depths of U.S. voter apathy and indifference.

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